As soon as the words fell, Ryu suddenly flicked his tail and slapped a small part of the multicolored spiritual power sphere on the bodies of those Western Pole pariahs.

Peng said with some shock: "You actually gave a little power to that pariah beast?

Ryu's mean voice came from the void: "Hmph: Even if it is a small part of my strength, this beast can perfectly copy my ability, human, you wait for death!

"As long as it can help me destroy that egg, what's wrong with that?" I have long heard of the West Pole pariah, which is like a locust epidemic, and today it is indeed worthy of its name.

Li Jiu looked at the ryu above his head, and said word by word: "Reptile, don't let me catch you, sooner or later one day I will rip off your pirated dragon skin and smoke your dragon tendon to play with skipping rope."

After being poked open the scar in his heart, Ryuu couldn't help but roar in anger: "I don't know if I am dead or alive, if it weren't for this dead bird pestering me, I would have crushed you to ashes!"

Jin Peng spread his wings and shouted: "Good human, it is a despicable thief, if the real dragon is alive..."

Above the starry sky, the phantoms of the two beasts continued to collide with each other, each retreating far away, Peng secretly condensed a thick golden feather and shot towards Li Jiu after fighting with Ryu.

"Peng, are you going against me again?" Ryuu looked at the feather a little angrily.

This human knew the origin of his body, and he couldn't wait to get rid of Li Jiu quickly, and Peng in front of him actually handed over such an important thing to him?

Li Jiu kicked a Western Pole pariah in front of him far away and successfully took the golden feather.

[Peng no Yu]: After complete absorption, it can increase the strength level by 5, permanently obtain the affinity of the bird spirit pet, and increase the chance of contracting the bird spirit pet by 20%.

"Thank you, senior!" Li Jiu quickly collected it into the system space and performed a spirit master salute towards the golden peng in the sky.

"When the time comes, it's a shame not to see your death with your own eyes."

Peng's voice was filled with a thousand reluctances and helplessness: "You must protect that egg." Then

it seemed as if it had never existed, disappearing out of thin air without a trace.



These Western Pole pariahs in front of Li Jiu's eyes emitted dazzling multicolored light, and after they absorbed the power of Ryu, they turned into miniature Ryu to block Li Jiu's body.

It's just that the strength of the Western Pole pariah is fiercely limited, and it is not as unfathomable as Ryuu and Peng.

Li Jiu's eyes were indifferent without a hint of color, "You dare to become its appearance?" I see you've really lived enough! "

Quack ~ Ryu's power, I haven't been so strong for a long time!" The more than ten 'ryu' in front of him said in unison.

Li Jiu looked at the panel.

【Mini Ryu Battle】

Rank Epic

Level 43

Skill: Doppelganger Thunder Downpour Red Lotus Fire Frozen Ray Sharp Wood Piercing

"Second Form!" Doppelganger!

Suddenly, the multicolored light in front of him continued to flicker, and more than thirty figures brushed in front of Li Jiu, their bodies were no different from ordinary people, and their whole bodies were like various colored rocks connected, looking extremely hard.

The monsters of the dragon head, some holding shields, some holding bows and arrows, as well as magic staff and long swords, and the eyeless pupils indicate that they are all creations of the doppelganger technique.

The attributes of the mini-battle are divided into five types: thunder, water, fire, ice, and wood, respectively, inheriting the unique 'innovative skills' of the West Pole pariah.

"Gaga~ My mass production technology is the first in the world!" All the dragon heads said in unison, extremely strange.

"That's it? You better die! "


The Muryu warrior behind slammed his feet on the ground, and there was a sound under the starry river, and the surface of the ground was penetrated, and it was obvious that one after another fierce thick and sharp brown wooden thorns were striking towards Li Jiu and stabbing upwards.

It was obvious that this was the continuous crazy range attacks of the many demon wood root whiskers under the surface, and the other four-series Ryu warriors also took a few steps back and did not dare to step forward.

The huge Galaxy Square has no place to stay, and if it is poked by a monster of more than 40 levels, it is not a joke.

In other words, the others had already panicked in the face of large-scale indiscriminate attacks, and Li Jiu picked up the miniature Sakura Ruoxue, and she couldn't let the crispy defense suffer such unnecessary damage.

There are 5 Kiryu warriors on the opposite side, so solve them first!

The feather light was like a mighty eagle dodging countless spells that flew towards the front door, and the arrows were empty, passing through Yang at a hundred steps.

Each of her rays of light can accurately hit the Ice Ryu Warrior and the Wood Ryu Warrior in the crowd, and these monsters have a weak vitality and defense, taking one with an average of three arrows.

It's a pity that the other party also has long-range shooters, and they can't charge up in the sky as targets, otherwise Li Jiu can turn on Shenyan and let Yuguang cooperate with Sakura Ruoxue to send them all away.

Yan Yu picked up Li Jiu and jumped into the air, and she cast a cold wattle lotus towards the group of Ryu warriors.

The Ryu, who thought they were invincible in the world, did not expect that the enemy would also attack on the ground, and the surface of Xinghe Square was lifted again, and a thick and sturdy green thorn lotus broke through the ground, piercing two Muryu warriors on the spot!

The green thorns combined with the light fury support of the featherlight above the sky once again smashed the last Muryu warrior in the Ryujo crowd, and finally could fight on the flat ground with peace of mind.

The warriors said in unison: "Gaga, you actually pirate my skills?

"No B-face."

"That's it, this trick is useless."

Ryu warriors are not vegetarians either, and the furious thunder and lightning, and the many skills of the flames combine to smash the newborn thorny lotus into pieces!

Fortunately, its task had been completed, and Yan Yu casually found a place to put Li Jiu down.

"Gaga, go die!" The voice of the West Pole pariah came again.

At the same time, ten sword-wielding thunder lineage battles found an opportunity to attack, and they all turned into an afterimage like a rapid thunder rushing in front of everyone in Li Jiu.

Li Jiu took a deep breath and tightly held the temporary 'enchanted' twin knives, wondering if they could withstand it?

Now all he has to do is buy time for Sakura Ruoxue.

Li Jiu chose to take Yan Yu to face more than ten high-level monsters in front of him, if he chose to let Yan Yu resist alone, it might cause a fish that slipped through the net to interrupt Ying Ruoxue's continuous casting.

Fortunately, these ryu warriors have high-level ranks, and without the wisdom and reaction speed they should have, how strong can the humble monsters that can only attack the cubs?

Yan Yuhe's chain blade restrained one of the hapless Thunder Ryu warriors, using it as a meteor hammer to sweep away the other Thunder Ryu warriors around him like a violent wind sweeping away leaves.

The explosion of spiritual power around caused the wind to suddenly explode, the fierceness was as terrifying as the roar of a demon, the holy light of the explosion, more than thirty messy flying ice blades, the traces of the raging fire system skills have not faded, and the originally beautiful Galaxy Square has become a cruel purgatory scene.

The roar of the Ryuu warriors, the sound of flying arrows piercing their bodies, and Li Jiu's shouts were deafening.

"Long wait, darling!"

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