Li Jiu quickly left the dwarf tribe, he followed Jialan's dictation, went out and turned left a hundred meters.... Looked for a while.

Sure enough, a very hidden cave was found here, the entrance of the cave can only accommodate one person to enter, the faint purple light comes from the inside, surrounded by snow trees and ice forests, covering this place tightly.

If someone hadn't told me in advance, Li Jiu would definitely have overlooked such a small crack.

Yuguang took Li Jiu's hand and said softly, "Master, the enchantment at the mouth of this cave... It seems to be set up by that Heaven Devouring Beast? Peeling

away the snow trees that were blocking the way, Li Jiu saw a mysterious purple spiritual force at the mouth of the cave, sealing the entire cave like a membrane, unable to enter or exit.

"It seems that the guy really set it up."

"Presumably it plans to keep the flowers of this life and eat them when they grow?"

Li Jiu tentatively took out the small brown wooden tablet left by the Heaven Devouring Beast and gently covered it on the spiritual power enchantment.


The purple film in front of him was like meeting a flame, and it was instantly burned by the small wooden brand.

Li Jiu nodded slightly and smiled heartily, that Heaven Devouring Beast who looked five big and three thick should know that he came to get this life flower, so he sent the brand and information.

Although its body is a demon beast and has killed a large number of innocent spirit masters, it has helped itself and is my friend Lijiu.

Even if the enemy in the future is a Terran hero admired by thousands of people, because what bullshit righteous intention to murder the people around me is my mortal enemy.

Li Jiu never considered himself a decent gentleman, the light of the Terrans.

He just wants to live for himself, and that ultimate goal has never changed.

It's just that he now has a little more concern in his heart, that is, Chu Xinyu...

The cave is small and shallow, and a small green grass stands next to the boulder, which seems to have just sprouted, and an immature flower bone has just grown.

According to the timeline, Li Jiu had just arrived at the Holy Spirit Star for about a month, and this flower in this life would have died for a month.

Li Jiu quickly scanned the information.

[Seedlings of this life]: Shangpin heavenly material, one thousand years of flowering, one thousand years of fruiting, mature this life flower can increase the lifespan of 5,000 years, mature reincarnation lotus can increase the lifespan of 10,000 years, and now take it to increase the lifespan of 10 years.

Thanks to the blessings of the Heaven Devouring Beast and the Dwarf Clan, the flowers of this life, which were almost impossible to start, are close at hand.

Yan Yu next to her looked at the flowers in front of her, and a wonderful feeling came from her heart.

Yan Yu smiled: "Master, I suddenly want to.... Ate it.

Li Jiu touched her little face: "Foodie... That's your kind!

A trace of unbearability flashed in Yan Yu's eyes: "Of course it's a joke, the color master needs to use it to save Sister Chu, I won't add to the chaos."

Sakura Ruoxue, who was silent, suddenly asked, "How can we take it without harming it?" "

Li Jiu once asked the system, as long as the flowers of this life are collected into the system space.

"Little meaning."

Li Jiu directly took out a small flower pot that had been bought in advance, put the flowers in this life with roots and soil into the pot, and then put it into the system space.

With transplanting common flowers and plants undoubtedly.

Li Jiuxin said: [System, how to ripen this thing?] 【

Can I draw that item again?】

Yet there was no echo in his mind.

Because from yesterday's draw .... The sound of the system seems to be recorded in advance, without any emotional fluctuations.

She seemed to have become a robot.

[Hey, I forgot, you're temporarily offline. ] 】The

purpose has been achieved, go back to see the master first, right?

Then look for pills or drugs that increase life expectancy in the short term.

Li Jiu shook his head, the AI that was once teased by himself is not there, and now if he wants to make this life flower grow rapidly, he can only go to the knowledgeable Xiaoguang teacher.


within the Tianji Peak.

Li Jiu ran back to Tianji Square very happily, how to say that he had found a way to save the life of his master, and now eating raw can increase his life expectancy by 10 years.

Although Chu Xinyu has the Heavenly Machine Secret Technique, the characteristics of the Heavenly Machine will not increase the host's lifespan, the standard lifespan of a 60-level king-level powerhouse is 500 years, and Li Jiu wants to make the master's lifespan longer.

Since he has done something against the grain, he is responsible for accompanying his master through this life.

It's been a long time, and I haven't arrived in the Holy Spirit Star for two months... There are many more opportunities in 10 years.

"Xinyu, I'm back, I found this life flower!"

But the figure at the stone table in Tianji Square was no longer there....... A hint of foreboding suddenly flashed in Li Jiu's heart.

He rushed to the Tianji Pavilion with brisk steps, and met Xue'er dressed in white at the door.

She stood by the Tianji Pavilion and looked at the bright moon in the sky, seemingly thinking about something?

Li Jiu was a little flustered: "Xue'er, where is Xinyu?" I have found the flowers of this life. After

hearing the word this life flower, Xue'er suddenly turned around, and a hint of surprise flashed in her beautiful eyes, but her eyes were slightly red, and it seemed... Ever cried?

"Little apprentice... You're back?

"You go to the room first, the master has left you a message, and you will understand after reading it."

Li Jiu's brows frowned slightly, and he asked uneasily, "Is Xin Yu okay?"

Xue'er looked as usual and said, "She's fine."

"That's good."

Li Jiu only let go of her heart, Xue'er's relationship with her master was extremely good, and it was her godsend.

When the owner dies, the heavenly favor either goes to the Yellow Spring or mysteriously disappears, which is one of the rules of the Holy Spirit Star.

Moreover, there was no need for Xue'er to lie to herself, so Li Jiu left in a hurry.

Not long after Li Jiu left, two lines of tears crossed Xue'er's eyes, and she whispered softly: "Master, he succeeded, you are saved." At

this moment, an extremely enchanting figure slowly emerged in the shadows behind the Tianji Pavilion, it was the enchanting woman transformed by the black dream beast.

"Sister Xue'er, wouldn't it be over if you told him the truth directly? Since he had already found the flowers of this life, there was no need for the owner to trap himself in the burial jade peak. "

Although ordinary heaven-given pets do not have the mind-reading function of Li Jiu's subordinates, they can still clearly feel the master's breath, mood swings, abnormal spiritual power, and so on....

"No, I have already felt the master's breath gradually calming down, this is the best time to cultivate, a rare encounter in a thousand years."

"What's more, the complete fusion of those two spiritual powers will take time."

The black dream beast spread his hands and said, "In this case, aren't they staggered?"

Xue'er's face turned into ice: "This is also my test for the little apprentice, I won't recognize him if I can't pass this level.... Moreover, the owner has ten years to go with the help of the ancestor, and it will be fine for the time being. The

black dream beast was happy and sad in his heart, and said helplessly: "Creation makes people." "

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