The fine sand in the Ara Hourglass gradually turned blue and was sucked into Li Jiu's body.

At the same time, Li Jiu's goal of visualizing and exercising spiritual power this time was Yan Wan.

There was no accident this time, after all, the relationship between the two is quite close, and it is quite convenient to copy her body and draw every stroke.


The heart demon rose from the fire, Li Jiu quickly ran the cultivation method and cultivated hard, and the spiritual power slowly increased a lot, and it was still early to break through.

The demons produced by people are all human desires, and only by thoroughly accepting their true self can we completely eliminate them.

Nice, the idea and the desire method can be produced and sold together!

The heart demon was successfully eliminated, the whole body thought was instantly smoothed, and the spiritual power was crazy in the limbs and hundreds of remains!

Li Jiu's spiritual power and self-awareness have risen to another level!

"Are you awake? Li Jiu?

Lao Chu quickly packed up the melon seed skin and said with a kind smile: "Good boy, it took you nearly 3 hours to cultivate this time, and we are almost there."

"Has it been so long?"

Lao Chu said with some envy: "What a good seedling, who can cultivate spiritual power without distractions for so long."

"It's just a common idea in the academy." Li Jiu waved his hand.

Lao Chu sighed: "The young man now has an impetuous heart, how can he cultivate with peace of mind like you?" Let him sit still for ten minutes is fatal.

Li Jiu touched his head awkwardly: "It's okay." "

Sit tight, we're about to land."

The swift winged dragon soaring under the galactic night has successfully broken through the spiritual power enchantment of the neon area and flew towards the island in the middle.

Li Jiu found a position by the window and looked at the sea islands below.

The neon area is mainly divided into three islands, namely Fox God Island, Wolf God Island, and Leopard God Island.

Mishima shines like a brilliant diamond in the vast blue sea.

The layers of waves stretched into the distance, slowly subsiding, leaving a fleeting bubble like a gasp...

Li Jiu also saw the sea for the first time in the true sense.

The sea at night is so beautiful!

"Li Jiujun, the neon area is beautiful, right? I like it the most. A soft and pleasant voice sounded beside him.

"Are there any legends and stories about these three islands?"

"Hehe, you want to hear the story of Lord Fox God?"

Li Jiu looked at Mishima who was getting closer and closer, and nodded slowly.

Ying Ruoxue smiled like a flower, and said sweetly: "According to legend, before the people of Hualong Country landed on the island, the islands here had not yet been divided, and they were collectively called Neon Island.

"According to the records circulated by the predecessors, there were originally three divine beasts on Neon Island, namely the Shengyan Divine Fox, the Wood Spirit Flower Wolf, and the Imperial Thunder Swift Leopard, and they seemed to be opposites."

"After people landed on the island, they first encountered the kind and holy Saint Yan God Fox, and the Holy Light of the Fox God Lord was universal to all sentient beings, and saved humans under the hands of fierce monsters."

"And the wood spirit kui wolf and the imperial thunder swift leopard seem to dislike humans, they have been slaughtering humans, and Lord Divine Fox may be to protect humans, and she divided her power among some of the people who landed on the island first."

"Lord Fox God disappeared like this, and a wolf and a leopard disappeared later, some people said that they were driven away, and some people said that they were killed by Lord Fox God."

"The humans who have obtained the power of Lord Fox God are the nobles of the Neon District."

Ying Ruoxue smiled and said, "This is the mythical story of the establishment of the Neon District, but the real situation is only known by Lord Fox God."

"I don't know why, I always feel that something is wrong with the disappearance of Lord Kitsune."

After listening to the story, Li Jiu smiled slightly: "Myths and stories are written by people, and the moral of the story is to make people yearn for a better future." "

If Lord Fox God is really an extraordinary existence, even if he really helps mankind, how can he disperse his entire cultivation?"

"Oh, too." Sakura nodded in agreement.

Li Jiu looked at the bright night starry river and muttered: "Behind the beautiful fairy tales are cruel realities, Cinderella is not happy, and Snow White is not happy..."

Ying Ruoxue thought for a long time, and the green onion-white jade finger tapped her chin and said, "It seems to be a light attribute?" It is rumored that Lord Kitsune has the power to shelter everything. "

Li Jiu's heart was lost for a while, wasn't it a fire attribute?

It's a pity.

If you can accept a fox god as a spiritual pet, think about it!

Lao Chu hurriedly urged and interrupted the conversation between the two: "Don't look!" Hold on tight, we're going to land! "

The ears are filled with the roar of the Swift Pterodactyl, the sound of the surrounding air being squeezed.

With a sense of shock of the sky and the earth cracking, Li Jiu and the three arrived safely and smoothly at the crimson transfer station in the neon area.

"Yay! Go home.

Sakura smiled and jumped up like a lively little rabbit.

Wang Chen's face showed solemnity, and he silently followed behind Li Jiu without saying a word.

"Let's go."

Nominally, Li Jiu and Wang Chen are exchange students of Lingxin Academy and come to Peach Cherry Academy to experience life.

As long as they want, they can read here until graduation.

A cheerful Japanese boy stopped a few people and said slowly: "Please cooperate with the investigation of the Spirit Master Association!" "

The people in the Neon District are essentially Hualong people, they have been influenced by the mysterious spiritual power of this mysterious neon island (collectively known as the three islands) since childhood, men are rich and handsome, women are beautiful and delicious.

"It turned out to be the permission given by Lord Liu!"

"I'll give you this."

The Japanese boy was in awe and handed over a small red book.

After careful review by the Spirit Master Association, Li Jiu Wang Chen obtained a neon legal pass.

No matter what world you are in, networking is very important!

The glacier in Li Jiu's heart seemed to wade through a warm current, and Liu Lao was so good to himself.

Wang Chen looked at the neon pass in his hand in amazement, such a thing worth tens of millions was so easily obtained by himself?

Neon scenery is beautiful, with DNA optimization effect, not to mention expensive housing prices, this little red book heard that it can be easily auctioned for tens of millions in the underground black market!

The mainland has very strict control over the people who land on the island here, even if the family is rich, if no one on it can buy it!

It has been less than a day to follow the eldest brother, and he picked up 10 million for no reason!

What is this concept?


At this moment, Wang Chen was pleased and sincere to Li Jiu, and he threw himself into the ground, saying one thing, and completely became Li Jiu's ashes.

"I don't have a legal status to enter, I can only move around this Crimson transit station, call me when you are leaving." Old Chu smiled slightly and handed Li Jiu his own contact information.

After that, Lao Chu took back the swift wing dragon and ran to the back building of the transfer station with his small horse to watch people play chess.

"Hehe, here Miss Ben will lead the way." Sakura said with a smile.

Wang Chen said very sensibly: "How dare the younger brother disturb the two-person world of the eldest brother and sister-in-law? I still have a little money, and I will go to Peach Cherry Academy to explore the way for my eldest brother first. Hearing

this, Ying Ruoxue's face suddenly turned red with shame, like a ripe red apple, with a few strands of steam on her head, and did not dare to look directly at Li Jiu.

What's your sister-in-law?

I'm (/ω\)

so shy

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