At this time, a beautiful woman behind Li Jiu who looked to be in her thirties patted her shoulder and said: "Handsome guy, don't look at it, it will come to us soon, in fact, from the beginning of the summoning order to today, there have been countless fake 'Li Jiu' to sign up."

"But just now there was an angel who claimed to be Li Jiu who had successfully signed up, you.. Stop thinking about impersonating Li Jiu.

Li Jiu was dumbfounded.

How can there be fools who choose to impersonate themselves?

Qin Shuang Qin Wu has seen his own..... Not good! Could it be that the supermarket clerk just now, she met a counterfeit product?

Originally, Li Jiu determined that the Qin family was an enemy and planned to settle accounts after the fall, but now there is another guy who pretends to be himself to use them as a dogleg, which is really uncle who can endure it!

What's more, how could angels appear in the world casually?

Yan Wan, who was fighting the landlord in the spirit pet space, caressed the jade leg and smiled slightly: "Master, is it fun again?"

"yes, someone is impersonating me."

Yuguang said coldly: "Do you want to help him fast forward to the next life?"

"Forget it, the Qin family is too dangerous here, thirty-six counts are the best plan!"

"This master is obviously very strong, but he is overly cautious." Yan Yu covered her face and chuckled.

At this time, you have to look forward to the system lottery, can there be a way to find this hateful impostor?

"Do you run a daily draw?"


The golden light made Li Jiu's eyes burst into tears.

"Congratulations on obtaining the one-time prop [Mind Control]!"

Wait a minute!

Isn't something wrong?

[Mind Control]: Under certain circumstances, it can be used on the opposite sex... This item disappears after 24 hours.

Li Jiu: ⁄⁄(⁄ ⁄•⁄ω⁄•⁄ ⁄)

[System, you're not quite right!] 【

Oh, I misplaced the prize, you quickly return it to me, I'll give you a good thing.】 The system said in a panic.

[Have you ever been to Earth?] 【

Earth? Your home? I haven't been there, don't ask, quickly return this prop to me. 【

I don't give! 】 【

Damn it...】The system has no sound.

[I didn't expect you to be such an unorthodox system. This

thing is not very useful, even the jockey ancestor has to rely on his own skills, this thing may be suitable for some special people, right?

Li Jiu left the north gate of the Zhenbei stronghold with a depressed face, if it weren't for the fear that the Qin family would not be able to play around and beat themselves, he really wanted to participate in the collection order to kill that guy who pretended to be himself!

Just as Li Jiu was thinking about whether to level up first or go to the dwarf tribe.

Feather light flashed out from the spirit pet space, and then sniffed his nose lightly: "Master, there seem to be a few human breaths in front?" "

Huh? Isn't that normal? Li Jiuman didn't care.

"But one of them is a bit like the owner... There's another one that's a little bit like me. Yuguang's little face tensed, and his expression was quite terrifying.

"Is it an impostor? Others may be the Qin family who are tracking 'Li Jiu'! "

It's possible..."

Li Jiu thought about it and still couldn't bear this evil breath: "Damn, hit me in the face, go die."

"Yan Wan, it's time for us to appear." Li Jiu closed his eyes slightly and took Yan Wan's hand beside him.

"Obey, my master."

This transformation was different from the ordinary arrival, a pair of majestic and domineering demon wings grew out from Li Jiu's back, and the pores of his whole body continued to ooze with pitch-black mist to envelop him.

A black suit composed of spiritual power was worn on Li Jiu's body, and a silver-white hair fell silently...

That's right! Li Jiu's hair color turned white after coming to Zhen, and the whole person's temperament became cold and cruel!

"Master? Your outfit doesn't look like the demon you remember. Yan Wan's voice came from behind her ears.

"According to legend, demonic humans will become animalized demons, and the possession of the master is different from what I thought, without horns and tails."

His hair has grown a little longer and turned completely silvery-white, and his appearance has changed drastically, and he is a handsome man who does not belong to humans!

The red pupil seemed to burn a black flame.

Li Jiu, who entered the demonization, could clearly feel that two flames were burning in his body, namely the red [gluttony] and the orange [lust].

This state of the true body of the demon will quickly consume the spiritual power in the body, and the orange lust is continuously providing Li Jiu with demonic power.

Yan Wan's consciousness was attached to Li Jiu's back, extremely soft.

"If it were not for the fear of hurting the master's body, this state could theoretically be maintained permanently, which is the power of the seven sins lust."

Li Jiu has also passively used the perverted resilience of gluttony, as long as the head does not move, no matter how many injuries he has suffered, he can slowly recover, and the wind of recovery is comparable to moving spring water.

This time, its power can finally be controlled by itself!

Through continuous 'communication' with Yan Wan for half a month, Li Jiu's body was already able to withstand the powerful demonic power, and the duration of the advent became 20 minutes.

[Advent - True Body]: Evolution possession skill: physical strength level reaches 25, spiritual power reaches 25, connection fit reaches 100%, can awaken the true body state of the demon, and increase its full attributes by 2X (first succubus sync value *2)%, up to 20 minutes.

Now the synchronization value with Yan Wan is 85, and the bonus to itself is 340%!

If you cooperate with a bloody battle .... That's the Humanoid Gundam!

"Hey, every time you transform, you have to wear clothes." Li Jiu's voice has also changed a lot, low and sexy.

Li Jiu controlled his spiritual power, put away the demon wings formed by spiritual power, and covered the two holes behind him with a black black gun.

"Now I'm called Black Brake, hahaha!"

Even though he has been demoned several times, Li Jiu still feels a little fluttering, full of spiritual power like a vast sea, and now Li Jiu can easily slap a low-grade demon beast of the same level with one palm!

"Let me see who dares to impersonate me?"

Li Jiu withdrew the feather light and recalled the shadow in the sky, absolutely not allowing the impostor and the Qin family to find out who the 'black brake' was.


Recently, many people have mentioned to me the problem of small cars, to be honest, I used to love to write, and then I was sealed a book, no one will be unable to live with money, right?

At present, the market of HGW is quite serious, and the big guys like Ji Cha can't write it, what concept?

To write HG is to die!

If someone asks me what happened to the male protagonist and the spirit pets, my answer is nothing.

If you understand, you will understand, and it is useless if you don't know how to say it.

If later readers look at some inexplicable plots, it is the result of being reported by W Taoist J.

It's really not a little more.

Two more digressions, this book is not profitable at all, today a reader commented that there is also a hammer and many female protagonists, all female monks are counted.

That's right, and it's the whole persimmon trend.

Persimmon regular readers know that some books will be eunuched or disappear for no reason, and the reasons are complex and simple.

Two words: no money.

So I hate the slow speed of the car, you can not watch, do not use to feedback with me and XXX to learn the car, really read this kind of comment.

It's already hard to write about multiple women, so don't bother me with comments that make people want to punch hard.

Or that phrase, want to see driving?

Didn't retreat on his own.

There are no surprises in this book, force majeure or not even earning 100 a day, I will stick to the end of the book.

Also do you say I plagiarized? Looking for the gunman's ... I just want to say that if you plagiarize, I don't copy your HG theme, my daily income is not enough for the gunman's salary.

Spray me, yes.

Say I plagiarized .... Speechless.

After complaining, the codeword goes!

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