Zhen Meng opened the wristband and read the student's name aloud: "Li Jiu, Ying Ruoxue, Chen Bo, Li Ning............... Remember to report to the classroom before 8 p.m. today.

"Then, it's time for a break at noon."

"Yay xN!"

Li Jiu looked at the empty seat on the right, Sakura Ruoxue disappeared after saying goodbye from the secret realm, where did she run?

Li Jiu quickly got up and stopped Zhen Meng, who wanted to play mobile games.

"Teacher, please stay!"

"Oh? Li Jiu, what's going on? I'm going to open the black.

Li Jiu nodded slightly, and said with a smile: "Teacher, Ying Ruoxue doesn't know where to run, do you have her contact information?"

Zhen Meng looked at Li Jiu with a puzzled expression: "It's a small matter, the mobile phone number she left at school is 78433585."

"Thank you, teacher."

This string of numbers should be found on the "National Rich Women's Directory", right?

After seeing the teacher leave, Li Jiu quickly dialed the number.

Toot toot ~ I'm sorry...

No one answered? The phone didn't turn off either, something happened to her?

The identity of the inner ghost is exposed?

What to do about this?

I still need to get the first reward.

Li Jiu slapped his thigh: That's right, that APP.

"Do you use [Precision GPS navigation]? There is only one chance.


Not far north of Anlong City, the little red dot kept flashing.

What did this Fuxing Lord do outside the city?

Li Jiu didn't want to mind her private affairs, but now he had to find her.

Li Jiu immediately left the school gate and called a taxi to the north gate.

He looked at all kinds of mighty and domineering spirit pet mounts on the road, and the envious Li Jiu's heart itched.

My little fox, where are you?

Come to the bowl.

After verifying his identity and leaving the city, Li Jiu couldn't be reserved, and he immediately summoned Yuguang out and let her fly in the direction of the red dot with herself.

Yuguang is good at everything, but you can't ride.


Near the grove not far from the northern region of Anlong City, Steward Hu and Ying Ruoxue took a few masked people to negotiate intelligence here with the people of the Chen family.

Ying Ruoxue was in a very bad mood at this time, she didn't want to mix with the broken thing of [New Soul], thinking of her father's kneeling in front of her eyes crying and begging her to join [New Soul], Ying Ruoxue was upset.

She has long lost her mother, and Sakura's father is her only relative.

Ying Ruoxue was ordered by the Broken Army Star Sovereign to learn the handover work with Hu Guan, originally thinking that it was an ordinary meeting to discuss the conditions.

I never expected that the contact person of the Chen family was actually the frivolous Chen Bo?

It's so annoying! (; 'O ́)o

I really want to go back to Li Jiujun's side."

Ying Ruoxue waved her hand a little impatiently, as if to drive away flies: "This is the end of the matter, right?" I have to go. The

more Chen Bo looked at the mysterious fox girl in front of him, the more familiar he felt, and he always felt that where had this chick seen it?

This Fuxing adult's lips and skin tone are absolutely extraordinary, she must be a peerless beauty, and she must be close!

Chen Bo Chen Bo was originally the role of a younger brother controlled by the lower body.

"It's over, happy cooperation."

Ying Ruoxue looked at Chen Bo's outstretched left hand, snorted coldly and turned away.

Chen Bo looked at Ying Ruoxue's departing Qianying, he knew that the so-called Lord Fuxing was equivalent to the overseer sent by the special sponsor, and he had no real power.

His eyes couldn't wait to swallow Sakura Ruoxue and eat it.

The black-robed Steward Hu saw Chen Bo's thoughts, and he did not choose to protect Ying Ruoxue.

The neon area is just a pawn of the organization, and he knows exactly what Sakura Ruoxue is.

It's also part of the plan, he.

"Master Fuxing, the matter has been completed, I'll go and report the situation to the above first, so let Young Master Chen send you back, right?"

"No, I'll go back myself."

Sakura Ruoxue immediately refused, and she quickened her pace to leave.

Chen Bo and Steward Hu nodded slightly in their eyes, stretched out their palms and gestured a few times, and Steward Hu was also very satisfied.

"I'll wait to retire first, and Young Master Chen must ensure the safety of Lord Fuxing."

Steward Hu quickly exited with the man in black.

Chen Bo smiled, nodded and followed with the Chen family's bodyguard: "Lord Fuxing, I heard that you are a student of Lingxin?"

He smiled confidently again: "Shall we go to school together?" Ying

Ruoxue said in her heart: This person is really annoying, and his eyes are full of lust without a trace of concealment.

"Climb and climb, don't follow me, follow me again and I'll kill you."

"Oh, chick, you're really hot."

Sakura Ruoxue summoned the ice fox and wanted to shake off these flies.

"You dare to tease me? Don't put the organization in mind?

At this time, a blue-haired middle-aged uncle beside Chen Bo found that something was not quite right, and quickly said in a loud voice: "Young master, let's hurry home and regain our lives."

Chen Bo glanced at the middle-aged uncle and said with disdain: "Chen Chen, you are just a dog in my family, I have your turn to interject?"

Chen Chen quickly gave himself a mouthful and said in a low voice, "The young master is right.

Chen Bo still looked like a humble son, and summoned a new fierce wolf to follow behind Ying Ruoxue.

This chick's ass is really upturned, she will definitely be able to give birth to a son!

Chen Bo grinned and said, "My Fuxing Lord, our Chen family has further invested in the organization this time, and my status is not much worse than yours, not to mention that I just sent you to school, why talk about flirting?" "

Sakura Ruoxue doesn't want to expose her identity, or she won't be able to get rid of this sticky cowhide candy in her future school life.

Chen Bo stared at Ying Ruoxue's ass, and continued with a lewd glare: "I see that you are about the same age as me, do you want to be my girlfriend?" Chen

Bo saw that she didn't react, thinking that she had acquiesced, this kind of pretending to be a chaste and martyr girl is also rare, and the result is more than one another!

Chen Bo became more and more presumptuous, and he said frivolously: "We can exchange feelings together late at night!" "

Chen family bodyguard: 9494, marrying our young master is your blessing.

Ying Ruoxue's anger came up directly: "The tiger is not powerful, you and I are a sick cat?" "

Xiao Yan."

The little fox jumped out of her arms and transformed, and an orange fluffy six-tailed fox appeared, and with the anger of its owner, it directly smashed towards Chen Bo's subordinates with a burning star!

The fiery red meteor with high temperature directly exploded, smashing half of the Chen family's bodyguards to death on the spot!

Chen Bo also didn't expect this chick to play cards according to the routine.

Cruel and murderous without blinking.

Ying Ruoxue didn't reply and said coldly: "If you follow me again, you will be the next to lie down."

"Stinky woman, it's really interesting, dare to kill my Chen family at will?"

Chen Bo shouted, "Today Chen Ye is going to teach you a little lesson, I want to pump your ass."

"You dare?"

"What's not to dare about?"

"Little ones, give it to me! Today, the pensions for those killed in war have tripled, and the treatment for living has tripled!

Chen Bo's face was gloomy, and he pointed to Ying Ruoxue's back and said, "Chen Chen, I need your help, as long as I capture this little lady alive."

Chen Chen stammered a little, "Young Master, isn't this right?"

"Don't worry, I won't tell her what happened, I always remember the purpose of the Chen family."

"After the matter is completed, your bitter old mother's life, I will pay for you to help you treat it."

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