The battle was then rallied in the activity of the Royal Army and His Majesty was mourning where Her Royal Highness disappeared.

"Milin, where have you been taken?

Two wizards, who had been transformed by a cold-blooded beast, came because man could not see the junction, and Her Royal Highness made a statement that made him stink that he had been wrapped in the junction by Satan, along with Krasabi and kingdom braves, but had been taken to eternal prison for each of those junctions. Less so, as if it were a brutal announcement close to a death sentence. No, it was more miserable and cruel news than that.

"No! That kid is still a kid who doesn't even live in an adult ritual. And yet it's that bad. If I could take your place..."

In my tense bond, I was concerned that Buell was trying to do something about the falling Lago, and Cross, who had been stunned for a while, couldn't keep his mouth shut either.

"Sire, while I'm here, I'm sorry.

But it was a silence. It seems even more so now that His Majesty's head is tied to the presence of a cross who is most deeply related to the Krasabi and Lagon - the kingdom brave men who were taken away.

"Yes, Your Majesty the King of Serving. Haven't they taken you with them, too? Has Lord Brave died? Wouldn't you bring Millin home? Oh, my God.

Yes, Master Lagon was not an automaton to these people, but a kingdom brave man. But under popular environnement, Your Majesty, nothing can be said of a cross without the judgment of Largo.

But the story fortunately stops and disappears because one after another Margaretta and the Viscounts of Cyber have gathered under His Majesty.

"Your Majesty! Sorry!

Alessandro's automaton ran up there, too.

"Mother, His Majesty the True King..."

"Alessandro! Oh, you, why?

Surprise was natural. Hurry, now protect and move Your Majesty in a safe place and with the voice of Viscount Cyber recommending travel to the villa.

But as it is, one day Cross will always be questioned. Having considered that he could not remain near His Majesty, Cross transformed himself into Kamar, knowing that an order had been given that no one should leave the villa.

(The Lord says he won't be conscious for weeks, or months, and - what am I supposed to do?

The remaining demons, who were taken away by the witch from Krasabi and lost an absolute command tower called Lago, are on their way. One of them also had a cross.

Come on, I can tell you this far has gone too well. There is a top in the world. And we, the Demons, have a sad weakness. If you live in this world, it's something that can be easily obtained, especially by human species, or even by wizards and the Holy Spirit.

If they used that up front, they couldn't get their hands on it at all. The humans who were in the amphitheatre, who would hardly have noticed, but the holy water in the bullet of the magic gun, and the holy water that the behemoth blows out, the holy sword, were not very much what they could stand up to.

(If I didn't have that bond, my power wouldn't have allowed me to deal with three or two of those...)

Even with this cross, for a cross who isn't good at combat, I don't know how he ended that transcendent monster with the holy sword of kingdom brave men who just said he could use the same electric magic as this cross.

But even while he is troubled, Krasabi may be more than damned bitterness combined in his land, still chopping his soul into indelible pain and fear.

On the wipline, I heard the news that Lago had moved to the fishing village on West Keeno Beach for now, beginning with SS, demons and vampires, and Cross decided to hurry there as well.

In the room of the most splendid house in the fishing village where Master Largo and Mitsu are resting, it was in the evening when there was an attack on the amphitheatre much earlier than expected that the Lord was informed of his awakening by Krenai, who was constantly nursing. That's right, we all admire that the demon king of Unso is sturdy up to the inside of his body. As I thought, the Lord, who had just woken up, was concerned about the insecurity of the Krasabi and his fellow SS members, and heard that Krasabi, both Lagon and Her Royal Highness, had probably been taken away to eternal prison, or that he had to go and help his fellow Krasabi instead of Lagon and Her Royal Highness. When it is flushed with a wipline, all SS decides to be ready to put everything on. I don't expose myself to falling into such an outrageous place to save the human princess and the like who are similarly wormed, but everyone thought that even if the demonic nucleus of the devil had lived in this world with congratulations, the soul living there must be corrupt, if it could be such a wonderful companion - abandoning the Krasabi - who has rounded me to a lovely demonic king who can tell me that I have to go and help 'as a companion' without omitting myself. If you were born as a person, this would be a place of death or hell to live in, but that is far more terrifying than hell I wonder if it is sad.

Cross also hurriedly walked into Lago's room where he woke up, describing other things he noticed, following Krenai, who gave a long account of how he had been after losing consciousness. And in other words, is it true that Krasabi was taken to his land? If that was for sure, it was a difficult question during the difficult question of how we could go to help.

But instead of saying that you want to come back and there is no guarantee that you can go back, the eternal prison where there will be 10,000 people who know who it is, all mouths together and once trapped there will never be able to come back for good in the future, was nowhere to go and say that you want to go at the same time. No. Maybe because no one's ever thought of going to that place before, they just don't know how to get there. Still, SS thought there was nothing anyone knew the way to fall to that.

But if there is a God who forsakes it anywhere, it is a God who picks it up. By the will of the wizard, Jamon, who was shot with a magic gun by a witch and took his breath away, he is taught that once the evil spirit named Samael, who was supposed to be on his side, was scratched around to pave the way to the land, thinking he was a very troublemaker.

Once possessed in an unfortunate way, a newborn, double-legged snake baby, until an unfortunate accident occurred, Lovelin, who had been put on an automaton that resembled Her Royal Highness's childhood, was summoned, trying to summon her to the medium using the demon Samidina's demonic psychology. But in any way there is no sign that he will come down as hard as he can, and in the end there will be no God to pick him up. Lovelin cries and even says she wants to see her mother when she is taken away by the Land of Yellow Springs and once cannot be of service to Her Royal Highness the Princess of Being like her sister who gave her a name and tenderness to herself. The seemingly Lago gave up his means and was told he would take a break for once, but there the four great demons complain about hearing an urgent alert from Samidina to keep him in jail with a bombing sword screen. It was only Krenai who was on the spot, but no one went to his land and returned, and it is well known that Hell is only a raunchy spectacular nothingness and pain, but he said that instead of the Demon King, even the Demon God could not come in and out and the Demon Clan could not move with Picri. After the demons' departure, Cross, hearing it again, left his mind obsessed with stories that could even become Lago-like foot clumps in his land, not even thought of as the devils' work.

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