Li Jiu quickly checked the desperate map through the bracelet, and the spiritual power storm at this time continued to shrink near the location of the northern mountain salt city, and Li Jiu's current location was in the southernmost undead city on the map.

Fortunately, this distance is not a problem for Yuguang at all.

There were no demon beasts in this peerless territory, and those ordinary treasures outside the spiritual power storm had no attraction to Li Jiu.

He just wants to finish this freshman competition quickly, get the three-turn Yangyuan Pill, and then go to the Neon District to see if he can find the Firefox.

If you can't find Firefox, it's best to find a way to contract a defensive powerful spirit pet.


One time raw, two back ripe.

Under the same operation, the doubling advent effect allowed Li Jiu to easily carry the damage of the spiritual storm.

The first thing Li Jiu did when he successfully entered the circle was to quickly change into the Xuan Hei Qi, which he liked very much, and the shielding spiritual power fluctuation effect of this thing was very fragrant.

I just don't know what happened to Sakura Ruoxue? Didn't you get eliminated, right?

Li Jiu quickly changed his equipment and planned to go to the direction of Shanyan City to solve these competitors.

As he passed by a side courtyard of Fufengpo, the sky was suddenly torn apart by an inexplicable force!

Four extremely strong purple Brother Demon Beasts descended from the sky and landed steadily in this small courtyard.

Behind the beasts is a small shiny treasure chest.

At the same time, all the contestants' bracelets shone and generated alarms at the same time, and several unlucky eggs were eliminated by others because of their exposed positions!

Li Jiu checked the map and found that his location displayed an icon of a treasure chest.

This is the demon guard mentioned earlier?

Treasure brushing face?

Li Jiu quickly climbed to the highest observation deck nearby, and the other competitors had already rushed to the wind and sand circle, which was a bit remote.

He glanced at the four purple Brother Demon Beasts from a distance.

[Demon Guard]

Grade Elite

Level Level 21

Introduction: The controlled demon puppet, the attack power is average, the defense is strong, it is difficult for the same level of spirit pets to break the defense and cause effective damage skills:

healing, the necromancer returns to the realm Vacuum Splitting

From a distance, these purple big men are fierce and evil.

When they looked closer, they didn't look very smart, their eyes were dull without demon wings and tails, they were holding a thick long rod, and they walked around the box with a blank face.

Could it be that the Spirit Master Association also mastered the method of controlling Warcraft?

Li Jiu had a brilliant fishing plan in mind, and most of the contestants should come to grab the treasure chest, right?

After all, the Spirit Master Association publicized that this treasure chest was full of good things.

Li Jiu skillfully opened [Advent], this time not only black spiritual power entered the body, he felt that a certain valve in his body seemed to be opened?

The picture scroll in the depths of Li Jiu's spirit loomed, and the crimson spiritual power penetrated out from the inside little by little, and the cool and refreshing feeling traveled in every cell of the whole body.

Li Jiu quickly controlled his inner emotions.

This sensation is so high that a certain blonde vampire rolls over.

Master and servant stood side by side on the observation deck, and two light bows appeared.

This time, Li Jiu let his light feather take the lead, try the effect of [Divine Order] first, right?

Gently opening the bowstring, the crimson black light arrow flew out rapidly, and the light fury followed, and the extraordinary artistic performance played the beat of death in this duet.

The crimson light continued to bloom over the courtyard!

Deidara clicked the Generate Electricity with Love button as a sign of encouragement.


The four unfortunate demon guards were seriously injured by two range attacks and were dying.

No one saw it, it's already about to hang!

The effect of the [Divine Order] made Li Jiu very satisfied, and just one enhanced light fury arrow could already cross the level and severely damage these demon guards.

Yuguang looked serious, she borrowed the displacement effect of the light feather to kill the enemy army, and the four severely injured demon guards were not her opponents at all.

Yuguang held two knives, and the light blade flew, like running thunder and lightning, the long sky was blazing, easily tearing the surrounding air, and the brilliant and dazzling white cut into a beautiful arc!

It's a bit of a human-knife combination.

The three demons guarded the power of the holy light that was slashed by the wings of light, separated their heads, and were violently killed on the spot.

Hako, following Riku's order, did not choose to kill them all, but took the last demon guard to a position not far away.

Yan Yu stood on the high observation deck and was responsible for releasing the wind, Li Jiu's leap of faith landed smoothly, he quickly rushed to the demon corpse, first picked up the third-order dark spirit core that exploded, and then began to touch the box.

The box is unlocked and can be easily opened.

Inside was a beautiful ring set with round rubies, and a few bottles of elixirs lying quietly inside.

Li Jiu held a small white porcelain bottle and took a closer look, good guy!

It was actually the [Live Jumping Pill] worth 5,000 spirit coins!

That guy is doing a big business.

Li Jiu quickly put away these pills, no matter how small the mosquito legs are, they are meat.

[Holy Fire Ring]: The lower grade spirit weapon, after wearing, can increase the fire resistance by 10%, and the Holy Fire Shield will be generated to protect the host when it receives high damage.

I didn't expect that the Spirit Master Association was quite generous, and the treasure of the next spirit weapon was thrown here as a gift.

His own Snow Moon Double Blade and Xuan Hei Gong were obtained by fighting hard with the boss of the secret realm.

Without saying a word, Li Jiu directly put on this ring, and with the fox's blessing effect, the fire attribute was the weakest attribute for Li Jiu.

Find a more ordinary-looking space ring from the system space and throw it in, and give it a move to exchange the tanuki for the prince.

The world is strange, what if there is one that can see through? Your own fishing plan will be ruined.

Li Jiu immediately closed the box and called Yuguang back, and the demon guard lost his hatred target and rushed back to the treasure chest.


Inside the Tamron venue.

Some sharp-eyed people spotted Li Jiu's figure from the big screen.

"Hey? Isn't this that Lijiu?

"He's playing peek-a-boo?"

"I must have been scared to hide as a shrunken turtle." Some scoffed.

"You're so awesome, why don't you go up and fight?"

"Lao Tzu is the king of strong mouths, you care about me?"

The melon-eating masses fought.

"Where did Sister Angel run? I want to see Sister Angel! "The girl who covered her legs that day was still calling for Yuguang.

Then the picture turned, and some spectators outside the venue saw Li Jiu's law enforcement behavior, indicating that they were obscene and did not talk about martial virtue.

This kid is really bad!

Leave a monster and treasure chest there, wait for others to come and grab it, and finally reap the benefits of the fisherman.

"Why do you care so much? Either Caesar or nothing. "

Earning one's own benefit by such despicable means is not the work of a righteous person."

The melon-eating masses broke out into spats again.

The students of other academies wanted to report to the contestants of their school, but unfortunately they had no choice but to watch Li Jiu get off the set.

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