Xiaoying's speed was very fast, and before the sun went down, he rushed back to the enchantment range of Beiqingxuedi Tianji Peak with Li Jiu.

Before Li Jiu could use [Li Dai Tao Zombie] to open the Mountain Protection Enchantment, the careful feather light found that a hole had been broken in the enchantment next to it, and a fiery red flame was burning on the membrane-like spiritual power as thin as a cicada wing!

There are also several shoe prints that belong to humans around that gap.

Fortunately, the number does not seem to be very large.

Ying Ruoxue's expression was extremely serious, cold and clear: "What a powerful flame!" Yuguang

and Yan Wan on the side stared at the mysterious flame that was constantly burning without saying a word, and they seemed to feel the aura of spiritual power on this flame...

Yan Wan, who has always been hippie and smiling, was full of seriousness at this time: "Master, hurry up and strengthen me, and then go and save her." "


Li Jiu quickly took out that Xuan Feather Tear, and the Yan Wan sisters had already been upgraded to level 30 through half a month's special 'cultivation', but they were locked at level 30 and could not break through.

Li Jiu held Yan Wan's bee waist with one hand, but there was no flirting intention in his heart, and quickly helped her take this Xuan Yu tear.

Xuan Yu tears, which were originally the purest thing, were swallowed by the devil... Yan Wan's body exuded a sky-rushing black glow!

Open the panel.

[Lust Sin Demon

] Grade: Legendary Level

: Level 31

Sync Value: 85

Although Yan Wan did not comprehend the new skill, the [Same Body] that had been learned was slightly strengthened, and the damage reduction effect of the possession body was increased again!


Li Jiu adjusted his mentality and quickly entered the enchantment with the spirit pets, and as the surrounding space changed, the familiar Tianji Peak Mountain Gate was at the end of his sight.

The snow trees, the rocks, and the paths were all so familiar, but everything in front of him made Li Jiu angry and blinded.

The Sky Roaring Beast named Da Lan had already fallen in a pool of blood at this moment, and it had already been out of breath for a long time, and more than a dozen new soul warriors who did not know whether they were dead or alive were still dividing their corpses and planning to sell materials.

The girl turned into Da Lan is a shy girl who speaks very little, and has served as Li Jiu's sparring partner many times in half a month in this Tianji Sect, and the relationship between the two is naturally extremely deep.

Li Jiu never expected that last night's hot pot party would be a farewell?

Because Da Lan is not only his friend, but also the master's favorite spiritual pet... He couldn't imagine the scene of his spiritual pet dying in battle.

Li Jiu was extremely sad and indignant in his heart, feeling that his blood all over his body seemed to be boiling and burning, and there was an urge to destroy the world in his chest.

The isolated Tianji Sect was actually poisoned by the New Soul Organization, he couldn't bear it at all, and he had to let them pay in blood!

"Lord Xingjun is really strong!" Those new soul warriors didn't pay attention to Li Jiu behind them at all, and they were still talking loudly.

"Yes, even the more than 50-level spirit pets are not his opponents!"

"That beauty is really beautiful! Hey. "



The tyrannical red-orange spiritual power instantly attached to Li Jiu's body.

Li Jiu took a deep breath and whispered in a terrifying tone: "Ruoxue, protect Yan Yu, today I will open a killing ring, you don't need to keep your hand."

The hateful Blood Fox felt the mania in Li Jiu's heart, and instead opened his mouth to persuade: "My dear, you must keep your mind, I will do these dirty work!" "


Yuguang was also stunned by the fierce and violent aura on Li Jiu's body, and then she smiled slightly and prepared to fight side by side with her master!

Li Jiu was very angry, but he did not lose his mind, and ordered in his heart: "Xiaoying, you fly in first to see the situation, how strong the enemy inside is, and retreat immediately when you encounter danger, this is an order."

Xiaoying nodded smartly, and his wings fluttered and immediately flew towards the direction of Tianji Square.

"Huh? How do you fly past a big cyan bird?

"Bad, someone's coming?"

"Up, up, up!"

The new soul warriors found the mysterious white-haired man at the entrance and immediately brought the demon wolves to kill!

Li Jiu just drank lowly: "Kill." "

A level thirty spirit master, what is arrogant?" The new soul warrior led by him laughed.

Li Jiu had already moved his killing intent, and at this moment, his body was as fast as thunder, and the manic spiritual power in his body was frantically gushing out, like a raging flame.

Like a demon king, Li Jiu instantly closed the distance of three zhang and came to the front of the evil wolf pack, the long knife in his right hand slashed out fiercely, a black light flashed, and his body shuttled through the evil wolf pack like a phantom, with a violent wind to split all these scumbag demon wolves in front of him into the air!

The violent spiritual power attached to the Lightwing instantly penetrated all the enemies who were shot away.

The wind howled in the ears, and the feather light stepped on countless golden lights in an instant, like a golden shadow to join the battlefield, and the two sword lights, one black and one white, were like brilliant and dazzling fireworks, and the art of the sword continued to bloom in the evil wolves!

Seeing that this was not good, the new soul warriors chanted incantations, ice picks one after another, and fireballs struck in the direction of Li Jiu.

After the multiple blessings of [Same Body] and [Guangyou] and descending into the true body state, Li Jiu's own defense power is quite strong!

It's tickling!


As Li Jiu shouted, the double blades with the power of the demon forge rotated at high speed to knock away several evil wolves who wanted to take advantage of the opportunity to sneak attack!

These miscellaneous fish at the door are not Li Jiu's opponents at all, they want to run for their lives and go up the mountain to report the news, how can Ying Ruoxue and Yan Yu do what they want?

Ying Ruoxue carried Yan Yuruo as a phantom and instantly blocked in front of more than ten new soul warriors, and her nine tails swept away, throwing the new soul warriors in front of her in a daze more than ten meters high!

The three pure flames combined with the wooden dragon released by Yan Yu to make a fire with wood, and a cluster of blood-colored lotus flowers continued to bloom in the air, and burned all these people to death before they landed!

"Anger your dear, sin deserves death!"

These new soul warriors of more than 20 levels are far from Li Jiu's opponents!

"New soul does things, who dares to make trouble?" A proud voice came from in front of the gate of the Tianji Sect.

A black-robed man walked out of the mountain gate unhurriedly and looked at Sakura Ruoxue, "This fox... Are you Li Jiu? Heaven has a way you don't go, hell has no door!

Li Jiu looked up at this person: "It's really your old dog..." The

black-robed man's right hand was empty, revealing a hateful face, it was the Hu Guan of the New Soul Organization.

"I have to admit that you are very strong, and your talent qualifications are far higher than mine.... But you're going to die here today!"


Steward Hu covered his empty sleeves and said angrily: "I should have killed you earlier at the top of the Neon District Tower that day!"

"No dragon hunter came to rescue you today, although I don't know what you came for.... But you can die now with peace of mind!

Li Jiu smiled disdainfully, "You seem to be how many levels higher than me." "

Steward Hu's current level is level 42, a full 11 levels higher than Li Jiu, so he thinks that he is safe from Li Jiu in front of him.

It's a pity that he doesn't know the demonic power burning on Li Jiu's body...

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