"Dare to ask the name of the master?"

"Chu Xinyu." There was an icy sound in the air.

Li Jiuxin said: It seems that this beautiful master is an iceberg beauty who cherishes words like gold, so let's follow her silently with a few words.

"Yes Master."

Li Jiu didn't know what to say, so he could only silently follow her towards Crimson City.

A few minutes later.

Chu Xinyu asked coldly: "Xiaojiu, the Xuanling Technique on your body is not exposed, right?"

Li Jiu was slightly dissatisfied in his heart when he heard the master's name for himself.

Who is small?

But he didn't dare to refute, so he could only nod slightly and agree: "No."

"Did you get a bloody battle in the fierce land?" For the master, it is only calculated that the two arts meet..." Li

Jiu rolled his eyes and said tentatively: "Master, don't you know everything?" "

Seeing the heavenly machine will naturally fold the life, and the heavenly machine will not increase the life of the host."

Her slender moon eyebrows couldn't help but frown slightly, and sighed heavily: "Moreover, every time the host uses the [Heavenly Machine] divination, it will consume 100 years of life. "

Huh? That's too much of a pit, right?

Chu Xinyu couldn't help but be a little puzzled: "How?" Don't you feel that every time you use the Xuanling Technique, you will consume the origin of life? It's not a good thing to rely too much on the Supreme Technique, and the technique on your body seems to have undergone some kind of mutation..."

"The 7 god-level Xuanling Techniques are not at all the power that humans can master, and the price of using them is naturally the user's lifespan."

"Huh? ..... Yes! Yes, yes, I almost forgot. Li Jiu hurriedly hid the past.

Li Jiu hurriedly checked the system panel in his mind.

It clearly says that releasing the Xuan Spirit Art does not require the consumption of life?

The white-clothed fairy slowly stopped his pace and said softly: "Xiaojiu, I want to take you back to Tianji Peak to practice now, are you willing?"

"Of course, you can, but the apprentice just escaped from the murderous place today, and I want to take a day off and take a leave from the school teachers by the way." Li Jiu said slightly apprehensively.

He still hasn't figured out the true temper of this beautiful master.

Chu Xinyu looked at the sea under the night and sighed, and said faintly: "It's the same thing, it's the first time I've come to this neon island."

"Master master, let's play in neon for a day and then return to Tianji Peak." That cute flower fairy jumped out playfully from Chu Xinyu's spiritual pet space.

Li Jiu peeked from afar.

【Flower Fairy】

Grade Monarch Level


Introduction: An elf born in the autumn flower, good at healing and control

skills: thorn piercing, rejuvenating wind, violent pollen, uplifting aura .......

Current synchronization value: 70

good guy, this cute girl in front of me turned out to be a level 60 spirit pet!

Chu Xinyu's cold expression eased the moment she saw the cute flower fairy, revealing a gentle smile.

It's a pity that Li Jiu, who thought about things, did not appreciate it.

"Okay, tomorrow night we will leave for Tianji Peak."

Under the protection of Chu Xinyu, Li Jiu returned to Crimson City unharmed.

There are no words on the road.

Pedestrians on both sides of the street looked at the two people walking side by side, and the fox was whispering, and some LSPs looked at Chu Xinyu's back and slammed straight into the telephone pole on the side of the road.

"Groove, what kind of beauty is this?"

"Looks great, right? This is if you show your face and feel like a star on TV!

"You two don't want to live anymore? This white-clothed woman's spiritual power level is unfathomable. Their fellow spirit masters stopped them in a loud voice.


Li Jiu took Chu Xinyu to one of the best-decorated hotels near the city, and tentatively looked at the iceberg beside him, "Master, is it okay to rest here tonight?"

"I don't care."


Inside the lobby of the Sakura Hotel.

Li Jiu took out his mobile phone and said, "Miss, come to the two best rooms you have here."

"A larger one is enough." Chu Xinyu said coldly.

"Listen to her."

What winds and waves have you never seen in the front desk lady?

"Dear two guests, please show your ID card."


Miss Qiantai was stunned when she saw the small black sign in Chu Xinyu's hand, and said incoherently: "Yuan... Come to the distinguished guest, no charge, no charge.

Li Jiu looked at the magical small black wooden card in Chu Xinyu's hand and did not dare to ask more.

"And this kind of good thing? White? The

front desk lady nodded like garlic, "Yes, yes, yes." "

Hurry up."

The front desk lady handed over a room card that looked extremely noble, the card body was made of Xuan Ying stone, and the market value of this palm-sized card was about 30W spirit coins.

"Distinguished Miss, this is the key card of 703."

"Trouble you."

Li Jiu glanced at Chu Xinyu beside him without meaning to make a move, and he took it casually.

The front desk lady looked at the backs of the two who kept moving away and said in her heart: What a pervert is the current person playing, master and apprentice play?


Because of the token of the Spirit Master Association, Li Jiuguang lived in the supreme VIP private room here.

Take the elevator to the seventh floor, the overall decoration design of the seventh floor is different from other floors, and there are only 5 rooms on the entire floor.

Push the door in front of door 703, which is a large room of nearly 200 square meters, two bedrooms, everything in the room, and some BYT, QY and other strange sex toys under the coffee table.

Yes, this hotel is so unorthodox.

Chu Xinyu didn't seem to understand what these things were for, and she didn't pay attention to these at all.

Li Jiu took the lead and threw them away.

I shouldn't be..... Jockey ancestor people, right?

Chu Xinyu kept pressing the switch in the bedroom, and asked with some curiosity: "Huh?" The layout of the room seems to be much smarter than before, but why is this light pink? "

Master? Have you been living in that so-called Tianji Peak? Haven't been to the city much?

Chu Xinyu looked back when she heard this: "Except for my previous experience, I basically don't go down the mountain much, and Tianji Peak is my home."

Li Jiu nodded: Yes, only that kind of inaccessible place can give birth to such a dusty fairy, right?

"Then Master, I'll go back to the house first."


The bedroom is quite large and the bed is good, big enough for three people.

Li Jiu took out his luggage from the system space, "Yuguang, you're in trouble." The

Holy Wing Angel flickered out from the Spirit Pet Space, and Yuguang helped Li Jiu pack his luggage and check the entire room by the way.

And the big fox in Li Jiu's arms has been secretly staring at Chu Xinyu all the way.

Because she already felt the slightest strange thought in Li Jiu's heart.

But instincts and intuition tell Sakura Ruoxue that her current self is no match for the iceberg beauty.

Woo hoo~

The big fox shook his body and jumped out of Li Jiu's arms, lying on the soft sofa and began to roll and coquettish.

Sakura Ruoxue didn't know what to do.

Li Jiu noticed the abnormality of the big fox and quickly picked her up and gently stroked his favorite fox's tail to stabilize Ying Ruoxue's state of mind.

About five minutes later.

Chu Xinyu's voice came from the living room: "Xiaojiu, trouble you to come out, I have something I want to ask you." "

It's coming, it's coming!"

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