Chu Xinyu looked at the statue and said, "Grandma Zu doesn't seem to be from our world, she created the Tianji Peak to protect the original Tianji descendants and left in a hurry, this statue was made of huge energy before Grandma Zu left." "

Xiaojiu, you have two supreme techniques on you, you try to use them as little as possible outside, if you are found by some people from the hidden family that the consequences are unimaginable, the best way is for you and Master Wei to guard at Tianji Peak..."

I know you're not one who can endure loneliness.

Li Jiu smiled: "Don't worry, master, I'm very strong, wait for me to help Yuguang solve a few miscellaneous angels, and then help Yan Wan collect the power of the seven sins, and then cultivate with the master in Tianji Peak to become a peerless powerhouse." Chu

Xinyu saw Li Jiu laughing in front of her, and an inexplicable emotion surged in her heart: "Xiaojiu, you can........ Don't go? Stay with me..... Because the disciples of Tianji Peak hadn't left the sect for too long....... Nothing else. Chu

Xinyu had a premonition in her heart that if she didn't reach out and grab Li Jiu again, she might never have the chance to see him again in the future.

Li Jiu felt the temperature of the master from his hand, and a warm current surged in his heart: "Don't worry, master, I don't have this plan yet, tomorrow I just go to the stronghold to buy some fresh vegetables."

Chu Xinyu's expression at this moment was like a little woman in love, and she nodded lightly: "Well, I must come back." "

There was an ambiguous atmosphere in the entire Tianji Pavilion.

Li Jiu took out the broken Xueyue Double Blade from the system space: "By the way, master, I have two broken weapons here, I don't know if there is a way to fix them?"

Chu Xinyu looked at the broken weapon and spoke, "Huh? This is a pair of inferior spirit martial arts, this weapon is not very strong, right? Change to a new one? Master, this has a medium-grade spirit sword. After that, she was about to pull out her weapon from the space ring.

Li Jiu hurriedly stopped Chu Xinyu: "No need master, the skill I reproduced must use the second knife flow, and this weapon has a bit of a relationship with Ruoxue, I don't want to give it up." "

At this moment, a shocking picture happened, that ice crystal woman statue actually moved?

Groove! The freezer moved, I don't play anymore!

The broken Snow Moon Twin Blades seemed to tremble like a chirp, and an incomparably dazzling sky-piercing blue light ran straight into the sky along the Tianji Pavilion!

Li Jiu closed his eyes and asked, "What happened?"

Chu Xinyu looked at the blue-haired beautiful girl in front of her in a daze, and said to herself: "This... Could it be that the grandmother-in-law had appeared? The

blue light receded, and Li Jiu slowly opened his eyes.

In front of Li Jiu's eyes was a beautiful blue-haired girl with a sharp sword, a white robe and waist long hair, and she constantly exuded a mysterious, transcendent aura.

The blue-haired girl pinched her fingers and said to herself, "Huh? I didn't expect that the energy I left in this world would also wake up one day? Could it be that the Tianji Sect suffered a catastrophe?

She looked at the master and apprentice duo in front of her and then at the broken weapon in Li Jiu's hand, and couldn't help but smile: "It turned out to be them."

Even a strong person of Chu Xinyu's level had only reacted from the fact that the statue had become a living person, and she quickly bent down and saluted: "Chu Xinyu, the thirty-sixth generation head of the Tianji Sect, has seen the grandmother-in-law. The

blue-haired beautiful girl waved her hand with a smile on her face, "No need to be polite, it seems that my fate with the Tianji Sect is coming to an end today, and the source of all this is him."

Chu Xinyu looked at the young grandmother-in-law and did not dare to say more.

Li Jiu: ???

Several strange gestures flashed in the blue-haired girl's hand, and a pair of beautiful eyes swept over Li Jiu and said, "Little apprentice, what's your name?" "

Li Jiu."

"Since these two weapons awaken my residual energy, I'll simply calculate it."

She closed her clear eyes slightly, and seemed to be chanting something in her mouth: "So it is, you obtained it in a pyramid... Well, so it was..."Huh

? This..... You know all about it? Li Jiu was completely speechless.

Could it be that the grandmaster and mother-in-law in front of him really have the ability to calculate? What kind of perverted skill is this? God-given Imperial Arts?

"Li Jiu don't have to be too surprised, this weapon is called the Snow Moon Double Blade, it was forged by a hateful guy, you should have met one of them, right?"


"Oh, she's a fox."

Li Jiu suddenly remembered the kind-looking blue nine-tailed fox in the mysterious place of the secret realm.

The blue-haired girl turned on the Riddler mode: "All this is fate, the fate of traveling through time and space."

Li Jiu said reverently: "Grandmother-in-law, this weapon was broken during the previous battle with the enemy, because that nine-tailed fox achievement helped me find an important partner, so I want to restore this weapon." "

It's just a handful of inferior spirit martial arts, its fracture proves that you are all here, are you sure you want to repair it?"

"Yes." Li Jiu said categorically.

Without the help of that blue nine-tailed fox, he couldn't successfully contract Ying Ruoxue, and the benefactor who helped him find his wife and asked him to protect it well was interrupted by others, which made Li Jiu very ashamed in his heart.

"The dwarf tribe may have a way to repair this broken weapon, their casting technology is much better than that guy, if there is really a chance, you will meet another mysterious person~" The blue-haired girl ignored Li Jiu after speaking.

She looked at Chu Xinyu and said, "Has the Tianji Sect been thirty-six generations?"


A trace of unbearability flashed in the blue-haired girl's expression, and she sighed: "I'm really sorry for you, I have trapped you here for many years, forgive me, this is the only way for me to protect you."

"From now on, the Tianji Sect will cease to exist."

She glanced at Li Jiu, who was looking at the weapon in a daze: "Fate is over, you should choose your own path, not to mention that chaos has arrived."

Chu Xinyu asked with a blank expression, "Grandmother-in-law? Why is that? The

blue-haired girl did not answer Chu Xinyu's question, and carefully looked at the woman in front of her: "Extremely cold jade body?" "

Li Jiu, you go out first, I have something to say to your master."

Since the grand master mother-in-law named him, Li Jiu had no choice but to leave the Tianji Pavilion with his head down.

Snow Moon Double Edge?

Dwarf tribe?


Damn it!


The second floor of Tianji Pavilion.

The blue-haired girl looked at Chu Xinyu and said with a slight smile: "Xinyu, you and I met each other, and I don't have much time to exist, do you have anything you want to ask?" Chu

Xinyu looked at the young 'Grandmaster' in front of her, whose appearance was not inferior to her at all, and spoke, "Grandmaster, what should I do?" What do you mean when you say that the Tianji Sect ceases to exist? The

essence in the blue-haired girl's eyes seemed to be able to see through people's hearts: "Xinyu, I can only answer you one question, and then ask it when you think about it."

"Then how do I educate Li Jiu? He is a chaotic variable.

"He is indeed chaotic, full of unknowns, even I can't count his past and present lives, there is an extraordinary force protecting his life."

The blue-haired girl continued: "Moreover, your life is also hazy now, and the direction after that depends on how you choose.

"So what should I do?"

"If I say that you should cut off your relationship with Li Jiu and give up using the Heavenly Mechanic Technique to hide in an isolated place, would you agree?"

Chu Xinyu's eyes were not confused, and she said word by word: "This..... Let's not talk about giving up Xiaojiu, how can you choose to live as a heir of the heavenly machine? Maintaining world order is our mission.

The blue-haired girl seemed to have known that she had answered again and nodded: "The plan I said is just to conform to the way of heaven, and your fate has long been entangled with him, not to mention that people are determined to conquer the sky, if you really want to know the answer to this question, obey your heart and don't be confused."

"The night is like an abyss, the dawn is like day, whether it is the abyss of the night, or the bright morning depends on your creation."

"When the time comes, Xinyu, you remember, the Tianji Sect has disappeared, and you don't need to stay here for the so-called sense of mission."

"Of course, your decision is in your hands, and what I said is not necessarily the right answer, who in this world can interfere with the operation of the world?"

Chu Xinyu seemed to understand: "Grandmother-in-law, thank you for your point, what is your name?" Xinyu will pray for you here for the rest of your life. The

blue-haired girl turned her back and waved her hand: "My name is Mu Yanxue."

As she left, Chu Xinyu seemed to hear the inaudible coquettish voice of the grandmother-in-law: "Where did that hateful bastard run away?" "

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