The nine big tails behind Sakura Ruoxue slowly changed back to their normal size, and the space around several people was gradually collapsing and crumbling, while the stars in the river of stars under their feet continued to dim.

The dazzling 'Kong Ming Lantern' in the sky was also extinguished one after another, and the surrounding visions seemed to inform Li Jiu of the countdown to the collapse of the secret realm.

A mysterious black portal suddenly appeared out of thin air in the center of the Xinghe Square where Li Jiu was, and a slightly strange spiritual power fluctuation emanated from the door.

Li Jiu could only quickly get dressed, and couldn't help but scold: "How can this secret realm collapse when it collapses?" Can't afford to play? "

His body has been marked by the revenge of the Liu family, and now he may be frantically chased and killed by the Liu family when he goes out, but if he doesn't go out, he will definitely die here."

The spatial turbulence formed by the collapse of the secret realm would definitely tear Li Jiu's current body apart.

"Master, just now Sister Yan Yu and I investigated the square in detail, there are no more treasures here." Yuguang urged slightly anxiously.

"Well, let's go!"

"By the way, the first thing we do when we go out is to slip away, Ruoxue, Yuguang, get ready."


Li Jiu put away the spirit pets and stepped into the portal without hesitation, leaving the place.

I hope that the current Liu family still does not know about Liu Cheng's death.


On the edge of the Wanghu Gorge on Neon Island, all the big guy spirit masters were all circling around the skull that could not be moved at this time.

One by one, it is like husbands waiting for the birth of a child at the door of their wife's delivery room.

Because inside this white skeleton is a famous secret realm!

And it's a grave-level murderous place!

How many Tianjiao are buried in it?

This is also the origin of the name of the Heaven-given Secret Realm.

It is rumored that in the fierce land a hundred years ago, a 28-level Imperial 3 epic pet Tianjiao did not come out, let alone the old things two hundred years ago and three hundred years ago.

If you want to cultivate an excellent Xuanling master, the family has spent a lot of effort and money from birth.

When the child is not yet born, the mother will start to buy various heavenly materials and earth treasures to replenish the body according to the family's financial resources, just to give the future child an excellent basic talent.

A strong body is essential for spiritual masters.

Moreover, no one wants their children to lose at the starting line.

The outstanding low-level spirit masters in the Xuanling Spirit Art family present basically all entered, if this did not come out, half of the high-quality blood of the new generation of the family would be gone!

If it was an ancient and short-lived inheritance like Xuanling Master, it would be a fatal blow.

Everyone is silently praying to bless their talents that nothing happens.

At this moment, a group of red-robed spirit masters rode a unified red fire plover to the fierce land of Wanghu Gorge.

Among the crowd watching the excitement, a fat man pointed to the gang and asked: "Lying groove, a good team, all elite commander-level flying spirit pets, what kind of family is this?"

The teammate next to him quickly covered his mouth and whispered: "You are a little louder, this is the Qin family!"

"The Qin family? What family?

"Fatty, you're almost level 30, why don't you understand the power of Xuanling Master?"

"Shh, we'll just watch."

"Oh, I see, could it be that the rumored eldest lady of the Qin family had an accident?"

"You make a little noise!"

After the Qin family arrived at the scene, they quietly put away the red fire kite, and they came to the vicinity of the murderous place in an orderly manner to wait.

A strong and tall middle-aged man led by Ji Yuxuan walked in front, with a national character face and a faint beard showing the charm of a mature man.

Moreover, he exuded powerful spiritual power fluctuations, enough to crush the vast majority of expert spirit masters present!

Field master!

At least level 50!

This person's name is Qin Shuang, he is Qin Wujie's biological father, the contemporary head of the Red Fire Qin family, and the Red Fire Academy in the mortal world is also funded and supported by them.

Although the wealth of the Qin family cannot be said to be rich and rival the country, it is definitely a rich party, and their comprehensive strength is called the Northern Regions Double Hero with the Northwest Liu family.

The two have been fighting openly and secretly for many years, and they have won and lost each other so far.

When the other medium-level spirit masters around saw Qin Shuang, who was the leader, he quickly stepped forward respectfully and bowed his head: "It turned out to be the head of the Qin family, and the junior was rude!" "

Lei Laosan has seen the Qin family master."

"Ye Hui has seen the Qin family master."

What is a deck?

Since Qin Shuang appeared, except for Liu Ba who looked worried, all the other members of the Xuanling Master, including the Ye Jiaqing family, lined up to greet Qin Shuang.

After Qin Shuangyi responded politely one by one, he looked at the lonely Liu Ba not far away and said with a smile: "Liu Laoba, what are you worried about?" "

I heard that Young Master Liu's divine skill is world-famous, and the spirit pet is powerful, so Tianjiao will definitely be fine, so don't worry."

If an uninformed person sees it, he thinks that it is a kind middle-aged man who persuades the widows and old people, which is not at all like the way of communication of hostile families.

Some scattered spirit masters secretly gave Qin Shuang a thumbs up.

What is poisoned milk?

Help you set up a flag, ensure that something happens, you can't say that Qin Shuang cursed your Liu family died, and people care about you.

High emotional intelligence!

Liu Ba was not furious, he hugged his fist at Qin Shuang and said flatly: "Thank you for the concern of the Qin family master, presumably the little princess of the Qin family will also leave the murderous place alive and sound."

"9494, it's best if no one dies, everyone's enemy is Warcraft!"

"We Xuanling Masters are all in the same group!"

There was a cheerful and celebratory atmosphere outside the fierce land gate, everyone you come and go to the crazy poisoned milk opponent family, I can't wait to invite Huang Laoxian to come up!

With a click, the white skeleton's Heavenly Spirit Cover shattered, and a large amount of spiritual power ejected from within formed a black portal.

This sound is like a firecracker in the dead of night, bringing back all the fake people present to reality.

"Groove! The door is opened fiercely!

"My heart, are you all right?" Some small families of Xuanling masters began to worship the Buddha and chant.

The servants of the Ye family spoke one after another: "God, bless my Ye family with nothing to do..."

The emaciated eagle hooked nose that accompanied Liu Cheng, that is, Liu Ba was staring at the black portal, his deep sunken eye sockets exuded a hint of anticipation and muttered: "Young Lord, you must be safe and sound....."

A figure walked out of the black portal, and people from various families hurriedly stepped forward to recognize the person.

It turned out that the first person to come out was Qin Wujie, and then a large number of spirit masters rushed out of the portal as if they were fleeing...

Qin Shuang saw his daughter come out first, and came over happily as if he had taken a reassuring pill: "Daughter, it's really good that you're okay." "

Dad, don't worry, I'll be fine."

"And I got a little chance in it, and I can break through level 30 right away."

When the others heard this, they hurriedly stepped forward and patted the horse and said, "Miss Qin is blessed with unparalleled fortune, and it will definitely be smooth sailing in the future, and she is expected to become a saint!"

Liu Ba looked at Qin Wujie, who was intact, and was secretly speechless in his heart, why didn't the young master kill this stinky girl?

Qin Shuang grabbed Qin Wujie and was about to leave: "Let's go home quickly, your mother is dying soon!" A

trace of cruelty flashed in Qin Wujue's eyes, she scanned the surroundings and found that no one cared about this side, she lay on her stomach and whispered in her father's ear: "Father, you have to help me get rid of someone, he may be the future enemy of our Qin family." "

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