The black dream beast gently waved its jade hand, and her and Chu Xinyu's bodies exuded a rainbow-colored luster like irregular positions, and disappeared in front of Li Jiu's eyes in a blink of an eye.


"I'm here, don't worry." Chu Xinyu's cold voice came from the air.

Since there is a beautiful master as a bodyguard, there is nothing to be afraid of.

Li Jiu summoned Yuguang to protect himself and quickly left the hotel.

At ten o'clock in the middle of the night, the night starry river outside had fallen, and Li Jiu took out the mobile phone used to contact Inoue Hong and dialed the slightly familiar number.


"Inoue Hong? I'm Li Jiu, I want to ask if there are any large-scale auction venues in Crimson City? I have something to deal with.

The tone of Inoue Hong's mouth changed a little, "You came out of the murderous place safely?" There are so many things to deal with on my side, I can only contact your school principal, I can't pick you up in person, I'm sorry. Hiroshi Inoue's tone changed a little.

It turned out that Lao Chu got the news from Inoue Hong to pick himself up.

"Blessing to you, I'm fine."

"Well, there is a national chain of public auction houses called the Holy Moon Chamber of Commerce at No. 89 Ruixue Street, and the things inside are all genuine goods."

"Thank you." Li Jiu exchanged pleasantries with him for a while and then hung up the phone.

Li Jiu took Ying Ruoxue and Yuguang to Ruixue Street easily, which was not far from the hotel where he was staying.

Li Jiu sighed: "It's still a bustling city." "

As far as the eye can see, there is no end in sight to all kinds of buildings and shops, an endless stream of people, and roadside vendors shouting.

"Are you ripe for this spirit egg?"

"I eat on this thing, and I can still sell you dead eggs?"


Just when Li Jiu was looking for No. 89 on Ruixue Street, a little cute girl with a sweet looking chest that was about to split leaned over 'maliciously', "Handsome guy~ Come to our happy bar to consume?" Tonight, the whole audience is eight-fold meow. Yuguang

silently blocked in front of her, strictly forbidding other monsters to approach the master, and the big fox in his arms stared at the cute girl in front of him kindly.

"Ahhh The highest consumption today may be mysterious.... Welfare meow? Little Meng Mei smiled awkwardly and handed over a small red card with both hands.

Li Jiu saw that this woman should be fifteen or sixteen years old, what did she eat and grow up? This scale is about the same as Yan Wan.

And whose child is this? Going to work in such an unorthodox bar? The flowers of the Motherland are withering again.

At this moment, the system panel inadvertently jumped out.

【Umong Cat】

Grade: Elite

Level: Level 31

Introduction: The kitten cat who entered human society through the reverse contract

Ah this, the cute girl in front of you is a monster?

Umong Cat looked at the handsome black-haired boy in front of him in a daze and grinned: "Handsome guy, we are a national chain of bars, do you want to come and play?"

"Next time, definitely."

Umong Cat waved his hand a little disappointed, "Okay~ If the handsome guy comes to our happy bar in the future, you must show this card~ I can help you hit 7.8 discounts." After

the cat lady left, she stood on the street and continued to patrol until she found the next spirit master and leaned in with a smile...

The Fuluzong has penetrated to this point?

Li Jiu carefully looked at the small red card in his hand.

On the front side are written "Happy Bar" four colorful art characters, next to it is written "Life must be proud", and behind the card is a dense network of national branches and contact information.

There is a very obscure black cat pattern in the lower right corner.

Li Jiu understood that these monsters of them may be working for this happy bar, and the spirit master who entered with the card would have a discount, and the special service must be the beast girl's 'kill must die'.

Monsters have been reduced to tools for capital to make money, and having money can make Warcraft grind, which makes Li Jiu sigh again at the power of money.


"Xiaojiu, this woman's chest is about to fly to her head, you don't go to that kind of place." The cold voice of the master came from the air.

Chu Xinyu spoiled her apprentice very much.

Because he was one of his few bonds, Chu Xinyu was afraid that Li Jiu would go crooked and fall.

She thought that Li Jiu was attracted to the pair of big snow peaks, so she looked at the cat lady blankly.

That place is so big.... What if the apprentice is hooked away?

"I've heard Master say that many spirit masters abandon their practice because they are addicted to women, and I don't want to interfere in your private life, but I heard about that kind of place.... It's messy... Not good. "

Although Chu Xinyu has almost no contact with the outside world, it does not mean that she is pure and silly Baitian, and this is 2021, there is mobile phone Internet.

Li Jiu whispered: "Master, I didn't look at her chest, I was just a little curious about this bar."

"In that case, listen to the master."

Originally, Li Jiu planned to go to the bar tonight to see how many monsters were inside, but since the master didn't like it, he wouldn't go.

The reason why Chu Xinyu didn't find the strange look in Li Jiu's eyes after seeing her true face at that time, in fact, the main thing is that Li Jiu hid it too well, and a qualified LSP only needed a glimpse of it, and all the beautiful scenery could be seen.

Drooling with a pig brother staring at a beautiful woman, that's what a fool would do.

Chu Xinyu still secretly admired the apprentice's good determination in her heart, but just now the apprentice was staring at a woman who was not as good looking as herself, which made her heart extremely awkward.

If you look at a beautiful woman presumptuously, she will scold you for being obscene, but her heart is still dark.

If you don't look at her, but choose a woman who is not as good as her, it will make her extremely unhappy.

It's like a licking dog licking a goddess.

Suddenly one day, the licking dog does not lick her, but goes to lick another woman, even if the goddess does not like this licking dog, she will find a way to make the licking dog come back to lick her.

What I don't like can't be taken away by others.

What's more, Chu Xinyu's favor for Li Jiu is not low because of the master-apprentice relationship.

This little episode gave birth to a strange idea in Chu Xinyu's heart.

Her attitude towards Li Jiu had changed silently, and even she hadn't noticed it...

Li Jiu didn't think so much, he was a little afraid of Chu Xinyu's respect.

For the sake of Sakura Ruoxue, the slightest thought that should not be had was pressed by his reason in the deepest part of his heart.

I have to say that the reverse contract of the Fuluzong is really ingenious, and even Chu Xinyu can't see the true face of Wumeng Cat.

Except for the feather light with its own spiritual power perception and the open hanging system, no one has discovered the fact that the Warcraft has invaded.


Li Jiu asked a few passers-by and smoothly came to No. 89 Ruixue Street.

This is a resplendent luxury mansion, with four big characters composed of brilliant neon lights hanging above: Holy Moon Chamber of Commerce.

Even the security guards at the entrance of the Holy Moon Chamber of Commerce are second-order spirit masters, which is a symbol of strength.

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