"Good, good, good, I said. "The man's face was covered with a layer of pig liver.

"It's the spirit seed, and all the personnel of the three royal families have taken the spirit seed in advance, so that they will not become demons in the process of creating gods.

Li Jiu shook his head slightly: "Spirit seed, what is that?"

The man quickly explained: "The spirit seed is a pill made with the aid of Ying Ming grass and Puxiang flowers with the blood of the Wolf God and the Leopard God as the core, which can resist the reversal effect of the Heaven-Conquering Array.

"That is, the private soldiers of the Gosan family are still intact

?" "Yes!" "

Where are the spirit division troops of the Inoue family?" "The

senior members of the Extreme Group have all gone to the Fox God Peak to suppress the rebellion of the New Dragon Group and the Iron Hand Group. "

Rebellion?" Li Jiu frowned slightly.

The man nodded frantically like a chicken pecking rice.

"The two of them betrayed the Extreme Upper Group and betrayed the God Creation Plan, wanting to take this opportunity to seize the formation layout of the Heaven-Conquering Array.

Li Jiuxin said: Then I really have to thank them for their dog-eat-dog behavior, if they didn't help cover the demolition fire, it would not be so easy to rescue Ying Ruoxue.

"You know a lot, what kind of official?" "

I'm the big butler of the Inoue family... She was... Inoue's eighteen-room concubine..."

Good fellow

, Inoue Ji don't bow your head, the crown will fall."

"We're just here looking for excitement, and I've said everything I can, handsome guys don't kill me." "

This housekeeper is also a level 31 spirit master, in a weak state was attacked by a level 20 spirit master and held the back of the neck of fate, he felt this in his heart is called a grievance

! Never expected that this power-out Ning'an Tower would have someone coming?

Next time, you must let the spirit pet help control the wind!

Li Jiu continued to ask: "What is there at the top of the Ning'an Tower?"

"It seems that a group of mysterious organizations of the Inoue family went up just now, and I don't know the details.


you really know,

handsome guy spare your life!" Li

Jiu raised his knife and smiled: "No way, you know too little! "

The identity of the Inoue family means that it is impossible for him to survive from Riku's hands.

With a pop, the red liquid sprayed onto the glass, and two round heads fell to the ground.

Li Jiu simply searched for his space ring, these people with some identity all use that special style, there are good things inside but can't take out, it's really a little irritating.

In fact, the treasures in the outer area alone were also worth a lot, a total of more than thirty third-order spirit cores.

Rikuichi gritted his teeth and invested them in Sakura Ruoxue because she had the lowest rank.

By the way, it seems that there is no lottery today.

"Is there a daily draw?" "Yes


brilliant gold flashed out and shipped.

"Congratulations on obtaining a one-time item, the third-order Spirit Core Pack. The system said coldly.

[Third-Order Spirit Core Pack]: After use, obtain a random number of third-order spirit cores for all spirit pet attributes, with a maximum of fifteen.

It is a long-lost two-in-a-row box.

Li Jiu now has three contract positions, that is, opening the third-order spirit core package will obtain the spirit core with three attributes of light, darkness, and fire.

Draw ten pieces that is thirty white, and you will not lose money.

Li Jiu gulped and gambled the monster possession, and he opened the spirit core bag again.


7's will, right?


After feeding the three women 7 Essence Spirit Cores in turn, Sakura Ruoxue successfully reached level 12, and if she wanted to quickly increase her level, she needed to smash with a large number of Spirit Cores, or kill all the foxes.

The latter is clearly unrealistic.

"Let's go!" "

The mysterious organization Eight Achievements in the butler's mouth are new souls, and they also want to snatch the Heaven-Conquering Array?

Li Jiu intended to completely destroy this formation.

Yu Guangxin comprehended that he would smash the glass with a knife, holding Li Jiu's body and flying directly towards the top of the tower at high speed.


The ominous dark clouds have dispersed and the setting sun has set down, and the burning clouds and the sunset reflect a beautiful picture.

On the top platform of Ning'an Tower, a group of neon people dressed in red are negotiating with the New Soul Organization.

"Steward Hu, I have already brought you to the core position of the formation as agreed. A man with long brown hair with a dignified appearance and a tall figure said.

Steward Hu is a steward under Wuqu Xingjun, and he and his toad appeared once in the Jingxi stronghold last time, and he is also the culprit who betrayed Ying Ruoxue's identity as an auxiliary star to the Chen family.

Steward Hu sat on the huge and ugly toad, he pointed to the 'lightning rod' not far away, and said: "This is the diffuser of the Heaven-Conquering Law Array?"

"Okay, according to the agreement, our new soul will help you suppress the Extreme Group, now I will contact the backstage."

Steward Hu sighed while sending a message through his wristband: "Wuqu Xingjun can't get used to breaking the weak style of Junxingjun, and it's over." "

Master Wuqu Xingjun is a true overlord!" the brown-haired man slapped his horse in succession.

Steward Hu slapped his thigh: "Okay, Matsushita Hui, I'll note down this location first, and after the matter is completed, you will take me to the other Dharma Formation cores."

"You new dragon group will later want to find out the real neon officer." "

The Spiritual Master is the local supreme governor sent by the Spiritual Master Association to be in charge of special political regions.

Matsushita House and Shinryu Gumi will always be friends of Shinshin.

"I will leave this Pu poisonous toad here to keep you safe, and I will go to Fox God Peak now to see the situation."

"Okay!" At

this moment, a dazzling holy light shone out from under the side platform, and a blonde beautiful angel holding a black-haired man rushed up.

"This is, angel?" The

new soul warriors and the new dragon group present were all dumbfounded, how could anyone come to the top of the Ning'an Tower at this time?

Matsushita Hui immediately retracted his mind and quickly gave the order: "It must be someone in the know, kill on the spot!" Li

Jiu glanced at it, and the top platform of the tower was full of spirit masters of level 30, and the powerful ones were really sent to suppress the Soul Gathering Tower.

A large number of fireballs, ice bombs, lightning and venom jets struck towards the feather, but the speed was too slow.

Li Jiu threw out the sturdy chain in the air, directly turned on the advent mode to increase the power and landed steadily on the platform at the top of the tower, and Yuguang dodged the attack and thought of launching a counterattack.

Hu Guanshi touched his chin and thought, "Why is this angel so familiar

?" "Emmm, what's it called?" Li

Jiu, who landed on the ground, was ghostly, and came to a relatively flat clearing through the lightwing instantaneous dodge attack.

He immediately summoned Ying Ruoxue, who was in the state of Yan Yu and Fox, and with his current combat strength, he was not afraid to use the human sea tactic on the other side.

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