Li Jiu returned to his bedroom.

Facing a slightly moving master dressed in white, he still couldn't control his emotions.

Brush brush brush ~

black, white and red three rays emerged at the same time, and Yan Wan very skillfully drilled into Li Jiu's arms.

"Master~ I miss you so much, feed people for dinner, right?"

It was restlessly wrapped around the extremely soft and very playful tail.

Sakura Ruoxue was lying on the bed with a depressed face, her big furry tail lowered listlessly, not knowing what she was thinking.

The succubus leaned into Li Jiu's ear and whispered: "Na, master, do you want it?"

"Wan'er, you wait first, I'm afraid that this room is not soundproof."

"Make excuses."

Yan Wan smiled and emptied Li Jiu to the bed, "Master, do you really have to wait?"

Today's Yan Wan is dressed in a set of loose yellow half shoulder sleeves, a seductive purple hair combed into a double ponytail style, and two black bows hanging down naturally.

She grabbed Li Jiu defiantly with one hand, gently latched the end of her clothes, and turned out to be in a completely liberated state, with the meaning of inviting the owner to watch the ball game, and the pair of enchanting pink eyes said cannibalism.

The trembling white jade that made Li Jiu love exuded a slightly dazzling luster.

From that direction, her curves are so moving.

A stunner on earth, but that's it.

Yan Wan was familiar with the truth of 'don't just want', and she loosened her clothes with a smile and completely pressed it up.

The two stared at each other with four eyes.

"Master, accompany me to play moba~

" Li Jiu looked at Yuguang sitting at the head of the bed like a wronged little daughter-in-law, he swallowed his saliva and said with a slight trembling: "Eh, losing in front of Yuguang will be very faceless." A

numbing voice ran through her eardrums: "What are you afraid of, it's not that she hasn't seen you surrender."

Li Jiu said a little unwillingly: "Active loss is not the same as passive surrender.

Yan Wan rolled her eyes smartly, and then she thought about how to attack the novice angel, "Well, just play casually, the angel is really troublesome." "

Welcome to Sweet Canyon~"

Or the hero chosen last time, Yan Wan, who was eager to win, did not be polite with the little master.

She used her own advantages to suppress the little master to death, not giving Li Jiu a chance to resist in the early stage.

Yan Wan said: "Since the master does not like SOLO, I will speed up the pace of the game, break through your way within 10 minutes, and hand me your experience."

"Don't go too far, I just want me to hold on..."

Li Jiu said angrily, "Damn, do you think that my physical strength level has been increased for nothing?

"Fight with me, you're still young, little master."

Yan Wan controlled the rabbit holding the big stick, and was already arrogant to the point of in reverse.

Jade rabbit pounding mortar, thousand birds caressing the qin, double horse drinking spring, a set of unexplained combo moves took Li Jiu away in the early stage.

The soldiers were defeated, did not master the rhythm of the early attack, and the wild buff was not obtained, but Yan Wan took the double buff against Li Jiu to do wrong.

Hey, lost again.

But this time, the villain persisted to 15 shots, and he was not bad.


Through the pale arch, Yan Wan revealed a satisfied smile, "It's a pity master, I haven't done it yet."

Li Jiu didn't want to play anymore and quickly struggled to get up, while Yan Wan lifted her body and leaned on Li Jiu's strong chest in this way smoothly.

The soft light of the moon halo flowed back and forth along the snow shoulder, and the two rounded half-arcs of the collarbone emitted shimmering water.

The plump waves of the stone continue to change into various strange shapes through the rising tide of the sea, and the sacred waves slowly disappear because of the power of the devil...

Li Jiu hugged the slender white pink legs, "Forget it, I've never seen you look like you wholeheartedly, and I want to live a few more years."

"I don't want to do it with racial advantage, eating is eating, it's different."

"I don't mind ~ master, not to mention that we will have the opportunity to exchange feelings in the future, 20,000 years."

The flawless jade body became white and red, and the beautiful pink hair that could be seen had long been scattered, covering the valley map of the peaks and valleys that could never be seen.

Yan Wan felt Li Jiu's fighting intent, and nodded approvingly: "Master, you have really become powerful."

"Don't do it, so be it."


Yan Yu was sleeping in the forest immortal territory of the spirit pet space, and the big fox on the side looked directly at him with shock, but the feather light was nowhere to be seen.

Li Jiu quickly asked in his heart, "Yuguang, where are you?"

There are many "enemies", and you can't cut them with a sword in hand.

As a spiritual master, you can't care about one or the other, and you must constantly calm the emotions of the spiritual pet.

Yuguang's soft voice came from his heart: "Master, I am below and want to give you food." Li

Jiu tiptoed open the bedroom door, and Chu Xinyu had already returned to her room to retreat and cultivate spiritual power and digest the white and fat ginseng.

At this time, the living room was empty, the kitchen was illuminated by a faint orange-yellow light, and a graceful shadow slipped out of the doorway....

A pink pajama could not cover Yuguang's plump and graceful body at all, her silky blonde hair was tied into a single ponytail, and her clear pupils were staring worriedly at the boiling water in the pot...

This dress is completely like a wife who cooks noodles for her husband in the evening.

This is a beautiful scenery that only you can enjoy.

Li Jiu held his breath and quietly leaned over, and Yuguang, who was wholeheartedly cooking noodles, did not even notice the owner's circle.


Yan Wan, who was standing alone by the bedroom door, looked at the two from a distance.

The instinct of the succubus made her unable to hold back her bad thoughts, and she wanted to go over and 'mock' the innocent angel.

But Yan Wan, who knew Li Jiu's thoughts well, knew that if she did this, she would appear to be very 'made'.

Yan Wan gradually recalled that in the spirit pet space that day, she and Yuguang bet that Li Jiu would definitely obey his instincts and would not refuse him.

Win and make big, lose and make small.

When he first came to Li Jiu's side, he did 'seduce' this man with some gambling at that time.

Yan Wan thought she could fascinate Li Jiu.

As a result, Li Jiu belongs to the passive brain monster and never takes the initiative to make fun of her.

This is a shame on the succubus!

That time, he was rejected by Li Jiu with his feelings of taking care of Yan Yu, and Yan Wan, who was willing to gamble and lose, no longer wanted to compete with Yuguang for status.

Through the gambling game, Yan Wan knew that this master with a very luscious heart was not a man controlled by the lower body, and if he was replaced by other spiritual masters with poor concentration, he would sing night and night in the face of ordinary flower charms.

To be honest, Yan Wan is a demon representing the seven sins, and without the suppression of Yuguang, a heavenly favor, Li Jiu would not be able to refuse her.

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