Tianji Pavilion, Hanyu Room.

The fierce friction between the two white clouds in the sky caused an unstoppable torrential rain...

At this moment, a lightning-like bright light fell from the sky like an arrow!

A streak of ice and snow at the roots of the old tree at the gate of the Tianji Sect was slowly sliding down, and the branches were slowly hanging down to allow this storm to baptize.

Ticking ~

The melted ice water slides down a striped road to the ground.

The puddles formed by the ice water constantly moisturize the half-dead tree, and the big tree begins to grow continuously through the nourishment of the divine water from the sky, becoming extremely thick.

The cold ice of Tianji Peak has completely melted........... It becomes a soft mass of water, and the water spray on the white jade ripples, creating a perfect arc created by nature's magic.

Water extinguishes fires.

The black flame of cause and effect was gradually extinguished by the heavy rain, and it had been sanctioned by a higher level of power, and gradually dissipated in the heavens and the earth.

Looking down at this mighty storm, he had no power to stop the iron law set by nature.

Hold up the heavy fruits, and be happy.


The temperature of the air seemed to become a little hotter, and it could burn himself at any moment.

He was already suffering in his heart, as if he was being seduced by a demon, but his deceitful behavior did not stop.

The red-eyed demon who committed the crime became more and more greedy as he looked at the endless charm in front of him, and the moon-like glacial jade top.

Can you watch from a distance and not profanely?


Violent flames erupted from the bottom of the heart!

A faint inaudible sound echoed with the peak.

It was particularly clear in the cold jade room, where even the air froze.

The extremely cold jade body is not so cold anymore.

It's just this... Delicate and unmatched touch....


Chu Xinyu, the only heir of the Heavenly Mechanics, her strength, her nobility, her coldness... Flashed back in Li Jiu's mind.

In Li Jiu's heart, there is no woman who can compare with Chu Xinyu, she is a holy saint in the ice, and a charming demon in the water.

She is the proud snow lotus of Tianshan Peak, blooming in cold and arrogance, no one can approach her except Li Jiu, and no one can offend her in the slightest.

Chu Xinyu not only has the arrogance, nobility and coldness of snow lotus, but also has the temperament of coming out of the mud and not being clean, pure, and not enchanting.

Ice is clear and pure.

Now.... Her flawlessness was smeared with filth that could never be erased by the rebels.

"I'm sorry.... Master, if you want to blame, blame me. "

No... This is... Not true. But

her reason was still somewhat invincible against this incomparably sweet poison.

The final resistance was in vain, Chu Xinyu's divine sense returned to a few points, and her mind was completely confused and still did not recover from such an encounter.

She and Li Jiu had been together for so long, and a heart was quietly tied to her beloved, secretly paying attention to his every move.

But she didn't have the courage to say no... Think of it as a dream, right?

A false dream.

A dream that will never wake up again.

If it weren't for the serious injury, the white and slender ten fingers would have directly grabbed the flesh on Li Jiu's arm.

Xiu's eyebrows were furrowed, her phoenix eyes were confused, and a line of crystal clear tears flowed down her cheeks that had become a little rosy, and the indescribable thoughts were chaotically intertwined in Fang's heart.

Li Jiu looked at the gentle and indulgent master in front of him, is she still doting on herself so much?

It's a gamble.

Everyone wants to have the White Lotus, and everyone wants to defile the White Lotus.

They all want to become the 'silt' that pollutes the white lotus....

Obviously, Li Jiu is on the verge of success.

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