Li Jiu hurriedly waved his weapon to defend, but Liu Cheng's speed was too fast, the gap between the two was not very large, and the sudden 6-fold increase was unpreventable.

Poor Xueyue Double Blade was cut into four segments by a giant axe with a 6 times increase because of its slightly lower grade!

Li Jiu's body was protected by the same body + aura + water dividing treasure armor, and it was still violently impacted under the condition of multiple damage, and his body flew out involuntarily!

After resisting this attack, the Water Divider Armor was also completely scrapped...

And the stingers on those tails easily pierced Li Jiu's naked upper body, and the pain of drilling his heart almost paralyzed his brain.

Liu Cheng laughed: "If you get poisoned by me, plus the heart penetrating attack, you will definitely die!" Fortunately

, when he was possessed, the power of gluttony could help him quickly recover from his injuries, crimson spiritual power poured out from the picture scroll in Li Jiu's body, and Yan Yu's resuscitation light also continued to heal the giant axe scar on his chest that exposed his internal organs.

Liu Chengwei screamed, and then urged the spiritual power of the whole body to slash fiercely, "Sure enough, it is the power of gluttony, you must die!" It's all mine! "

As one of the 7 Demon Generals, the King of Pain knows the perverted resilience of gluttony...

At this critical juncture, a clear and clear spiritual power instantly covered Li Jiu's whole body, and the terrifying paralyzing toxin was instantly removed.


Li Jiu took back control of his body, he slapped the floor and quickly got up, dodged Liu Cheng's all-out severed head blow, and backhanded the broken snow blade fiercely inserted into Liu Cheng's waist!

But the powerful spiritual power effect protected his broken and even blood-spurting body, and Liu Cheng's combat power at this time seemed to be an insurmountable mountain.

It is worthy of the Supreme Xuanling Technique, with a sixfold increase!

Just when Liu Cheng wanted to take advantage of the victory to pursue and continue to violently beat Li Jiu, all of Li Jiu's spiritual pets rushed back.

Yu Guang anxiously cast several holy healings on his master, and under the blessing of the three major recovery effects, Li Jiu was instantly full.

It is a pity that the Snow Moon Double Blade that has accompanied Li for a long time and the Water Divider Armor that has not been worn for a long time.

Liu Cheng looked at the women in front of him with a slight surprise, and spat, "Those wastes are really useless!" "

Sakura Ruoxue and Yuguang Yanyu, who broke the enchantment, easily pressed the female zombie with a hammer, and the latter was completely killed by Yuguang without suspense.

As for that Spirit Devouring Snake, it had long since turned into ashes and disappeared without a trace.

"You ugly monster dares to hurt my family's dear?" Sakura Ruoxue turned into a human form and came behind Li Jiu, and when she saw the scarred Li Jiu, her eyes were full of distress.

Liu Cheng smiled disdainfully, "Huh? It turned out to be a mythical pet? It must be great to refine your corpse into a female corpse.

"Anyway, Ling'er, I've had enough."


Yan Yu waved his hand gently, and three wooden dragons roared out with a roar.

Liu Cheng actually didn't dodge at all, allowing the wooden dragon to ram his body, but he was unscathed?

"My strength now is far from comparable to you stupid guys! It is worthy of the supreme art!

"Even all of you are mythical level and can't break my defenses!"

A boss with a full level of blood, everyone's attacks seem to be missed, and they cannot deal effective damage to it.

Ying Ruoxue closed her eyes and chanted, and a blood-colored spell turned into a fire meteorite and smashed onto Liu Cheng's body!


Lightspeed slaps in the face scene.

The 'invincible' blood-colored spiritual power was severely damaged by the Burning Star, and the bloody battle spiritual power wrapped around his body was like a deflated leather ball, and Liu Cheng's body flew out upside down like a cannonball............

The Supreme Technique of Blood Battle also has a great disadvantage, that is, it cannot be injured or treated again after opening.

How could Liu Cheng have thought that Li Jiu actually had power beyond the mythical level in him?

"It hurts! It hurts me!

"You fox can actually hurt me?"

"In the future, I will train you into a female corpse and completely humiliate you!" Liu Chengtuo's severely injured body crawled out.


The next Burning Star rushed to Liu Cheng's body, and he no longer dared to quickly dodge.

Liu Chengxin said: The other party's fox can break his defense, there is no need to jam the blood line to wave, or be careful, but you can still escape.

"Worn-out dolls can still be repaired, play the last value for me!"

"Heaven-given Spiritual Technique—Corpses as Slaves!"

This move can absorb the remaining spiritual power on the nearby corpse for its own use, and the damage to its own spiritual power talent is extremely large.

Liu Cheng shouted, only then did he find that there was no reaction around him, and quickly looked at the battlefield on the Queqiao Bridge, where was Ling'er's corpse?

Yuguang, who is good at mending knives, has long made Sakura Ruoxue raise the HG of the female zombie.

"Damn, you don't play cards according to the routine!"

Liu Cheng hurriedly took out a few pills from the space ring and knocked them down, but the effect was absolutely incomparable to that of a corpse as a slave.

He opened the [Blood Battle] again and rushed towards Li Jiu, and a large amount of red-green gas spewed out from the six spiked tails, and finally slowly formed a high-pressure ball of spiritual power!

This time, the bonus was only 4 times, and Liu Cheng was really scared.

"Go and die!" Liu Chengchao threw his special move at several people!

Li Jiu came to Yuguang's side in an instant, and the two stood side by side with a common heart, just like they had done against Tulis, hugging her slender waist and raising the light bow in her hand to plan to face each other.

It's just that this time he has other spiritual pets by his side.


Burning Star!

Wooden dragon binding!

The power of the demon's angel fused into one, and the Chaos Divine Flame Arrow with a black glow flew through the air towards the red-green spiritual power ball, and several skills mixed together and exploded violently!

A cloud of colorful mushrooms rose flat, exploding the brilliant starry river of this inheritance land into a bottomless ravine!

"Death to Grandpa!"

Liu Cheng used the smoke generated by the explosion to cover his figure and jumped out, he wanted to use this smoke to surprise Li Jiufang!

"Death bondage!"

The six spiked tails frantically wrapped around several people, and the consequences would be unimaginable if they were hit by it again.

Li Jiu smiled coldly, looking like he was holding the victory, "Hmph, finally hooked." Seeing

that the giant axe was about to cut off the necks of the four people, Li Jiu took a step forward, and a strange black light flashed from his palm.

"Is this your Supreme Technique? Such a weak light..."

"Congratulations on your guess."

Those several chains turned into several black dragons, and a white dragon caught in them hit Liu Cheng's body first.

When he saw that he was about to win, Liu Cheng's body could not advance by half a point again...

Prisoner Dragon + Transform Combo!

Yuguang took the opportunity to throw out a set of gorgeous light wing slashes, ruthless vulnerable buff machines.

"It's useless! No pain, I'll kill you all when the control is over!

Li Jiuzhong shouted, "Give me a wood!"

Although Liu Cheng's body couldn't move, he laughed up to the sky as if he had heard a big joke: "It turned out to be a transformation, the remnant of the Xiao family?" Are you stupid? Although the transformation can change the spiritual power attribute of the object, but want to change mine? "

The brown light keeps flashing!

His laughter stopped abruptly, with a thick incredulity in his voice: "Hahaha... This? How can it be? My power! "

Ruoxue, it's your turn!

The angry nine-tailed fox in Liu Cheng's eyes was already ready, and four spells were thrown out in unison!

They turned into three fireballs and a blood-colored cloud, from which hundreds of flames erupted!

Fierce rain!

A blood-colored flame storm swept through Liu Cheng's body, quickly devouring every inch of his body's skin.

Ying Ruoxue said lightly: "Give you eternal pain!"

"This can't be!"

Although the time effect of the transformation was only five seconds, it was enough to kill the power of the god-killing Shinra combined with the various injuries of the featherlight and the effect of the [Divine Order] to crush the entire will of Liu Cheng and the King of Pain, and the huge pain instantly completely engulfed their existence...

Adding fuel to the fire belongs to yes.

Liu Cheng immediately burned in place!

Li Jiu wanted to take a cigarette at the moment.

Grass, almost killed by this kid's set of tricks, fortunately, I was .JPG

with superior skills

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