"Speaking of which, a lot is happening now, that His Highness the Millian Rune of this kingdom has given us the nickname 'Beloved Demon Race'?

"Well, then we need to try to be loved more. Atakshi needs to figure out how to sell this machine into the castle first. 'Cause it's weird that you came up with something, right?

In fact, the only thing I came up with was that it might work with it, and it was supposed to be the Whipley-centered researchers who systematized the area, doing research under Ronowell and his subordination.

But the fact that such a backyard exists is also difficult because it does not rose that there is a nutmi behind Anya, one of the Largo troops.

"But whoever comes up with it, can you say it's powered by magic made of magic water generators?

That's right. It would be more difficult to explain what the energy source is said to be than who thought it was.

"No, I wasn't thinking about that.

"By and large, how is magic water made? Currently, under Samijina's guidance, we select from among the wipleys those who excel in such abilities, and thoroughly educate in the creation and maintenance of magic tools within the village of examples.


That said, if you're developing one thing or another like this somewhere, you really should only have about that location.

"We came together in that village to do it, so we had met crackling at the 0100 selected from the Hundred Squad, but we were wearing glasses, saying that we had lost sight of it because of too much study.


"Even they said they didn't know the energy source of the Magic Water Generator. Nonetheless, he said that the research and development of magic tools on which he relied is in a hurry. Hey, you know Natsumi, don't you?

That would be a distracting piece of information to let everyone know. It is content that can only be leaked to the remaining demons who, at least, offered Lago a faith similar to their own.

I thought it would be a good idea to leave it here, as a nut for one of us, that we don't know because of lack of information.

"No, Ataxi, you see, is allowed to suck blood in front of such a secluded area, to some moderation, so I'm oblivious to what you say...

"Really? Too bad.

"More than that, what shall we do? You said you made something useful for human society, but I'm in trouble.

"Something - then why don't we make something fictional.

"A fictional one?

"Yes, indeed, in Mr. Cross's report, the nickname he received from His Highness has also been twisted, and Mr. Cross is a dragon man, my captain Mitsu. Mother is a superman, and if so, the Lord is judged to be a Divine Dragon.

"Ha, yes. I'm pretty sure Crabby and Dragon Man are in the gang. You're really going to get complaints from those guys who attacked you. The Dwarf, the Lord's favorite Mesopota, was deliberately made to produce such a result. So?"

"Take advantage of it. Why don't you just tell me that Mr. Anya was introduced by Mr. Krasabi to the men in that mountain house and that there's a route like that, so that Mr. Krasabi's buddy, Mr. Cross, is planted with a non-exhausting source of energy with dragon claws and fangs?

"I see, but if it breaks down, and there's no such thing, I'm in trouble. - There's probably only liquid in there.


Natsumi thinks his mouth slipped, but barely said 'blood' to put his chest down. But I had to escape.

"Oh, maybe. Because that's what I heard.

"So dragon pee? No one's ever seen it before, so why don't you just do it?

It was the leader's proposal, but one of the 0123 associates complains.

"So boiling water, isn't it hard to drink?

"Oh, then let's say blood! Nobody's seen it anyway.

It's a dodgy nut, but is this also evidence of the existence of something called heart in the nut? I'm about to get blood from my face, but there's no blood in the nuts in the first place.

"Right. That means the Lord's ass is jerky, right?


"Even though you're the Demon King, the blood - hahahahahahaha.

Everyone is laughing off in the hot water, so I laughed and showed them the nuts too, but their faces would have been tight.

At that time, the anomaly occurs at the same time that several people have flipped into the water.

Once again, an uninvited intruder emerged from the hot water. Now four times what I just did. And they're all big.


"Now I'm a man! No. - Moron.

"Oh, it's a woman. That's young, too.

"Be quiet! I wouldn't take it to my life if I were a grownup.

"You just have to let me do it. We've been...

I don't mind letting them do it, but they smell like a bloody demon.

Seeing how such men were doing, Natsumi spoke out when she realized she was not just a human being.

"Oh, aren't you vampires?

"Oh, why are you talking about us!

"Who are these guys?

"You guys. Maybe a vampire in the king's capital, huh?

"How did you get so far...

"Atakushi is one of Nami and Kumiko's people. Call me if you want to.

That being said, the vampires shrunk up and lowered their heads.

"Uh, no, I'm sorry about that.

"Give me a break. We actually...

They were remodeled as drug enhancement humans in Ganjin's lair and vampired the survival of eight bodies that attacked the Yaskos. In one example, he was sent to a completely misguided place at the behest of Ganjin and Mahiroya, where he learned from the Mahiroyas, who had departed from the devil tribe, that he had been abandoned. Unlike them, vampires who did not choose to be voluntarily tied up with a false curse of life, arguably slaves of blood, were understandably not worthy of trust as companions who betrayed the Demons and fled.

But the thread from the demonic tribe that was in service was also cut off, and when he learned of the circumstances in the letter, he said he was wandering because time was running out and he had no means of joining the Mahiroyas. No one would have forgotten, but the SS lurked underground so that the witches would never know about the survival of the Demon Clan, thus completely losing the chain of command and making it tiny.

Since they were originally strictly tutored by the cummies so that they would never be known of their existence, only the orders were kept and the journey was only at night, sleepovers were kept in the woods in the mountains, energy relied on the blood of the birds and beasts, and when they approached the river tonight in search of water, they sensed warm water flowing, and when they came to rely on it from beneath the river, the voices of all the young women, their sudden gushing lusts, and their lusts for blood, they entered through the drain.

Natsumi, who has been drooling and dissipating pheromones from time to time, reflect a little in the 'mind' that he had just realized earlier that his voice alone would be responsible for many of them.

"So you guys have nowhere to go or work.

"Then, 0123, why don't you guys take them? It's just fine. The escort soldiers were there for you, weren't they?

Then Donjani decided to go as a deduction, and I don't think it would be a problem to have the rest go to the terror group in Aradia.

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