[In hell]

Swuriya announced plans to let the three Saturday Tuesday Wednesdays carry the cyber Viscounts and numbers with their appraisals, and to proceed with Mariachi and Michisane to catch a meteor who had somehow acted suspiciously and heard the circumstances, before flying to the entrance door of the eternal prison, but Mariachi was surely worried about Swuria's solo actions. At that time, I heard that the preceding Largo and the others had been sent by the Salamandra God, and I changed my policy again. Realizing his own incapacity, he decided to gather what he wanted to imprison, and then the policy was to throw him round to the totality of the group. At that time, Marici pushes the weapon recommended by the number, that the former Valkyria had, against the reluctant SURIYA. But when he found out that it was Suulia's family, Shakra's favorite weapon, the Vajra pestle, he flew after the meteor.

Defeating Satyrus and able to reunite with Mitsu, Largo receives a report that the Meteor's boss, who brought Mitsu, is with the Cyber Viscounts. Worried about the mental attack on his companions, Largo instructed Yoshinaka and the others to rendezvous with the Cyber Viscounts, and met them at the entrance to the next hierarchy, where they were taken and flown away because of yada with the mites riding the meteor.

Diekichi succeeds in reading a secret message from Lagon's pasteboard, which he deposited just before the showdown between Satan and Lilith. Though Largo didn't admit it, its identity was that of a Divine Dragon, and it was content to awaken by getting the first milk from Dora, who is in eternal prison. Dirkichi has doubts that Largo, the oblivion of the Demon King, does not recognize his identity, and is left with anxiety that may give birth to something more hateful to mankind than witches. But Cockatoo, whose pasteboard knowledge forced him to confess he knew how to get into eternal prison, jumped in with Mitsu and Largo where he was set to face Margaretta. So Largo hears a greeting from Dirkichi with the evil spirit Lilith, confused by the fact that he can't read the hearts of ghosts who are surprised to see the mites. But there's something wrong with Deekichi's attitude. It felt a grip between a sense of anticipation for Largo, a Divine Dragon, and an ethic that made it false to say a grudge against God, deploring his powerlessness, and also refraining from reading his mind. Together, I also hear that the wreckage of the lagon was taken out of prison, but I give it up as broken and stopped. They then hear that Alessandro was the son of King Jardaba, or that he is pessimistic, he is put alive by Hayaji, the late of Tao's former subordinate. From the boy's deceased Kagelow, the number was his sister at the same time as the former head of Shadow Xu, and besides, the problem of the moon was Deanna, the evil god who expelled Serene, the goddess of the moon, who pulled back and forth knowing that the solution was expected of him. And Largo confronted Cockatoo, but the mites and meteors that interrupted there also do that backing, and Cockatoo also understands the anomalies that are happening in hell. Lago then told him that Valkyria was being taken away to eternal prison and waiting for help, and that he had left Cockatoo to ask him how to open the door, but he did not accept that Lago was a Divine Dragon, and that his proposal to break the chain with eternal prison was rejected, and that if he were a real Divine Dragon, he would be packed to try to discern the true identity of the Cockatoo, rewritten into the eternal prison system, but Lago, who still cannot fully use a thousand eyes, would not be interrupted and read by another personality Cockatoo, and would be chased down as if he were a non-Divine Dragon.

But there, on the way to pursuing the meteor, Sulya, who had bogged down by calling the Satyros he had found his opponents a weapon test, interrupted the scene of a confrontation between Largo and Cockatoo to describe the identity of Cockatoo as Indra, the family of the missing gate. The hidden memories didn't clearly follow even the Shakra favorite weapon that I came all the way to carry, but my original self wakes up from the Error One pet love that Yumeka called for. Indra was then safely freed from the prison system, believing in Largo, but was grimaced by the recoil, so after Largo read the spell of the door to eternal prison, Swuriya and the meteor took him back to the Hellgate.

Largo and Mitsu, who broke up there, add Error One to the Satan team and Hayahusa who followed it, one on Saturday, and Friday to the entrance and exit with the next tier, which served as a rendezvous point. Along the way, Mitsu left to recover Rem and attempt Satan's resurrection, which was to follow as soon as he recovered. Silent, Diekici said he would greet Marici and Viscount Cyber in front of the rendezvous point and preceded him, Kagelow also hurries to reunite with his sister. After the rendezvous, Marici tells us that besides King Jardaba, there are powerful enemies such as Bafomet the Mage and Deanna the Evil Goddess, and that there are expectations from Salamandra God in correcting the rampage of eternal prison, but he manages to confirm the joint front with the Marici, painfully saying that the expectations are because he misinterpreted himself as a Divine Dragon. While questioning that Mitisane, who flew there to lift the silence inhibition, had returned without seeing a ghost shadow, Largo declared to everyone his departure for the final hierarchy.

In that shadow, Dirkichi, who had left a message from Satan to Largo, managed not to let Largo know the truth, but plotted whether there was a way to get back to earth only by awakening the Divine Dragon's abilities.

[On the ground]

Hatsuna, ordered to honeytrap her inexperienced to provide information to the men that the witch had brought, finally turned to the authoritativeness of its path, Natsumi, for guidance. With detailed guidance as a result, the recap brilliantly served the role of a whore who plays a part in Operation Shockeye Rescue.

Aradia, the witch of the day, gives up everything by the tsunami caused by the inheritance of Galenos, who is resistant to the repellence of the Holy Springs, thinking that the lair has been destroyed and the island of Caxie has been seized. While I was on my way home myself, the energy-efficient crow only told me the date and time when the king's fortune had been set, as I let the demon crow, who was not comfortable flying on the watch of the kingdom, fly to the border to connect to Shockeye and give instructions for chocolate purchases.

Before the good fortune to be done on the day of the king's life, Sir Leold came to Lilyn, the true king of the royal castle, and cut out that he had learned of the existence of something called the heart nucleus from the way in which he gave his heart to the demonic tribe he had recently examined. True King remembers the last appearance of the previous Yang King, immersed in regret that the king of the times had tried to leave his heart nucleus in place of his life because of the prosperity of the pulse of the kingdom, and Kagai, the head of Shadow, feels the work of Kagezu, the head of the previous Shadow, behind him. Then the heart nucleus became the subject of equipping itself as a bracelet and other superhuman abilities, and an insane conversation began with Lilyn, the true king with suspicions of physical relations, to Sir Leold that he saw the same ornaments as Krasabi, which he could not see without approaching in the dark in the earlobes of the mites.

On the day that Anya and Lord Hahnnan travelled to Wang Capital, Natsumi was organized to serve as a caddy to the newly constructed Platoshal Ground reserved for women, deliberately welcoming 10 of them on foot in the villa. Requested by them, we all immerse ourselves in an open-air bath just made by Natsumi along the river. There came Hamachilda, who happened to bring a half-fish prince, and was spotted by a prince with Largo's candlesticking between his eyebrows, the identity of the Devil's clan, and the disrespectful 0175, touching the prince's wrath, was ice packed with the moves of a savator-conceded brave. Natsumi divulges the wicked skill of the witches after the fortune of His Majesty the True King because the prince offers all he can to repay the kingdom. After the princes left the scene, Natsumi asked 0123 about the necessity of leaking information, but he dared to tell the safe zone, 5 km away. At that time, Natsumi blossoms into the story that the Demon Nation actually has a heart, too, when he talks nasty about naturally being malicious because he is a Demon Nation or being gentle and natural under the guidance of Largo. Ronoweh thought that the actual location of the showdown would be where the line would narrow through the canyon in front of him, and he also knew that the chi masks, etc. were in a hurry to buy up oil for the fire. Meanwhile, the problem arises that the nuts have revived the water boiling device, but not the identity of the magic water generating device. 0123 suggests that Anya lies about making use of a part of the body of the Divine Dragon Largo, which she gave through the crab, and settles on the assumption that there is blood in it, but then there will be bloodshed in Largo, the Demon King. The nuts that know the blood is flowing, which is a testament to the vulgar demons in Largo, are tight, but now the vampires who were with the gunzines have broken in.

Yasko, who was in charge of leaking information to the colorist Donjani during Operation Shockeye Retrieval, was still sitting as a residential maid at the home of the guard's deputy secretary Zaknen. Yasko decides to give Zakunen his new ability, "The Overlapping of Toughness," as he confessed that Zakunen was promoted as the platoon leader of the King's Survival Guard, which will take place shortly, and that there is also a danger to his life.

Astleto and Erigos, who went out to the door of the transfer of Made Coffee of the King's Capital in order to meet Ronouet, reaffirm the prophecy by confirming the circumstances at the time of the fall of Euskalio and the Castle of the Demon King. He was spotted by one of his maids, Krutiza, when he met Erna, who knew Largo even more, and tried to get the two of them to camouflage him to Buell's lair. The early morning city will be fussy, but the two pillars survived by Erna's drive head to the Buell Inn.

Back in the lab, Jamon talked about Largo, the Divine Dragon, in an attempt to help reunite Samael, exposed the vices of the witch Aradia, and offered Samael a lagon-type automaton after asking and receiving pleasant consent to help the Millins go to rescue in eternal jail. In the vague lodging of the Wang capital, Samael, who challenged to meet with Ronoweh and Buel, was not trusted by disclosing that Largo was a Divine Dragon, but convinced by the intervention of Astleto and Dantalians possessed by Erna. Moreover, along the way, Yuscario, who was pulling a luggage truck with Erigos' helmet, is told that the guards have taken him to the garrison, and Ronoue orders its early rescue. Furthermore Astleto is condemned by Jamon Samael for showcasing the future prophesied by Giro's fruit, but Jamon is caught by the word Despair, previously heard by Largo. Astleto then exposes the last sentence and asks Ronouet for a way to inform Largo, but when he is assured that the Residual Demons have no hitter, Erna gives his name to that messenger, and Geimon realizes what Largo's ambition is. Upon hearing that, Samael and No. 14 announced their participation in the prison.

On the day of his fortune, as an escort to His Majesty the True King, who went out with Sir Leold in the smallest offering from the earliest morning, Cross, who went out to the tomb of the prince of the hill behind him, received a request on the wipline to turn his hand to the rescue of Euskalio and Erigos, who had been imprisoned just before him, but he could not take his move. I have trouble contacting Yasko because of that, but Deputy Secretary Zachnen has been canned since last night in preparation for his departure. The consultation led me to ask Sir Leold, who is close to me, to take it on with pleasure.

[From eternal prison]

Krasabi, in eternal prison, learns from the shadow beards and hanakagi who helped him up in the cage that he and Milin as well as Lagon had been sent in by Aradia, and that the dragon and the discovered Lago were teaming up to help him. Moreover, Largo was a handsome human-type Divine Dragon, and lizards were judged to be its "Divine Angel Animal (Familia)," Cross was a Dragon Man, and Mitsu was a Superman, but the identity of Krasabi is something that should not be separated from others, uh-huh. On earth there appears a being that has wiped out all the remaining Whipley 6000, and in hell he learns that King Jardaba and the evil god Deanna are in the dark. Though on a difficult journey, he believed that the Lagos would soon come to help, and rescued Dora with the concurrence of the two Shadows. Help out of Nirvana's coffin and receive demon-specific communications from inside Dora, whose body feels frozen. It was Galenos, who had penetrated the body and protected it with a freezing technique in order to alleviate Dora's suffering. Galenos, whose memory was incomplete, had some doubts about his actions and the falling factors of the Demon King's Castle, but he made Krasabi ask how he had mated, knowing that Dora's plan would bring his heart and love Dora, who had made up his mind to fall here for the universe.

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