Li Jiu looked at the purple-haired beauty in front of him, and said with some hesitation: "Well, although I don't mind, I think you guys will fight."

"That's not good, forget it."

"Master, are you disgusting people?" Yan Wan pouted, as if she had suffered a great grievance, and she had an expression of crying.

Facing Yan Wan, who is full of mature woman's charm alone, Li Jiu finds that she has no ability to refuse her at all.

"Okay, I'll eat."

Yan Wan gently held Li Jiu's face and said softly: "Hehe, then now I'll wash you."

At this time, Yan Yu, who was holding the fire dragon doll rolling aside, gently kicked Li Jiu, and quickly urged: "Master Se, it's time to play chess, you're going to lose!" "

Grace me, eyes move.

Yu Guang, who was in the kitchen, felt that something was not quite right, it turned out that his hometown was almost stolen by Yan Wan.

Just when Li Jiu was about to taste the washed fruit first.

"Master wait, obviously I proposed it first, you should eat me and wash it!" Yu Guang immediately killed back with a plate of fresh fruit platters.

Seeing this, Yan Wan said in her heart: Che, was she still discovered?

She gently ruffled her long purple hair and smiled at Angel Wan'er: "For the sake of fairness, how about we feed the master fruit together?" See who knows his spiritual pet best?

Yan Wan's extremely happy expression was simply full of provocation from Yuguang's point of view.

Yu Guangdai frowned slightly, and with a wave of his little hand, he used spiritual power to close the entire room, and closed the bedroom door tightly by the way, for fear that the chick next door would disturb him.

Her voice trembled a little, and Sakura's lips opened slightly: "I won't be afraid of you!" Compare with each other, the last win or loss has not yet been decided, demon. "

Yan Wan stretched lazily, her bright face with a light smile as elegant as the wind;" Hee-hee, so you're coming? See who washes the fruit deliciously? "

The waves are magnificent, the waves are vast.

Li Jiu put down his mobile phone, picked up the fruit in their hands and said, "Don't argue, I'm welcome." "

Cherries are sweet, flat, can regulate qi, eat more can beautify, beautiful aspiration."

The grapes are highly nutritious and have an excellent taste, sweet and delicious.

It can only be said that five or five, each has its own merits.

The taste of apples is also ok.

Yuguang obediently fed the master, she stared at Yan Wanxin intently: Has this demon finally begun to declare war head-on? I will not lose to you in any way!

The eyes of the two women seemed to emit a special fighting intent!

Yan Yu was a little anxious, holding the fire dragon doll and whispering: "Master, if you don't play chess, what good things can you eat?" Take me one. "

It's coming, it's coming!"

Li Jiu quickly picked up his mobile phone and ate the fruits washed by the two women while accompanying Yan Yu to play games.

Effortlessly solving this little sister, the angry Yan Yu frantically beat the poor fire dragon doll.

"I'm so angry that I actually lost to the color master so many times."

"Hahaha! You better practice for a few more years and challenge me again. Yan

Yu's cheeks were slightly red, her eyes were full of puffy taste, she picked up the little jade rabbit and said arrogantly: "Today is a special situation, next time I will definitely win!"

"I went to watch TV."

Li Jiuxin said: This baby is really sensible.

"The good things you want, I have already put them on the living room coffee table, go!"

Yan Yu heard that there was something delicious, and his eyebrows were full of endless joy: "Is it?"

"Thank you, master! mua~"

♥(๑> ₃ <) ♥

She is really like a beautiful elf left in the world, otherworldly beauty, but not very simple.

It's good not to have that worldly desire.

The light bulb had already left, and Li Jiu hugged their unbearable little man's waist, and said excitedly: "I want them all!" Don't ask which one is good, just make such a pleasant decision. Yuguang

and Yan Wan looked at each other, and this time the fruit fight was tied like this.


Li Jiu was telling them the story of the Fahai battle snake demon, and the head of the feather light leaned slightly on Li Jiu's right shoulder, her breathing was very even, and she was already sleeping happily.

Yan Wan next to her noticed that Li Jiu's breathing rhythm seemed to be a little disordered, she lazily lay in Li Jiu's arms, caressing her jade fingers towards the beautiful sunset, and seemed to be saying to herself: "Master, let's help the crystal charge, right?"

Yan Wan gently stroked her smooth lower abdomen and said with a grievance: "You are full, I haven't eaten for several days."

Li Jiu took a deep breath and said, "Next time, there will be someone else next door."

The bright cheeks suddenly stretched out, squinted his eyes, but said very terrifying remarks in his mouth: "Then I'll go and kill her."

"Don't don't, Yu'er's evolution still depends on her."

"Hee-hee, I'm kidding."

At this time, the door of the next bedroom opened, and Yuguang was also woken up by a faint voice, and she looked at Yan Wan a little blankly, to see if this demon had eaten secretly?

Yan Wan's fitness trainer - Yuguang.

Li Jiu patted his hands lightly and said with a smile: "Get up, it's time to go see her, and I'm leaving for Tenglong City tonight." "

Just out of the bedroom, Li Jiu saw Sakura Ruoxue in front of her, and her body seemed to have recovered?

His face was rosy, and the previous pale feeling disappeared without a trace.

"Sakura beauty, are you better?"

A silhouette flashed and directly hugged Li Jiu, who was in a daze.

Yuguang & Yan Wan: (#゚д゚メ)

"Li Jiujun, thank you so much."

She has a refreshing fragrance on her, and it would be even better if she had a big furry tail with fox ears!

"Ahem, you can let go, my spirit pets are a little unhappy."

Yan Yu, who was sitting in the living room watching TV, was staring at Ying Ruoxue from a distance, and Gemini passively allowed her to share Yan Wan's vision.

Sakura smiled: "Sorry, I gaffed." "

Let's go, go to the living room and say."

It took more than ten minutes for Li Jiu to explain the information about the rookie competition to Ying Ruoxue.

Ying Ruoxue immediately came to a standard dirt seat after hearing this, and her voice was full of apologies: "Li Jiujun, I'm really sorry, I caused you to kill people."

Li Jiu smiled slightly: "It's not that I haven't done it."

"I'm just a little curious, what kind of skill are you, so powerful?"

Ying Ruoxue slowly got up and said in a whisper: "That's my God-given imperial technique, the imperial fox, which can increase the combat effectiveness of all fox clan spirit pets by 100%. "


So perverted?

"As for that strange state, I don't know very well, I have never been in that state." Her voice is like water, clear and beautiful.

What secrets will this enigmatic beautiful girl have?

Li Jiu tilted his head lightly and tentatively asked, "Sakura beauty, is neon fun?" There is a chance that I would like to go and see. The

black-haired beautiful girl smiled: "Neon is a very beautiful place, I will take you there to see it when I have the opportunity!" "

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