"Xiaojiu, don't worry, it also took 200 years for the master to reach level 70."

Chu Xinyu saw the shock in Li Jiu's heart, and worried that he would go astray in his eagerness, so she quickly comforted: "I see that you have only recently become a spirit master, give you 200 years, and your cultivation has absolutely surpassed being a teacher."

"What's more, all the Turin pets around you are high-grade..."

"Master, I know, I'll go back to Tianji Peak with you to practice."

Chu Xinyu gently soothed the white horse beside her with one hand, as if she was enlightening something.

"Xiaojiu, she agreed to take you, just don't touch her."

After Li Jiu cleaned up the only remaining space ring underground, he asked with some surprise, "Master?" Aren't we going back by plane?

Chu Xinyu waved her hand: "The plane is too slow, and you have to verify your identity or something."

"Your angel can't take you on a long flight, Xiaojiu, you ride her back with me."

"Ah this..... All right. "

Chu Xinyu turned over and rode steadily on the back of the white horse, leaving Li Jiu with an incomparably irritating back....

Do I have to sit in front of the master?

But that seems even more outrageous?

Chu Xinyu spoke, "Xiaojiu, what are you still stunned for?" Come up?

Li Jiu touched his nose awkwardly: "Where am I sitting?"

"Of course it's in the back, you don't want Master Wei to hold you, do you?"

Chu Xinyu, who had not had physical contact with any man, didn't know how lethal what she said was to Li Jiu?

Li Jiuxin said: Is this for me to hold the master? That's not quite good, right?

"Master, isn't this not good? The apprentice is afraid of bumping into the master, so let's go back to the city to buy a ticket and take a plane.

Chu Xinyu sighed slightly, "Xiaojiu, as the head of the Tianji Sect, there is no special reason why you can't stay in the outside world for too long..... There is no one to protect the Tianji Pavilion, and I am very worried. "

Since the master doesn't care that he may take advantage, Li Jiu, you can show up.


Li Jiu put away the spirit pets, caressed the back of the horse and jumped up.


Li Jiu, who had sworn in the last second, was instantly ignited by a unique fragrance of cold lotus, igniting the Y fire in his heart.

The thighs and the plump peach came into contact almost zero-distance, and Li Jiu suddenly felt energetic as if he was electrocuted.

Chu Xinyu looked sideways slightly, revealing a half-beautiful jade face and spoke, "Xiaojiu, why are you so nervous?" Am I that scary? "

Chu Xinyu's origin is unknown, she was adopted by her master since she was a child and brought back to Tianji Peak, and she and her master were accompanied all day long. (Don't guess, Shizu is also a woman.)

With the end of her master's life, Chu Xinyu naturally inherited the will of her master and the [responsibility] of the Tianji Sect, and this trip to find Li Jiu was the second time she went down the mountain in her life.

Last night, Chu Xinyu rested early, and did not use her spiritual power to spy on Li Jiu's privacy.

She doesn't know much about the difference between men and women, but she doesn't know it completely.

It belongs to that state of seeming understanding and non-understanding, hazy.

Li Jiu swallowed his saliva slightly, and said tremblingly: "Master... My first time riding Pegasus, I was a little nervous. "

The master was originally like the Chang'e fairy on the Guanghan Palace, which made people feel ashamed of their cold arrogance and dignity, and they were detached from the dust.

Now, Chu Xinyu is right in front of him, within reach.

"There's nothing to be nervous about, Cher, let's go."

The four-winged pegasus was ordered to run happily, and took off flat with a slight jump, and the soft power of light wrapped the two people on his back.

In the blink of an eye, the four-winged pegasus had already flown above the sky!

Li Jiu was also the first time to observe the master so closely, he was the first and last man in the world who could get so close to Chu Xinyu.

Li Jiu gently hugged Chu Xinyu's waist, what a soft and slender thing...

It was the ice cold on her body, the cold that was not like the ordinary human temperature.

"Ah..." A soft, dream-like unconscious moan interrupted Li Jiu's YY.

Li Jiu's heart beat faster and higher.... No way..... She is my master, how can I do that to my master?

That's too much, right?

Li Jiu, Li Jiu, take out some determination.

Chu Xinyu's side.

She felt that the apprentice was a man, and it was not very good to be held in her arms, so she let him sit in the back.

Chu Xinyu never expected that Li Jiu's slightly heavy snort would be so itchy near her neck, and the smell of the opposite sex...

After Li Jiu hugged her waist tightly, the two bodies were almost completely together.

Rao, Chu Xinyu, who did not understand the affairs of men and women, also felt that something seemed to be a little wrong.

Although the Tianji Sect does not have the brain-dead setting of "No Men Allowed", Chu Xinyu has never been so intimate with any member of the opposite sex.

The strange reaction of the body will appear heat in the body that should be like ice?

So that little bit of extreme refreshing made her couldn't help but moan.

Chu Xinyu said in her heart: What is wrong with me, and what is this feeling?

It's really comfortable and addictive.

Chu Xinyu leaned into Li Jiu's arms like this and stopped struggling, and that strange feeling made her feel unprecedented warmth.

Anyway, it's his own apprentice, it's okay to lean on it for a while, right?

Li Jiu gently hugged the master whose body was cool and cool, motionless like a Wang Ba.

Because as long as he moves gently, the crazy softness will make the master-apprentice relationship deteriorate, causing Li Jiu's mouth to be dry and the fire spiritual power in his body to run violent...

Li Jiu bit the tip of his tongue fiercely and warned himself again: You have to endure.

Now Chu Xinyu seems to be weak like a willow, leaning lightly in front of Li Jiu, as Li Jiu's gaze moves down, under the crystal-like collarbone, two towering snow greases gently tremble in the plump and slightly raised snow clothes.

Amitabha, can't look any further.

Li Jiu quickly closed his eyes, his breathing was so disordered that he exploded, he quickly began to think about the meaning of life, is there an end to the universe, is there a length of time?

Chu Xinyu closed her eyes slightly, and said with a little enjoyment: "Xiaojiu, I'm a little tired for the teacher, just rely on such a short time, don't you mind?"

"Didn't... thing. Li Jiu gritted his teeth and said word by word.

"Xiaojiu, are you too nervous?" The charming goblin in his arms has no idea of his beauty at this moment.

Chu Xinyu is too lax about the relationship between master and apprentice, in her cognition, master and apprentice are like blood relations, and they depend on each other.

"The master is too good for me, I'm just a little excited..." It

was this trust that made Li Jiu feel very uncomfortable.

Isn't it bullying to face the master?

If not, does it mean that the master is not attractive?

This is really a philosophical question.

"Master, why is your body so cold?"

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