Everyone in the venue looked in the direction of the offeror, they all wanted to see who was making such a bid?

Li Jiu also turned around and looked back, that person was Qin Shuang of the Qin family.

"1000W, this spirit pet egg my Qin family wants." Qin Shuang said proudly.

"It turned out to be the head of the Qin family?"


These family forces have weighed the follow-up expenses, and there is no need to beat the face for the so-called face.



"The auction house is not opened by your family, 1100W." Liu Ba, who was standing in the back row of the venue, shouted.



Liu Ba also understands the value of this spirit pet egg, 1300W is already the limit.

Higher is to be a gambling dog.

Unless the hatched dark condensation mastiff is monarch-level, or it is a blood loss.

But what is the difference between incubating a high-level spirit pet and buying a lottery ticket to win?

The woman Ling Yue said deliberately: "It seems that the Qin family master obtained this spirit pet egg." "

She wants to add fuel to the conflict between the two and get a higher price.


“1300W。" Liu Ba gritted his teeth and said.

“1400W。" Qin Shuang looked indifferent to the markup.

As long as he can press the Liu family today, it doesn't matter to him to add it to 2000W.

Just put a firecracker to celebrate Liu Cheng's death.

Because the Liu family lost an outstanding genius, they may even lose the Supreme Xuan Spirit Technique, and their Qin family is the biggest beneficiary.

Qin Shuang also wanted to know where the Liu family's Supreme Xuan Spirit Art was, if it was found by my Qin family...

After Liu Ba gave up, the other families gave up the fight because of the Qin family's deterrence and the exaggerated price.

Ling Yue smiled with a red face: "Congratulations to the Qin family master for obtaining this Dark Condensation Mastiff Spirit Pet Egg.

"The next item is even more heavyweight, from the hand of the mysterious man—the Middle Grade Holy Spirit Seal."

With the woman's hand, a purple box slowly appeared inside the colorful glass display case.

At this time, all the spirit masters, including Qin Shuang Liu Ba, were struck by lightning, and their facial expressions froze for a few seconds.

An incomparably exaggerated scream filled the entire auction hall, and nearly half of the big guy family forces stood up from their seats.

What do they see?

Medium grade Holy Spirit Seal!

Except for Li Jiu who has seen the upper grade and even the ultimate Holy Spirit Seal, most spiritual masters can mix a lower grade Holy Spirit Seal, and this is the first time they have seen it.

This soft Q-like appearance is not the point at all.

Because its properties are insane, with a heart-pounding effect.

As long as you have it, you can reasonably have close contact with the originally proud spirit pet, and you can strengthen the spirit pet's combat skills.

Kill two birds with one stone!

Of course, if the spirit pet is male or does not love to take shape, bear with it, after all, they have strong combat effectiveness.

The spiritual masters of the auction house were noticeably short of breath, and their heart rates rose.

Many people frantically began to call people to borrow money, the money can be earned, and the Chinese Holy Spirit Seal is a priceless thing.

Money alone can't buy it.

"Quick, inform the Great Elder and take the money!"

"Lao Zhang, lend me some money, just 1000W more."

"Go and inform the family."

Countless spirit masters were like ants on a hot pot, they only hated that they didn't have enough money and were not well prepared.

"Why didn't the Holy Moon Chamber of Commerce advertise earlier that tonight's auction items had the Holy Spirit Seal?" A female spirit master couldn't help but ask.

"yes, I didn't bring much money!"

Ling Yue bent down and apologized, "Distinguished guest, this item was just auctioned by a mysterious person.

"Because the guests are in a hurry, they can only be temporarily put on the shelves..." The

male spiritualists who watched the ball game chose to forgive her.

Ling Yue's lengthy introduction finally ended, and a reserve price that did not surprise anyone was shouted out from her mouth: "Okay, the starting price of this Chinese Spirit Seal is 1000W spirit coins!" "

1000W spirit coins, for a spirit master, is also an astronomical amount that a lifetime cannot save, and in the face of such an outrageous price, not only did not make the auction cold, but instantly brought a wave of shouting fever.

One is more outrageous than the other, and one is more frightening than the other.

"1200W, my Liang family wants it."


"1300W, I want it from Peach Cherry Academy."

"1400W, my Royal Sword Sect wants it."




"It's too grinding, 2000W!"


After the price went up to 2000W, the frequency of shouting and price growth eased significantly, which is an unbearable bottom line for the vast majority of spiritual masters.

How to say that this Holy Spirit Seal is also a strengthening prop, they can only sigh sadly in the face of such a sky-high price.

At the same time, almost no one from those powerful families made a bid, including Liu Ba standing in the aisle.

"3000W, who dares to grab it?" Liu Ba spoke.

His indifferent voice carried a terrifying aura, and everyone quickly looked back.

When the onlookers saw Liu Ba's appearance, like a zombie-like complexion, and his lifeless face, they knew that this person was the Northwest Driving Corpse Liu family.

No one wants to be hated by the ominous family, and some small families who intend to compete give up the competition.

"I dare, 3100W." Qin Shuang still spoke with a kind face.

Li Jiu secretly praised: "Sure enough, he is the head of a big family, elegant and easy-going, and temperamental, and he is so fresh and vulgar when he raises a price."

Liu Ba stared at Qin Shuang coldly: "Your Qin family must go against our Liu family, right?" 3300W! "



“3600W!" Qin Shuang followed closely.

This slightly outrageous price makes everyone else completely dumbfounded.

The auction price of the first few Chinese Holy Spirit Seals is about 3000W, which exceeds the past 600W purely to raise the bar.

"3800W, do you still dare to follow?" Liu Ba said tremblingly.

This is Liu Ba's last bottom line, and buying the Zhongpin Holy Spirit Seal beyond this price will definitely be severely punished by Liu Zhenhan's pervert, and if you don't bid, you will also be punished.

Qin Shuang hugged his fist without changing his face: "Don't dare, the Liu family is powerful, admire and admire." "

I announce..." The

following words Li Jiu has not listened to anymore, 3800W!

What is this concept?

Oh my God.

9 The huge wealth that adults can't earn in their lifetime, this middle-grade Holy Spirit Seal that he dislikes is actually worth so much?

Zhongpin Holy Spirit Seal: The day before yesterday, you love to ignore me, and today I can't afford to climb high.

That is to say, if Li Jiu really wants to be a salted fish, take this huge amount of money that ordinary people can squander their lives to find a safe city to stay in, and there is no problem in living for hundreds of years.

That little day can only be described as a fairy life.

But Li Jiu thought about it, there is a limit to people's lifespan, how can money corrupt his original ambitions?

I'm not a human anymore!

I want to surpass human beings and collect at least 7 supreme occult spiritual techniques to live for tens of thousands of years first.

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