The footsteps outside gradually stopped, and Li Jiu left the room in a daze.

Downstairs seemed to be in a fierce movement, and the entire Soul Gathering Tower was faintly rattled.

On the left side of the corridor was a dead end, and Li Jiu could only follow the only way.

The overall structure of the Leaving Soul Tower was a bit like a hospital, and soon he saw the elevator and the floor sign.


This is the original basement floor, continue to explore the way!

Bypassing the elevator that fools only took, Li Jiu tiptoed down the stairs.

Just after walking through the stairs, the door of the second floor was wide open, and a group of spirit masters dressed as samurai and black-robed guards fought.

"Kill this group of guys from the New Dragon Group

!" "Neon traitors

!" "Inside the department!"

A strong explosion sounded, and the resulting wave of fiery qi slammed Li Jiu into the wall.

Fortunately, he has a water dividing armor on his body, and there are two layers of protection effect.

Another ordinary person will be stunned on the spot by this powerful impact.

Fortunately, a fierce battle took place on the second floor, which provided Li Jiu with an excellent opportunity to sneak in.

The boss of the New Dragon Group, as a person who knows the truth of the neon legend, will not sit idly by and ignore Inoue's crazy behavior.


Jiu still cautiously took out the rope and jumped directly to the lower steps with his strength.

The battle on this third layer was even more outrageous, with several deafening roars, heart-rending screams, and explosions generated by spiritual power collisions never stopped.

Wolves and leopards were also captured by them?......

Li Jiu looked at the four underground floors of the sign, which said that it was forbidden to enter.

The doorway, which should have been heavily guarded, was empty.

Li Jiu summoned Yuguang and black-haired Yanyu, and the three immediately broke into the door.

The fourth floor is a very wide underground square, with several stout stone pillars standing in front of you.

In the center of the square, there is a lifelike statue of a fox, which is about three meters tall and nearly five meters long when viewed with the naked eye.

It stared angrily in front of it, and its expression of extreme anger was forever fixed in that second.

The body surface of the fox statue has a dark seal, which seems to be the undetached mold of the statue.

The wide ground was engraved with dense strange words, as well as the formation structure diagram that made people look chilling.

How many pillars seemed to be the core of the formation

?" "Ruoxue?" called out symbolically to Li Jiu.

The fox statue is unmoved, lifeless.

A more familiar voice came: "Well, it seems that a cunning little mouse has sneaked in here with the intention of sabotaging my father's plans?"

"What are the guards up there doing? Haven't you finished solving it? It's waste." "

Handsome face, dressed in black, dressed in the extreme, his pupils are not the blue as before, but black that has lost its highlights.

Inoue Hiroshi

slowly walked out from behind the fox statue, with a hint of disdain in his eyes: "Who are you, so weak and dare to sneak into this place?" Li

Jiu clenched his fists: "Accept your commission, the one who came to save your sister." Why

don't I remember?" a hint of doubt flashed in his eyes.

"Forget it, kill a hundred.

"I'm not going to let anyone stand in the way of my father's plans." "

Sakura Ruoxue, don't you remember your sister?" said Li Jiu.


Inoue Hiroshi's face was masked with pain.

He covered his face and said strangely: "No.... I didn't.


"In that case, I'll help you get free." "

I don't have a sister... Sister!"

Inoue roared frantically as if venting infinite pain, and then he summoned three foxes of different shapes.

Among them, the tall and furry purple six-tailed fox caught Li Jiu's attention.

【Purple Spirit Fox】

Grade Monarch Level

Level 32

Introduction: Powerful thunder fox clan, speed is its proud capital, destructive power is very amazing (the most powerful charm is not effective for you)


: Thunder Claw: Normal attack with chain thunder attribute damage

thunder: charge thunder bombs or strengthen their own attributes

Enchantment: Designated targets cause mind control, opposite sex effect doubles

six-tailed protective body: use the tail to protect yourself, reduce any damage by 60%, last six

paralysis: each time you deal thunder attribute damage, there is a chance to come with 1S paralysis effect

synchronization value: 65

left, a level 20 elite Xuan Ice Fox, a level 30 Leader-level Crimson Fox, there is nothing to fear.

"Zi Yan, these few little minions will be handed over to you, my body is a little uncomfortable. Inoue Hiroshi waved his hand, and he sat in the center of the formation.

Damn, do I have a sister

? What the hell have I forgotten?

"Yes host. The six-tailed fox nodded slightly, and his fox's eyes were full of complicated expressions.

The purple six-tailed fox transformed, and a plump beauty dressed with a devil's curved clothes appeared in front of Li Jiu's eyes.

It can reach 9 points based on appearance alone, which is really worthy of being a fox spirit.

Yan Yu, the little miscellaneous fish will be handed over to you!

Zi Yan smiled slightly, grabbed a handful of shoulders to reveal a tender snow-white, and her eyes glowed with a breathtaking purple light.

"Is this enchantment? useless!" The

firm passive effect was directly triggered, and those purple rays shot at Li Jiu's body and were instantly bounced off.

A look of surprise flashed in her eyes, no man had ever been able to block the seduction skill of the first hand, let alone his level was so low!"

Yuguang's eyes were full of anger, the four wings behind her back spread, and she exerted all her strength to fight this high-level

fox! The six-tailed fox sneered: "Although your grade is higher than mine, the level is too low

!" "That's not necessarily!" Li

Jiu quickly stepped back and pulled the distance towards the fox group, which was a light feather full of anger!

His own arrival added up to only 6 minutes, and Li Jiu was reluctant to hand over skills.

Ben Leilie's claws fiercely grabbed Yuguang's body, and Yuguang held two knives to block it with exquisite melee combat skills, but the leaked spiritual power that was far higher than her level still injured her body.

Under the blessing of the wind of recovery, the light of the holy healing continued to emerge, and the slight injuries of Yuguang were completely recovered in the blink of an eye.

The six-tailed fox frowned, "The abominable healing system, what a trouble!" Although

Yuguang was slightly inferior in rank, she used the displacement effect generated by her lightwing style to avoid the lightning-fast thunder ball.

In close combat, only the six-tailed fox with general attack was closed and had no means of counteraction, and was chopped by Yuguang.

Spring is blowing.

Yuguang relied on the metamorphosis effect of double recovery, and crossed the level to resist this most difficult purple spirit fox!


On the other side of the battlefield, the huge thorn summoned by Yan Yu shot around, but in the face of the two small foxes, the thorn that attacked the slow speed was a bit of a loss.

Li Jiu's duo has a mira课ous effect against these dexterous enemies

! Although this move has low damage, it has a self-aiming and tracking effect!

The arrow of light flying in the air chases the two foxes all over the ground.

"It's now!" Li

Jiu, who found the right time, instantly predicted the position of the firefox with a light wing, and he used all his strength to slash a piece of blood on the fiery red fur, and the firefox's body was struck high!

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