Yukimo and the Fight - Ingredients The Devil Tribe Loses Himself to Differences

Annekdot 9644 (Cross) Part 1 Crisis of Whipley's Annihilation

9644 ─ ─ Cross is a solid hatched in the same pot as 9037 ─ later Krasabi - produced from a clone made by cloning, based on a weight mite demonized from Kamal (mosquito) by the hand of Demon King Galenos at the Demon King Castle in Galenos. But the truth is not known to the Crosses, and there are many that believe that individuals hatched from eggs laid by mites, other than Squad 100, are grandchildren ecology laid further.

Moreover, since the crosses are one of the pots in which the mite's milk stopped turning when hatched from the eggs, and one of the 100 that were in the same pot that received blood directly from the Dora for nourishment, when transformed into a demonic tribe, they express Dora's blooded silci ─ red on its body; 9037 is all over the body, but the cross is the head, especially the eye. Cross, mainly influenced by Dora's blood, developed eyes and brains. On the other hand, the body, which was not adequately nourished before awakening, became much smaller. At present, the stature of the cross after the placement of the Imperial Castle is 13 years old in the previous life of Largo, but in the first place, the body given to the cross was only the size of a silf-class goad. Then you can't even recognize me as a working demon.

After 10,000 calves feathered at Demon King's Castle, he was informed that numbering related to the naming would take place, but the brainy cross pride did not allow him to give 9999 and so on, which would not do him any good.

(That said, the demonic world is a strength battle. In this tiny body, magic retention can be considered less than human in appearance.

Cross, who thought so, thinks how to cover it, whipping it into his brilliant brain and squeezing his wisdom. Apart from the distinctive moves that Cross could use at that time, the ability to think backed up by a clear brain - - more than the Demons - to attract and allude to a multitude of races, the ability to deceive and deceive, and the ability to connect, albeit insignificant, even those that do not look like whipleys with a common ten-mile eye, were to some extent visible. For example, pulses, nuclei, junctions, etc. are clearly visible.

Because the magic that can be retained at once is also mini mini size, the size of the junction that can be tensioned was also mini. Still, however, growth and magical accumulation make it possible to combine smaller parts to create a thin ice-like junction shaped to the size of the current degree of cross physique. By adjusting and carefully shaping these parts, projecting his body onto them, and mobilizing his full ability to conjure ahead, he succeeded in perceiving himself around the demonic body of his stature. Because the demonic body is a product of magic in the first place, I even imply to myself that there is no big difference in trying to get that body through transformation or making it through surgery. Even so, the reality is harsh, and at the time the numbering will be spoiled by the last seat of 9644 because of the inability to move freely the body just made in the junction, or the lack of offensive power that prevented Whipley from exercising other powers while joining the junction.

(You don't appreciate the clarity of a hard to quantify brain, intelligence ability, etc., even earlier in the nail.

Because Whipley also has basic abilities such as fascination and slavery due to blood sucking, as well as arm power compared to other races, it was thought that twisting with force would not do any good, such as the ability to conjure or imply.

When the years pass and rumours echo that a new generation of demon kings, lurked as a menace to mankind's unso, will be born as a legacy of Galenos, Cross constantly alludes to the body made of his own junction, reaching a level until everyone assumes that the body is the changing figure of Cross. Even then, the refined Cross had barely been able to fight freely with a body made in the junction, powerlessly, by the time the demonic armies had been dispatched since the beginning of the demonic history of seizing the sacred vein of the kingdom.

And in the days leading up to marching out of Demon King's Castle and reaching King's Capital, a few hatched from within the same pot get in touch, and finally a mutual aid group of 24 bodies can be created. It consisted only of those who had been assigned to disposable cut-off units that were not confident in their ability to fight, and who, as a matter of policy, could promise to give their lives, and at the same time mutual assistance of their fellow citizens, more than a directive from above.

Double the people--no, the Demons double the patience, 8450 with tough flesh--Yasko (hereinafter referred to as SS) takes the leadership, handing out what appears to be less than or equal to Hatsuna's weak solids backwards, with Cross in command and backwards support, which means that anything above takes formation in the avant-garde. Yasko, Hanako and Kumiko, who had Nanako and Hayami confer the spirit of fast granting and indomitable, are in the front row, and nine others are behind them, but Naoko and Nazm in particular seem to be in support. When Cross asks Heiji to put his trash on him and let Clay build a weapon and hold it in the face of the rear troops, he puts Yaya and Hatsuna by his side to form according to avant-garde support Naoko Nazm.

Finally, 20,000 demonic soldiers surround the main circle of the kingdom, a unit of fellow soldiers whose mixed forces of kingdom and ecclesiastical armies go to a glimmering battlefield. The cut in by the Yaskos is spectacular, and when the body, which includes Musashi and Kozillo from behind, creeps in, a human who has challenged a weapon immersed in holy water leaps out and sprinkles holy water with patterns, etc., and the allies suffer a splash of holy water and collapse in total. When Cross allowed Hatsuna to turn right back until just before the holy water splashed, he slowly moved time to Yaya and himself jumped out to the front line to stop all his companions and suggest retreat. At that time, even if the original repudiation and allergies of the Demonic Nation cannot be suppressed in the holy water that falls from the back, the cross, where the splash touches the body, realizes that it is itself resistant to sacred attacks.

Am I an unso demon? No, unlike other demons, it's a projection of the body into the world, naturally.

Even so, he temporarily disrupted the command of the human force by making Yayoi turn to his enemies as far as possible by deciding that minutes would be bad if he fought the mortals of the wax alone, once he pretended to feel repellent in the splash of holy water, and at the same time causing Yayoi to develop a phantom of monster appearance, causing Nagari to order him to retreat with the voice of the enemy commander, or causing Kumiko to temporarily rule and defeat enemies that looked defenceless from the sight in front of him, while he temporarily disrupted and mahi the Chickmates of Hanako. Without being branded as an enemy escape because of being watered down, first of all, the companions who were able to retreat backwards, but within their small ability to retain magic, they were exhausted with only a few assigned magic powers. But by joining forces and gaining a lifetime of sudden death, the 24 companions found the importance of helping one another, which could be considered unrealistic to the Demons.

After the retreat, it becomes more and more horrifying to feel the repellence that strikes the jitters erode themselves, either because of the gap that creases up in the parts, albeit outside the junction, or because of the body that remains alone in the holy water. It's just what my demon nucleus feels, and I found that the repellence of holy water attached to me also affects the demon tribes around me, but this time made me realize that Cross says that the repellence of holy water only affects the demon nucleus. When I immediately draw a line to my little demonic nucleus, I feel its effects disappear like lies. Having thus overcome the crisis of holy water, Cross even deceived the mind of fear that came from his instincts by assuming that he had the ability to resist the repellence of the Holy Springs originally, like a demonic but rumored heir.

At the same time, we can all manage to survive by using the energy of the received holy water to connect to the demonic nucleus of our companions around us. At this time, I realized that connecting that energy to holy water, pulses, etc. outside could stretch the boundaries. Of course that will be as long as the energy holy water has, and the lifespan of the effects is known. However, at that time, there is no way that the quantity of 20,000 demons led by Astleto can have a faint human being who remembers both tiredness and hunger. We were just trying to buy ourselves some time.

But the Royal Castle invading army, which seemed dominant, disappears as soon or instantly as it hears the last words of Galenos the Demon King. Wipley's 10,000 troops also had to be scattered instantly into Kamal.

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