Liu Cheng raised his head proudly, because he only saw Li Jiu's two spirit pets and did not take Li Jiu seriously at all.

"Obediently sacrifice your fox and Xuanling Technique, Ben Shao can spare your life."

"Are you crazy?" Li Jiu looked at Liu Cheng with a brain-dead look.

Liu Chengtian laughed loudly, as if he had heard a big joke, "Am I crazy? No, it's you who are crazy, I count three, if you don't hand it over, you will die immediately.

"I see that you are extremely talented, Ben Shao's love is very heartfelt, and now I will immediately hand it over and follow Ben Shao, I will ensure that you do not die in the name of the Liu family, and take you out of this murderous place."

Li Jiu smiled evilly and stretched out one of his legs, "You, come and lick my shoes, I can think about it." The

arrogance in Liu Cheng's eyes disappeared, replaced by an eerie coldness, "It's really a toast and not eating and punishing wine, the last level 35 spirit master who dared to talk to me like this, how do you guess he was?" "

Oh? Did you lick his shoes? Could it be that you, the 28-year-old spirit master, only lick the high-level spirit master's? Dislike me as a level 26?

Liu Cheng did not break his mouth and cursed, he sneered: "I trained his corpse into a corpse puppet, and worked as a coolie for my Liu family for eternity."

"Next, it's you!" Liu Cheng stood on the opposite bank and pointed to Li Jiu.

"The last one who played such a terrier has gone to dust."

"What play terrier?"

The female zombie beside Liu Cheng spoke, "Cheng... He's strong: To be small... Heart.

Liu Cheng didn't take it seriously when he heard it, but pinched her mouth, as if he was reprimanding his slave: "Shut up, you don't even need the power of Lao Zu to solve him."


"It's really looking for death." Sakura's red eyes are full of madness, she and her dear are actually underestimated by humans?

She quickly jumped off Li Jiu's shoulder and turned into a fighting form, and the hated blood fox charged a powerful fire meteorite and told it to smash at Liu Cheng, who was taken aback and quickly dodged.

The bursting flames set off a puff of smoke across the river of stars.

"This lethality!" Liu Cheng exclaimed.

"Less nonsense."

Li Jiu didn't think that being the heir of the Supreme Xuanling Art was a second stroke, this kind of family dare to be so arrogant, presumably he had a powerful hole card!

Unrivaled power?

Then I'm going to pick up my spirits.

Test his hole cards first!

"Ling'er, up!"

The black-haired woman dressed as a bride heard her master's instructions and rushed towards Li Jiu across the Que Bridge under the moon, her sharp nails emitting a faint cold light!

Li Jiu calmly checked her information, knowing that he was victorious in every battle.


Grade Epic

Level 32

Introduction: A beautiful zombie who has died for a thousand years, the ontological consciousness that has just been born has been worn out by the corpse chaser, good silver against the enemy


: parasitism: absorbing the master's body fluids can greatly enhance combat effectiveness

Flying needles: throwing several silver needles that cannot be detected by the naked eye, with a large number of corpse poison

corpses: the defense power is tripled, No fear of blood-sucking effect, fear of flame

claws: sharp nails with a large amount of corpse poison

to drink blood: paranoid love for body fluids, the longer the battle, the higher the increase in all attributes (2% per minute)

Sync value: 68

This is an epic zombie pet?

No wonder he was so confident and arrogant, it turned out that this beautiful zombie gave him confidence!

It's no wonder that Liu Chengpiao, there are many high-grade monsters in this world, but there are very few that can become human spiritual pets!

This female zombie is indeed the first epic spirit pet that Li Jiu has met.

Since you are afraid of fire, Ruoxue, reward her with a few more burning stars!

Liu Cheng seemed to have seen through Li Jiu's thoughts, and he laughed wildly: "Your troublesome Firefox, I will seal it!" "

Come out!"

Another gray-green figure came out from behind him, this is an incomparably thick green giant python, more than ten meters long, the barrel-thick snake body is covered with disgusting scales, gray pupils are lifeless, and dangerous snake letters are constantly spit out from the mouth.

【Spirit Devouring Snake】Grade Monarch

Level 30

Introduction: Originally, it was an extremely rare dark snake spirit pet, which was made into a corpse pet after death

: Corpse Poison Spray: Medium distance spray corpse venom

devouring confinement: Cast a devouring confinement on an existence that does not exceed his own level, and forcibly pull it into the Spirit Devouring Space Devouring: Spirit Devouring Space,

Double your own combat

abilityBondage: Tightly strangle the enemy's

sync value: 60

This giant python's confinement skill instantly locks Sakura Ruoxue.

Its snake pupils emitted a strange light, and a strange smoke from its mouth covered itself and Sakura Ruoxue at the same time, and the bodies of the two pets disappeared like this.

"Without that troublesome nine-tailed fox, your angel spirit pet can't hurt Ling'er at all!" Liu Cheng laughed.

"My dear, I was just forcibly trapped in an enchantment by this snake, and I solved this broken snake in 5 minutes." Ying Ruoxue's calm voice reached Li Jiu's heart.


Without the fire suppression that zombies feared, Yuguang could only stretch his four wings and immediately step forward to block the spiritual attack of the female zombie and fight for the operation space for the owner.

The gray spiritual power and the pure holy light power collided violently, and the impact of light blades and claws was particularly harsh, and the surrounding space was distorted by the powerful spiritual power.

This female zombie was able to keep up with the ordinary attack frequency of Yuguang, and the epic zombie really had two brushes.

The Liu family really has some skills!

Liu Cheng looked at the center of the battlefield and hugged his arms to his chest and said, "I didn't expect that your angel is quite powerful, and the strength and speed seem to be good."

"Is my Ling'er strong? Or is your angel strong? "

The light blades are staggered, and Yuguang elegantly dodges the ordinary attack of the female zombie, and at this moment, the female zombie's right arm bends at an anti-human angle and attacks Yuguang's chest!

The zombie's body has been transformed by the Liu family, and the zombie spirit pet itself does not use pain nerves to achieve this strange offensive.

Fortunately, it evolved once before Yuguang's spirit suit, and the silver armor on the chest blocked the sharp claws, only scratching a little bit of skin.

Yu Guang calmly took a few steps back, and the light of the holy healing in his hand slowly emerged, and the small amount of corpse poison damage that was originally more difficult was completely healed.

A look of surprise appeared in the female zombie's eyes, and she immediately turned around and retreated.

Although the level and speed are slightly inferior, the feather light does not fall behind, because she has not yet used the light wing.

Liu Cheng laughed: "It's too slow!" In terms of speed and strength, my spirit is better!

Li Jiu took a step back and opened the bow hard, aiming the crosshair at the back of the female zombie, and helped Yuguang pad the buff first.

The light feather arrow cuts through the surrounding air, locks the target point and gallops away!

Liu Cheng stood on the other side of the galaxy and smiled slightly, the spiritual power of his whole body was like a swaying flame, and the gray spiritual power poured out to cover the female zombie.

"So naïve! Ling'er is the strongest! Genshi - Corpse Fury! "

This move can strengthen the combat effectiveness of all the corpse pets under him by 50% in a short period of time, and it is also the capital of the Liu family.

The spirit pets of the corpse chasing faction are naturally all corpse pets, and the overall combat effectiveness has been increased by 50%, and ordinary spirit masters cannot compete with it at all.

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