The dazzling light dissipated, and in the middle of the deep pit stood a dream-like woman, the wings behind the feather light had turned into twelve wings, a gorgeous white armor lightly wrapped around her delicate and concave graceful figure, and a white brocade covered her talking eyes.

The almost transparent golden spiritual power feather slowly fell, shrouded in a cloud of smoke outside her dress, dancing softly in the breeze, and her golden hair was draped behind her waist like a waterfall.

Yuguang slowly turned around and said, "Master, I've become stronger. "

Feather light after changing back to normal form.

It is a kind of noble and holy ethereal and holy, like the dreamy beauty of the heavenly immortals, the eyes are like golden sun lips like pink cherry blossoms, and the slender willow eyebrows of the crescent moon are flowing with watery eyes.... That extremely tempting snow skin plumping skin makes it a killer to cooperate with jade appearance!

Unlike the day they first met, there was already a strong sense of attachment in her eyes, and she was no longer the angel who lacked her mind.

The playful aura on the top of the feather bald head turned into a golden yellow crown, her outstanding demeanor was no longer hidden, a tight white dress lined her waist extremely tight, the tall crisp breasts, plump peach were about to come out, and the beautiful figure under the body was fully displayed to show an absolutely perfect S shape, anyone who looked at it could not turn their eyes away...

Hamitsu tried very hard to be a good baby in the heart of the gods, probably the evil taste of the gods, and her body was born for sin.

"It's beautiful again... Feather light. Li Jiu gently calmed the sleeping Sakura Ruoxue and did not dare to move.

Yuguang held several golden mysterious objects in his palm: "Master, this is the loot that has fallen." "

[Ultimate Holy Spirit Seal]: You can randomly strengthen the skills of the spirit pet, and the demand synchronization value is 40

[9th order light system spirit core]: Although Migallo's spirit core has lost most of its precious spiritual power, the spiritual power contained in it is still extremely huge for you

, Li Jiu collected them into the spirit pet space: "I thought he wouldn't even have a scum left, he is worthy of being one of the seven angels." Yan

Wan behind her hugged her sister and looked at Yuguang without saying a word, but she didn't expect that her newly evolved self was pressed by Yuguang again, and her appearance, strength, and grade were completely not lost to herself.

Except for that aspect... She is simply a flawless work of art created by God.

Ay.. If you don't convince, you can't do it.

The big fox rubbed her eyes aggrievedly, she couldn't help but be surprised when she saw the evolved feather, this kind of suppression that does not lose itself at all.... It is clear that he is a grade higher than Yuguang!

Li Jiu gently rubbed Yuguang's jade face, still so soft, "Huh? Twelve wings? I remember that the angels of this world don't seem to have twelve wings..... The highest is the six-winged huh? "

The Holy Spirit Star is not Earth.

"I don't know... They absorb new forces and become like this. Li

Jiu looked at the white wings behind her and pondered, how did she gradually become the perfect angel image in my heart?

At this moment, the big fox hugged Li Jiu from behind and said, "Honey, let's go see Chu Xinyu."

Yuguang hurriedly spoke: "She is in the Hanyu Room." "


Li Jiu quickly rode on Ying Ruoxue and rushed towards the Tianji Pavilion Cold Jade Room.

When he returned to Tianji Square, Li Jiu was surprised to find that the new soul warriors here were annihilated by Xiaoying, Black Dream Beast, Xue'er and others, and there was no living mouth, but they were all injured to varying degrees.

Several women instantly discovered the evolved feather light, after all, the twelve wings are too conspicuous, for the existence of the Holy Spirit Star, today's feather light is equivalent to the product of fantasy.... There should be no existence in the world.

Xue'er looked at Yuguang and froze: "Yuguang... You?

Li Jiu asked nervously, "Sister Xue'er, is she okay Master?"

Xue'er lowered her head in dismay, as if blaming herself: "I don't know, Xiaobai and Xiaohua are accompanying her in the cold jade room."

"Yan Yu, Yuguang, you help them treat, I'll go see the master, Xiaoying rests well, immediately thoroughly investigate Tianji Peak to see if there are any remains."

"Ruoxue, you go to the gate of the enchantment to see, there is still anyone who has come to send them to death."

"Yes." The women replied in unison.

The black dream beast sat on the ground and covered the wound in its abdomen, and said with an angry face: "These hateful guys.... They put Da Lan..." Chu

Xinyu's spiritual pets were listless for a while after learning of Da Lan's death, and their souls were not reluctant..... After all, they have a friendship of more than a hundred years.

Li Jiu hurriedly comforted the master's spiritual pets: "Don't worry, if I can gather the Supreme Art in the future, I will find a way to resurrect her."



Li Jiu hurried to the Tianji Pavilion with Yan Wan, came to the first floor, opened the door of the cold jade room and slowly opened...

The little white cat was lying on the ground, trembling, and seemed to be crying..... The flower fairy weakly knelt on the ground wiping her tears.

Li Jiu's heart sank to the bottom... Don't??

This is Li Jiu's nickname for the flower fairy: "School flower, what's wrong with you?" Master, is she okay? "

The flower fairy squeezed her tears in aggrievedness, and her face was painful." Woooo

Li Jiu hugged the flower fairy fiercely.

"Her casting of the sealing technique caused the spiritual power realm to plummet, and the 600-year life yuan was almost exhausted.... And because of the damage feedback of the talisman, that kind of causal injury, I can't cure it! I'm so useless... Whining. "


Li Jiu hurriedly looked for the brown grass man on his body, and [Li Dai Tao Zombie] had indeed disappeared.

Was that time?

Li Jiu quickly put her on the chair next to her and rushed towards the cold jade room as fast as he could...

Chu Xinyu lay peacefully on the cold jade bed, and the black hair that made Li Jiu obsessed had turned into white hair like snow.

Her skin also gradually turned white, a strange or sickly white, and several ominous powers emanated from her body, which was a precursor to the Xuanling Master's lifespan deficit in his later years becoming an ominous existence.

Cracks like porcelain patterns appeared on the originally flawless pure jade body, and faint blood seeped out from it... It's terrifying.

Li Jiu hurriedly called Yuguang to rush over and cast a holy healing to heal Chu Xinyu, and the damage he suffered from fighting with Migallo had already been healed by Yuguang's holy healing.

Li Jiu didn't believe that he couldn't save the master, the holy healing was obviously such a strong skill, even his own who almost burped at the beginning was full of blood and milk.

Yuguang knew the anxiety in Li Jiu's heart, and also knew the importance of Chu Xinyu in the master's heart, and she quickly cast a holy healing to heal Chu Xinyu's body that was about to be broken.

But.... Those cracks will re-crack once they are repaired, and they will continue to do so endlessly, which is a higher level of causal damage.

Li Jiu knelt on the ground and smashed the floor incompetently and furiously: "It's all to blame me, I'll just make a big move to make Michalo for a second."

Yuguang knelt beside him and hugged Li Jiu in distress, and muttered: "Master, he can definitely summon the Cami doppelganger, and it is already a miracle that we can Jedi counter-kill." "

Even a level 70 Chu Xinyu will definitely not be able to kill that Cami doppelganger, and without a Shinra-level spirit pet, it will definitely not be able to cause fatal damage to a creature with the power of God... At most, it is a 55 open consumption until the magic power of the card doppelganger dissipates.

[System, you are omnipotent, right? How do I save her? 】

【She was injured for you to block the knife, it is her own fate, Chu Xinyu, who has the power of heavenly machine, must be satisfied that she can protect you, right?

Li Jiu looked at the 'sleeping' master, and the smile at the corner of his mouth was indeed not pretended.

[No, I'm not satisfied, I haven't confessed to the master yet.] [

I can't let her die like this. The

system seems to have guessed the answer in Li Jiu's heart for a long time: [Since you want to save her so much, I have several methods here, depending on how you choose. ] 】

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