Zhen Meng was a little shocked, there were actually people late for such a big thing?

"What about Chen Bo? Where did this unfortunate child die? It's time to go!

He looked towards Chen Bo's partner, a purple-haired and strong young man, and asked, "Mei Dao, where is your partner Chen Bo?" Didn't you inform him?

Mei Dao quickly replied: "Report teacher, Chen Bo's whereabouts are unknown today, and I have notified the Chen family to find someone." "

Tonight is the sleepless night of the Chen family, playing missing as the heir of the only seedling, and the Chen family is now looking for the young master in the wind and moon places in the city.

It's a pity that Chen Bo has gone to ashes, and he can't die anymore.

"Then there is no way, Umeijima, according to the rules of the game, you can't go alone."


"I hope you understand the rules of the game, I continue to roll call."

Mei Dao greeted Chen Bo's ancestors for eighteen generations in his heart: Chen Bo I X your uncle, so pit Laozi, drop the chain at the critical time!

After the roll call.

Zhen Meng took out a small box from his pocket and said loudly: "This is the ring issued by the Spirit Master Association to each group of contestants, everyone take it." Li

Jiu opened the box after taking it and saw that there were two identical white rings inside.

"These two rings, one for the general and the other for the pawn, represent the identity of the two of you."

"After wearing it, it cannot be taken off before the end of the competition, so please be careful and reasonable in assigning your identity."

Ying Ruoxue glanced at Li Jiu, and she put the [General] in Li Jiu's hand: "According to the tactics we studied before, you are a general and I am a pawn."

Li Jiu nodded and put the ring on the finger of his left hand.

"Everyone come with me!"

The contestants lined up in turn, and Zhen Meng led the students to the wide playground of Spirit Heart Academy.

Lingxin College covers a large area, there are seven or eight teaching buildings alone, not including libraries, office buildings, welcome buildings, activity buildings, laboratories and so on.

Leader Li Jiu followed Zhen Meng, and he saw from far away that there seemed to be several figures in the center of the playground?

When the student queue approached the figure, Li Jiu fixed his eyes.


It turned out to be the uncle of the duty room?

The bosses of the duty room in the building are waiting for something in the center of the playground, they carry small horses and fans and chat while blowing the wind.

"Old Willow, I must fly faster than you today."

"Just blow it, you have been eating fart behind me back then."

"Grass, stop arguing! Lao Tzu is the fastest. The old man in charge of Li Jiu's teaching building slapped his thigh and suddenly got up.

With a wave of his big hand, a huge pterosaur flashed out in the playground.

【Swift Pterodactyl】

Grade Elite

Level Level 50

Introduction: A more common wind attribute dragon, flying very fast!

Skills: Dragon Claw Hurricane Technique Overspeed Flight Strong

dragon nature, arrogant and powerful dragon race if they find the same kind to reproduce, fertility is particularly low.

So the Yalong family was born, although the Yalong family is not a pure-blood dragon family, it is a hybrid breed between the dragon family and various strange spirit pets, but they have the ability to reproduce unmatched by the dragon family.


Li Jiuxin said: It is worthy of being the master of the Spirit Heart Security Office!

"Groove! This is the Dragon Clan? "Some students have already settled in Bengbu.

"What a fuss, Yalong."

"My mom!"

Zhen Meng smiled and said, "How can I say that you are a contestant of the Spirit Heart Academy, of course, you have to pull the wind a little when you appear."

"This dragon! It's so handsome!

The uncle who summoned Yalong stretched out and asked, "Xiao Zhen, which student am I taking?"

Zhen Meng said with a smile: "Old Chu, of course, you brought our list number one." The

old man named 'Lao Chu' looked at Li Jiu and Ying Ruoxue, and he put away the little horse on the ground.

"Come up, I will take you to Tenglong City as quickly as possible."

"Thank you, Uncle Chu."

Old Chu waved his hand and said nonchalantly: "You're welcome, I'm just a bad old man." The

six-meter-tall Swift Pterodactyl slowly squatted down its mountain-like body, and Old Chu's eyes showed his essence, and he jumped directly onto the back of the Swift Wing Dragon with a light jump.

What a horrible physical fitness?

You call this a bad old man?

A minute later.

Lao Chu shouted towards Li Jiu and the two: "Come up, it agreed."

Sakura Ruoxue smiled and took out a red soft whip from her hand, and her small hand gently waved on the ornament on the back of the pterosaur, and she flew up with her strength.


Li Jiu looked at the system space, there were no props in it, it seemed that he could only fly up unpretentiously.

The Holy Wing Angel appeared, and the feather light was indifferent and calm.

It's just that the light on her body once again blinded the eyes of the onlookers.

She gently held Li Jiu fluttering her wings and flew, and in just a few seconds flew onto the back of the swift pterosaur.

The old man's eyes were full of shock when he looked at Yuguang, and his mouth opened unconsciously.

This kid actually has such a strong angelic pet?

Zhen Meng shouted loudly below: "Old Chu, Li Jiu is the core trump card of our spiritual heart, this time we may not lose to Tenglong's group of dog-eyed guys."

"Indeed, then I'll go first."

This swift pterosaur has reached level fifty and can change its third form.

The swift wing dragon slowly got up and spread its wings, its whole body was covered with a layer of special green armor made of high spiritual power, and there was a small room made of spiritual power between the gaps in the armor of the dragon's back, which was specially used to carry people.

Lao Chu sat on the sofa in the house and said softly: "Old fellow, it's time for us to go." After

hearing the master's instructions, the swift pterosaur began to move vigorously.

The sky was spinning, and the feeling of earthquake was heard.

Li Jiu and Ying Ruoxue quickly sat on the sofa next to them.

Lao Chu leisurely cocked Erlang's legs and said to the two students: "The takeoff and landing are a little shaky, sit steady." His

own spiritual power covered the entire room, like a protective film.

This is the spiritual power enchantment that only a level 50 spirit master can use?

"Uncle, you?"

Old Chu said leisurely, and seemed to see a lot: "It's just a small skill of carving insects, I have only reached this realm at a young age."

"With your talent, it won't take ten years to reach it, right?"

Old Chu was also a well-informed old man, and he could feel the faint sense of oppression coming from the beautiful angel's body.

The black-haired young man in front of him definitely had a big master master, the last disciple of some hidden master.

Li Jiu looked at the mighty swift wing dragon, the man is going to be a dragon knight!

I really want to find a mighty and domineering dragon as a flying mount.

How pretentious is that?

Old Chu saw what Li Jiu was thinking, and he said slowly with a kind face: "Li Jiu, if you want to find a pure-blood dragon clan as a spirit pet, you must have the ability to suppress the dragon clan, and the level of the spirit master must exceed level 40, and the spiritual power strength is not enough and cannot contract the pure-blood dragon. "

Yalong's words, level 30 is about the same."

"Thank you uncle for your guidance." Li Jiu stood up.

Let's find that Firefox first, level 40 is a bit far away.

The Swift Wing Dragon had already flapped its wings and took off, and it accelerated again in the air and disappeared directly into the field of view of everyone in the Spiritual Heart Academy.

"Kids, it's time for us to go."

The masters showed their flying spirit pets one after another, which startled the students' jaws.

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