Yukimo and the Fight - Ingredients The Devil Tribe Loses Himself to Differences

Largo gaze reveal (~ until the day before the signing ceremony)

Largo is born with the death penalty proclamation of "eat it" in his eggs before his birth, and with Satan's magic he is put on a Madante Planta collar to seal all his powers, as well as losing even the memory that he must be born with.

I was born and woke up. The place is in the royal castle of the kingdom, where I exorcised the demon king and restored my peace, and it is offered that I was born out of the eggs of the demonic redemption, as the pet of His Highness the Princess Milian Rune of the next king, who sacrificed his brother during the battle. Yusukalio (whose real name is Yuda), the former servant of the Demon King's Castle who plotted it and brought him into the royal castle, is taken as the caretaker of Largo, and is informed from Yusukalio's mouth that his identity is the demonic race that the kingdom is believed to have attacked and exorcised with the thought of death. As it happens, Largo, who by the power of his collar has passed through several Demonic examinations and is officially recognized as His Royal Highness's pet as just a rare lizard, reaches a junction by Demonic origins and thought ability and awakens to clairvoyance. But the fact that I was intelligent and able to have a conversation, I even lay low on Yuscario, who made the Demonic Manifesto, hoping that even I would live my life in peace as just an unusual lizard.

But while he has just been guided through the royal castle as a favorite of His Highness, Largo will face two events that will radically change his destiny. One is that Largo, who wants to find a staff member called the missing Daijitsu from the mosquito (Kamar) that approached him when he came out on the roof of the royal castle and, if possible, live a steady life in a matter that has been talked about to become the flag for rebuilding their kingdom, ignores this once and for all.

The other was the absence of the Demon King and the lack of food for what seemed to be Antai to cross the winter this winter, including the fact that the Dark Syndicate was moving to feed the kingdom that was no longer threatened by the Demon King, and other signs of the presence of the kinky border lords of neighbouring countries trying to make His Highness ours, as well as the declaration of war by the belligerent giants, and more importantly for His Highness Milin, there were numerous problems where the awareness of his brother Alessandro remained unclear and he did not even know what kind of capacity it was.

But awakening to the power of being able to manipulate magic tools on a stroll within the royal castle, Largo returns to his Royal Highness's breeding cabin in the royal castle courtyard and is blessed with the good fortune of obtaining an abandoned automaton near that cabin. Largo, who managed to make use of this to get in and out of the cabin freely, bathes in the hot spring of holy water, a taboo of the devil tribe while the junction wraps itself around the junction for the good of passing the heat, but at that time he is drawn to the voice that is called out of the sanctuary and patrols with the Holy Spirits and wizards who live in dependence on this sanctuary. They taught that Largo's clairvoyance was a power called a thousand eyes, and found that the strange established knowledge that came and went from time to time was because Largo was a peculiar person who had been reincarnated from another world. I would then like to thank you for using that thousand eyes to diagnose Alessandro, Milin's brother, sleeping in the basement of the diocese, and to give him the title of Officers by the Holy Spirits. Together, he asked me to help him in the future, and I was deposited in large quantities of money like money that had been thrown into and accumulated in the Holy Springs by the power of Krasgord, so that I could use the power of Holy Vein Movement at any time.

Then I was listening to one mouthless Kamar, who I thought was a liaison officer, trying to take in the help of Milin and the Holy Spirits, who is likely to be the owner of the knowledge and wisdom of this world, who talked to me and who suddenly is about to extinguish suffering for the first time when my heart was known. Asked because it was a demonic tribe exposed to the repellence of the Holy Springs, Largo saved the stunned but dying Bloodsucking Demon Whipley number 9037 (Krasabi). But even among the demons that it is normal for it not to bleed under it, Largo is pointed out to be a vulgar fall. Nevertheless, Krasabi, who was saved from extinction, said he felt beneficial to Largo and could use it in good faith. Besides, it turns out Krasabi is mistaken for being the fall of the demon king who destroyed Largo. Already the heir of the Demon King knew that Margaretta had stabbed the stomach to extinguish it, and Largo, hearing that many of the remaining Demons would settle if II were dead, planned to make the Demons dear through the Krasabi, pretending to be the Demon King II, for the sake of the kingdom's security.

For this reason Largo dresses up as a successor, threatening a Whipley executive that there are thousands, and rallying all his troops in a buffer area with the habitat of a giant mammal (monster) away from the king's capital to draw monster blood and plot to extend his life. When he manipulates a homunculus automaton lagon with a thousand eyes and a coppel to take the crusty and heartfelt companions as SS in an obscure lodge in Lower Town, the only top-class capable man of his self-proclaimed no daughter, named Mitsu, cuts the fire and is able to establish the highest loyalty of the Demon Nation from everyone without understanding the meaning. He then replenishes the SS with energy, exorcising the unitota chimps who had been intruding when Mitsu was healing the wounds he had received, and the master of the inn is also a slave, Lagon flies out to the city of Mitsu and Wangdu. On his escape journey, he got to know Unitota and his hostile dark face, Tao, and was taken out to the Platochal (golf) course in the buffer zone he runs. The lagon, liked by Tao on its way, plays mixed up with a golf party that was missing one person, making the movement of the automaton's body his own. And after the play, after the nobles we played with returned, we used the power of the Whipleys to save the Taos from the attacking Unitota and the scary drug enhancement humans. Mitsu and Lagon were told by Tao, who saw the two as strong men, that their friend Orton was in distress in Moates, a port town in a neighbouring (republican) country that separated the sea, and Orton was entrusted with the bat he kept and asked to manage to help him do so.

Largo, who was then in the King's Capital, was taken by Milin to Sir Leold's residence, where he learned of the existence of library metal that could dramatically improve the intelligence of the Automaton, and said that when they fly to the temple of the Holy Spirit Gnome to obtain it, the Holy Spirit would call its inventor, Dwarf, so he would keep as his liaison the only cross of the SS with Holy Springs resistance. Millin used to keep it in the mansion, and now one of the eggs laid by a red-legged snake of a height whose father Sir Leold takes care of him in the mansion for hatching, he had promised to let a mother snake, who sees with a thousand miles of clairvoyance that an abominable red baby would be born from a human being, and mourns that she would be killed as soon as she was born, flee to such an untold foreign country. In order to make this wish possible, Largo, who was thinking of getting Lagon out of the country, undertakes Tao's request and is entrusted with a letter of introduction to the lord on the road, as well as public gold coins that can be used abroad, and decides to rent the office where the incident took place as a place for the SS, in addition to being sent to the King's Capital to obtain an identity card.

Just then, Milin, who tried to return from Sir Leold's mansion to the castle, was attacked by an assassination unit led by a Mafia executive. While using the junction to buy time, Largo calls Lagon, who had already returned to the King's Capital, letting him wear a replica of armor that says the brave man in the treasure trove of the royal castle, the size of which is affordable, destroys his enemies in the name of the kingdom brave and helps Milin.

This assassination began, and the royal family will be seriously committed to the extermination of the mafia, and with the help of church troops stationed in the kingdom for the Crusade of the Demon King, will decide to march with Millin to the recapture of Bokovo, the royally administered harbour town considered to be in a state of occupation.

Going to the Dwarf temple with the news that Dwarf Mesopota, who would provide library metal, had ascended, Mesopota seemed to be flat-headed and afraid of Largo. When asked, Cross told Largo about his disrespectful attitude mesopota, just after he just got bumped. Even so, the Holy Spirit is admired like an idol instead of the way he blames the cross. I was given the title of their Dominion Master by treating that cross as a companion, and I was expected by the royal family and the Holy Spirit to guard the kingdom by discerning that Largo was a kingdom brave. So he succeeds in letting Cross be his liaison with the royal family and essentially his protector as a replacement for Margaretta, the best protector of the royal castle who travels with Milin. In this one, I learned that the allegiance of the souls sworn by the Holy Spirit and the level sworn by the SS, including Mitsu, to Largo were the same, that they swore allegiance even if they were to be corrupted by a terrible place called eternal prison.

Largo divided the SS into three garrisons, Lagon and the King's Capital, and as he prepared to leave the King's Capital, including enslaving the remnants of Unitota to join the rest of the Whipleys in beekeeping and monster hunting, he forced reluctant Krasabi to wear a magic seal collar to protect Milin on his journey, concealing that he was a demon, and gave Mesopota the magic weapon he had been asked by a cross who had made him recommend this.

Traveling one foot ahead, the Lagon line became a leap hero with the honor of being awarded a prize by the Republic for increasing the number of his companions and sweeping the Mafias out of Moritz and Bokovo, while helping others and mafia exterminations, such as the nobleman and the prince of the half-fish who had been abducted, who were about to be exposed on the road of the journey, and in the port of Moritz, the Lagons helped the captured townspeople out of the bomb damage of the Mafia's placement.

Meanwhile, Largo, who was taken by Millin, is thanked by the mighty men of the half-fish nation who helped him, and he is asked to hide the secrets of Largo and contribute to speeding up his journey as a waterfront guide for Millin's ship. Arriving unexpectedly early, in Taduka, the territorial capital of the Duke of Hahnnan, he healed the duke, who had been drugged by the Mafia's sending pet princess Anya, vampired Anya and drew her into his companionship, and Largo was also active in stopping the assassination at the Duke's residence, which Mafia officials wiped out. You'll be leaving one nutty who vampired you as a mafia retaliator and a guide to Anya who just became a demon clan, but nutty special moves will be essential for the Duke who lost the power of drugs.

Milin is a taduka, who neither seeks nor finds a magician who uses the revival moves of the dead, and thanks to her former slave identity, Anya, who used her former days as a whore without being found out, her magician's qualities are known. Together, Mirin reflected on her own ignorance of slavery, fuelled by stories about Kaimen as a menstrual substitute for surviving the woman's moon from Anya's experience.

From the information obtained at this time, I thought it suspicious that the alchemist who made the magic tools that the Mafia was offering to the Duke's house, and when Lagon went to meet him, the person was the biological parent of Lagon and the alchemist Jamon, who is said to be the best automaton maker in the world. While Largo mingles with Jamon through the Lagon, he conceals his identity as a demonic clan who looked like a lizard, gives advice and deepens his trust in the security of automatons, etc., and is asked to retrieve the automaton that was taken out by capturing his former apprentice, Dirkichi, who brought out two automatons from Jamon.

On the other hand, we were provided with a magic water generator that drains water containing magic, operating in isolation from Lagon's energy engine, so that we could use this as an energy source for the remaining demons in place of honey. Honey will be in the sight of the True King in conjunction with monster hunting and will be allowed to be sold on the Tao route and accepted as a protection against protein shortages over the winter. At this time, after hearing True King's mourning, Cross proposed to build an underground warehouse in the abandoned village and return the grain taken over the winter, which should have been sent to the warehouse at Demon King's Castle.

In the ruins of Demon King's Castle, where a whole Millin line has stopped, Millin is delighted that marine resources have been protected by breaking the energy-defunct Satan junction and infiltrating the castle, asking Classgordo to draw in the Sacred Veins, so that the Holy Springs also sprang up on the island's wreckage, to maintain a strip of inland waters like the southern sea. It was inhabited by Kaimen, a material for women's hygiene products and the knowledge gained by Millin on the journey.

Around this time, one after the other, the executive demons of the Destroyed Demon King are found remaining on the coast, in the King's Capital and elsewhere. SS infiltrating the Royal Castle and the King's Capital knew that the Demon King's II was also said to have been poured during the Demon King's Crusade, but it was believed that the Demon King had tailored the Lago Shadowmen as soon as possible in a cross proposal, and that was how it was explained to the demons.

To house the medal awarded in Moritz, and a weapon that even children can possess without being blamed for their abilities, Yoyo is developed at the hands of a clever lagon as a capture tool and distributed to SS just before crossing into Bokovo. In Bokovo, which crossed the sea with the Ortons, a plan was launched to put the eggs held by the Lagon back under the Mother Serpent by placing them in the Automaton, with the wisdom of Jamon, who had brought in the recovered Automaton, because the eggs near hatching had been broken and the red double-legged serpent had become visible by encountering the arrow tip, Deekichi, which was about to be officially exported to the Republic, and the appearance of milin at a young age was chosen so that it would be easy to dive into Sir Leold's residence. At this time, the fact that he made Alessandro's face exactly for practice and explaining the problem makes him the source of the incident that happens later.

By drawing the Holy Springs to the island, Largo is sniped at pinpoint but defeated by the detached demon Kato, who lived in the same inland sea. Because at the same time he freed the Holy Spirit Undine clan of the sea that was under his control, he is also entrusted by them with the title of Dominion Master, while at the same time he is entrusted by Hayahusa, descendant of the dragonman who was with him in his action, with a ring to make his identity, and even worshipped by Buel, the demon who was watching it. But the victory was due only to chance to Largo's ignorance. Later Largo is accepted by offering the kingdom with a service to oust the monsters of the outer sea so that the Undines can entrust him with the protection of the Holy Springs of the former Demon King's Island.

The Church Army, which then tried to march to Bokovo, marches without being stunned but active knowing how the cleansed Bokovo was doing, leaving some of the Church Army behind to return home.

The Millin line, which broke up with the Church army in the port of Bokovo, was to come to this as the representative of the royal family, apart from Sir Leold and Viscount Cyber, who rushed to sign with the pacified republic and the security pact. However, on the occasion of Sir Leold's boggling in, he was able to have the automaton (Lovelin) picked up with a red double-legged snake in its natural form, via the accompanying cyber villains and mites.

Starting with the incident that took place around Yuscario, Largo flies to Yapan, where he finds out that the witch and the Mafia's hand are reaching out for that milin, to side with a spiritual, even a thousand eyes, difficult to see, in the Far East island country of Yapan, where Satan he stumbles upon. In Yapan, he succeeded in bringing back several spirits to help defend his people, including Yume, by helping a spirit named Michisane, who refreshes the Spirit. Taking the mistake of a mafia mastermind witch who seems to have caught an eye on Yuscario and Mitsu backwards, to prevent the simultaneous multiple terrorist attacks on the mafia that have struck Bokovo, but the red double-legged serpent lurking in Lovelin, mistakenly grabbed for Sir Leold's daughter, is woken up and surprised by his covert abilities, heard in a post facto report that an outlaw has come and driven him back to the shore of the former Demon King Island, where Astleto take his own initiative Cross has struck Astleto defeat the giants who have attacked the kingdom, not to mention to the enemy capital and surrendered. There he suddenly came to Bokovo, crying that Jamon had let go of the automaton that had regained Alessandro's ego, which was unconscious in the king's capital.

And finally, the day of the signing ceremony arrived.

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