Chu Xinyu had mixed feelings when she heard the news of Li Jiu's success and the Xiaoying contract, and it was a happy thing for the apprentice to have a flying spirit pet with unlimited potential, but this also showed that the date of his departure would not be too close.

"Kohisa..... Have you finished your meal?

Li Jiu wiped his mouth and said with some doubt: "Well, master, what's wrong with you?"

"You come with me." Chu Xinyu got up and said coldly.

She didn't want to expose her vulnerable side in front of her apprentice, and the spirit pet who signed an ordinary spiritual contract could not detect the owner's thoughts and thoughts.

The only Xue'er who has a heart to Chu Xinyu is now toasting to the moon with Yuguang.

Li Jiu nodded and followed Chu Xinyu slightly, and the two walked towards the direction of Tianji Pavilion...

Today's Chu Xinyu changed into a rather loose snow coat, showing a particularly cold light, the loose clothes still can't cover her alluring delicate body, the soft blue silk is still naturally poured on the back of fragrant shoulders and jade...

On the way, probably because of the effect of alcohol, Li Jiu's eyes swept uncontrollably over Chu Xinyu's pair of plump and round ripe peaches and slender willow waist.

Li Jiuxin said: As a man with relatively normal development and puberty, it is normal to have a little affection for a woman who is slightly mature and cares about herself, right?

"Xiaojiu, your spiritual power has also reached level thirty, after thinking about it, Master still intends to help you..." Her voice didn't seem to become so cold.

There were no spiritual pets around the two, and Chu Xinyu's disguised indifference was much more relaxed.

Through more than half a month of getting along, Li Jiu and Chu Xinyu have a trace of goodwill sandwiched in the master-apprentice relationship, one hindered by Ying Ruoxue's mood and inner framework that cannot be thrown away, and the other hindered by the sect's mission and inner weakness, both of them are pulling back and forth on the emotional line.

Li Chu and the two were afraid that the other party would tear this little disguise, and they didn't want to hear each other's refusal.

Li Jiu thought to himself: Except for the fact that the same ride was a little ambiguous, the master has always been cold, wouldn't it be embarrassing if the master rejected it after showing his love?

How will you live under the same roof in the future?


The other side.

Chu Xinyu, who has no emotional experience, does not know that her heart is not reluctant to let the 'apprentice' go down the mountain, she is reluctant to let Li Jiu go down the mountain.

Chu Xinyu knew that Li Jiu would not stay in the Tianji Sect forever like her, and she didn't want to forcibly hold her apprentice to prevent him from going down the mountain, and the twisted melon was not sweet...

"Huh? Help what? Li Jiu replied as always.

"Xiaojiu, you're leaving the Tianji Sect soon." Chu Xinyu did not dare to turn back and walked ahead with elegant steps.

"Not yet, Master."

Li Jiu said cautiously: "I just plan to take Xiaoying out tomorrow, I don't have any ingredients in my pocket for the master to eat." After

hearing Li Jiu's answer, Chu Xinyu didn't know why she seemed to breathe a sigh of relief in her heart, and her voice carried endless joy: "Is that so?" I thought you were leaving.

Li Jiu smiled and said, "The half month of practicing with my master is a precious memory in my life. The

two continued to walk an incomparably long staircase without saying a word...

Chu Xinyu pointed to the building in front of her and said, "This is the Tianji Pavilion, after the matter is over, I can explain to you what the Tianji Sect does, and why I took you as an apprentice." "


Li Jiu looked at the imposing Tianji Pavilion in front of him, and an indescribable feeling came to mind.

Chu Xinyu gently pushed open the door and led Li Jiu into the dark attic.

With a wave of her jade hand, countless spiritual power blue lights lit up at the same time to illuminate the entire first floor.

Li Jiu scanned the surroundings, it was like a library, surrounded by countless shelves, full of all kinds of books...

Chu Xinyu gently twisted a pen holder on the central desk, and with a loud noise, a passage that emitted a faint cold aura appeared above Li Jiu's field of vision.

As if deciding something, Chu Xinyu grabbed Li Jiu's hand: "Xiaojiu, come on."

"This is the Cold Jade Room, which can limit the speed of spiritual power flow, and it is also a good place to cultivate spiritual power."

As soon as he entered this place, the cold cold air instantly made Li Jiu's frozen body tremble.

Li Jiu hurriedly used his spiritual power and whole body to try to generate heat to relieve this extraordinary cold.

"Xiaojiu, you endure... The master was fast. Chu

Xinyu was not affected by this bone-chilling cold due to her extremely cold jade body, so she quickly closed the door and took Li Jiu to the lean and clear cold jade ice bed in the center of the ice room.

“si.... Fu." Rao is Li Jiu was also frozen blue, and his pronunciation was unfavorable.

Chu Xinyu sat on the ice bed and spoke, "Xiaojiu, Master once passed on me a cultivation method suitable for the body, which is very good for you..."

What to do? This

bone-chilling cold did not destroy Li Jiu's body, but only suppressed his body's reaction speed and spiritual power speed to an incredible level.

Li Jiu also sat up with the help of Chu Xinyu, the master and the two sat opposite, Chu Xinyu raised his jade arm and the two palms pressed together.

"I can cultivate to this level within 200 years, which is inseparable from this place and its own extremely cold jade body."

"This place is a holy place for cultivation for me." Chu Xinyu looked at Li Jiu, who was constantly trembling, with some distress.

The system suddenly spoke: [Li Jiu, you need to come on, don't faint. ] 】

【.... How to say? [

Your master plans to transmit her unique spiritual power to you and then return, here you can suppress the speed of spiritual power flow, and how much you can absorb is your ability. 【

Huh? Can the master still use it like this? Li Jiu was dumbfounded.

[The extremely cold jade body is also one of the special cultivation physiques, one of the best spiritual cultivation furnaces, famous for the speed of absorbing heaven and earth spiritual power, if your master does not live in a place where birds do not shit like Tianji Peak, he has long been targeted by those thousand-year-old perverts. ] 【

System, why did you suddenly say so much?】 [

Anyway, I won't say, your master will tell you soon, so it seems that I am very good. [

By the way, if you push her down, you can get her life's skill~]

[Are you hinting at me to rush the master? I'm not that kind of person! Li Jiuxin said.

[Heavenly machine must not be leaked~] The system also acts as a riddler.


"Xiaojiu, you use the spiritual power of your whole body, and you can absorb as much as you can." Chu Xinyu's voice sounded in Li Jiu's ears.

"Well..." Li Jiu's frozen body trembled, and his eyelids became extremely heavy.

Li Jiu felt that one after another was comfortable, and the thick spiritual power that was a hundred times stronger than his spiritual power entered his body, like a rushing flood circulating repeatedly in his body, and then returned to Chu Xinyu's body along the palm of his hand.

Some of these last spiritual powers did not return to the body with Chu Xinyu's manipulation.

The system watched all this without saying much, and muttered in his heart: Is this human intelligence and creativity?

In Li Jiu's scroll, a stream of spiritual power continued to swim along the meridians, and Chu Xinyu's remaining spiritual power was discovered by Li Jiu's spiritual power and continued to devour...

In this way, without harming Chu Xinyu's own spiritual power cultivation, Li Jiu belonged to the card bug to frantically absorb spiritual power through the functional cultivation of the extremely cold jade body, which was also a kind of 'double cultivation' that changed direction.

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