The purple bat kept flying

, and the system's voice was a little strange: "Ding~ The synchronization value with the First Demon & Holy Flower Fairy has increased by N points, and the current synchronization value is 85&80." "

Ding~ The fit with the original demon reaches 100%!"

"The seal of perfection is achieved."

"Ding~ For unknown reasons, the level of the First Demon & Saint Flower Fairy has been increased by 2 levels."

"Ding~..." A

series of system sounds sounded continuously, and Li Jiu didn't care too much.

"Master, you won for the first time."

The delicate cotton-like voice made Li Jiu, who was caught in the victory of the game, suddenly feel numb all over, and his bones were soft...

He subconsciously looked at the demon Ji in his arms, Yan Wan leaned on Li Jiu's shoulder so willfully, and there was a satisfied smile on the stunning flower that poured out all living beings.

A pair of jade-like pink legs naturally overlapped and leaned next to Li Jiu's legs.

Li Jiu gently stroked her succubus horns, which were fortunately quite strong and felt good.

"Master, let's have another plate, it's not enjoyable."


Li Jiu quickly pressed her pair of white and tender little hands, dispelling the bold idea in her heart.

Yan Yu on the right hand side also lay his head in Li Jiu's arms, and his eyes containing mysterious purple ripples looked directly at Li Jiu.

Li Jiu grabbed her silky blue hair and smiled slightly: "What's wrong with you?" Jade?

Yan Yu seemed to remember something, tilted his head and said, "Master Se... You... It's so bad..." Yan

Wan gently pinched Yan Yu's beautiful face, and said gently: "Men are not bad, women don't love it~" "Wan'er,

it's time to evolve."

He Cheng wanted Yan Wanxiu in his arms to fly to Yuguang's side, and the curve of the corners of his mouth was almost upturned into the sky.

Yuguang tensed his small face and looked at the demon in front of him silently.

"I've always wanted to see this expression of yours, Alala~ This expression of jealousy of me."

"Yuguang~ I won't lose to you!"

In the face of Yan Wan's 'provocation' Yuguang glanced at Yuyan and muttered in a low voice: "Hmph, isn't it evolution, I'm not rare at all.. Whining.

Li Jiu slapped Yan Wan's ass fiercely, and said angrily: "Don't bully Yuguang, you demon girl!"

Yan Wan turned around and smiled: "Master, is it my good look or the master's good looks?" "

What's pretty?"

"You know..."

Li Jiu quickly wiped the non-existent cold sweat on his forehead: "Your good looks, your good looks." "



Ten minutes later.

Li Jiu took out the autumn water grass, the black magic horn, and gently stroked the growing purple bat on Yan Wan's lower abdomen.

Although he had already helped Yan Yu evolve once, Li Jiu was still excited.

Yan Wan rode on Li Jiu and gently hugged his head, "Master, your hands are shaking..."

Li Jiu placed the Autumn Water Grass and the Black Magic Horn next to the purple bat, and because the conditions were already together, the three emitted a brilliant and charming purple light at the same time!

The Autumn Water Grass and the Black Demon Horn were torn to pieces by the purple light emitted by the bat, and were slowly absorbed into Yan Wan's body.

The black glow rushing into the sky went straight into the sky along the roof, and Yan Wan's evolution was actually so big?

The black glow gradually dissipated...

The charming and lazy woman in front of her smiled slightly at Li Jiu, her eyes full of love with autumn waves.

A gorgeous black robe tightly bound Yan Wan's soft and mature body, the evil purple hair was combed into a double ponytail by her at will, the hairpins of the two batsuits were full of mystery

, Yan Wan felt the gaze of her beloved master slightly lift the skirt, and a pair of delicate ankles carved by the Creation God with all his ability were exposed.

A pair of charming blue eyes stared directly at Li Jiu, and she slowly leaned over.

Her cherry lips curled lightly, as if she was smiling, and her tender lips seemed to be three points more bright red than the most beautiful petals in the world: "Master, I... Is it beautiful? "

In terms of appearance, the original Yan Wan is already the peak of Li Jiu's understanding, beautiful, and this evolution has swept away her flattering temperament, not so much a succubus, but rather an arrogant and lazy demon queen.

Only the closest master can know how white and soft the skin under this black robe is.

Li Jiu was lucky.

Because such a stunning stunner has completely and forever belonged to him.


Yan Wan gently hugged Li Jiu and expressed her love in her favorite way: "I didn't expect that the master really has the ability to let me evolve." "


Yan Wan had already accepted her fate: "In this way, I can also collect all the power of the seven sins in front of Dai Meng, and I will no longer have to be separated from Yu'er." "

Only the Demon King Dai Meng can perform this perverted skill of the Demon Twins.

Yan Yu got rid of the fate of 'replicant' through a method similar to rebirth, and Yan Wan also wants to become Yan Yu today, get rid of the fate of becoming a 'replicator' of Daimeng.

Maybe collecting the power of the seven sins will have a way to solve the Demon King, right?

[Lust Sin Demon (Yan Wan)]

Grade: Legendary

Level: Level 26

Introduction: A dark attribute demon with pure demon power, now has lust and gluttonous power.

Skills: Seven Sins True Body Demon True Body Life and Death Demon Twin Demon Forging

Evil Power of the Same Body Demon: When the host attacks the enemy, there is a chance to cause a unique multiplier effect

, the higher the synchronization value, the higher the chance of the sync value: 85

Fit: 100

Evolvable: Materials required by

the Demon King: Mythical Demon Core (similar to the Pain Belt)

Yan Wan is the same as Yuguang, Evolution to the mythical level only requires a mythical-level demon core!

The evil power of evolutionary comprehension can cause Li Jiu or Yan Yu double damage.

Simple and rough skills, real strengthening!

After the contract little blue bird leaves here, it will be necessary to find trouble with high-level angels or demons!

Yan Wan muttered: "Master, I still want it." "

Nope!" Hamitsu and Sakura Wakayuki spoke at the same time.

Looking at the three women who were making a mess in front of him, Li Jiu skillfully clicked on the system lottery and slept after the draw!

"Do you run a daily draw?"


"Congratulations on obtaining a disposable item - a third-order spirit core package."

Hints from the system.

Practice well, stop touching fish!

Li Jiu opened the Spirit Core Pack, and today's number is 8!

The 24 spirit cores were fed to the four women, and Li Jiu quickly turned off the lights and went to sleep............


Unknown places.

A male angel dressed in white armor opened his eyes and stared at the sky-piercing black light.

He sniffed the air and muttered, "Has the demonic power been revived again?"

"For the sake of Lord Camille, who has not yet woken up, I will kill that woman now!"

A man in a black robe leaned over: "Venerable Angel, are you awake?" "

Wuqu? What are you here for?

"Of course it's cooperation, our new soul is very curious about the power of angels..." The

angel stood up and said, "Wait first, I have something to do."

"Migallo, according to the agreement, you should give me that thing, we have sent people to various continents to find what you said."

"I'll give it to you when it's done!" Angel said.

Wuqu Xingjun spoke, "I heard that the Angel of Justice is the embodiment of light, light, and justice, and I believe you once.

"Don't worry, we angels are the most reasonable."

Wuqu Xingjun looked at the righteous angel who was about to leave, "Where are you going?" Need help from us?

"There is no need to eliminate adultery."


Meanwhile, in an unknown dark space.

A woman's voice rang out: "This smell... Is it her?

"I'm going to speed up too...."

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