After fighting fiercely with his master for a day and a night, Li Jiu, who had just finished watching a baseball game with Yan Wan, was already exhausted and fell asleep on the bed.

In the following two days, Li Jiu still maintained penance, getting up early to practice swords, fighting with Xiaoying in the afternoon, and meditating in Tianji Square at night...

It's just that there is no longer that wonderful fairy master who wakes himself up.

Early on the third day, Li Jiu opened his eyes early.

Because today is the day to retrieve the Snow Moon Double Blade, and it is also the day he intends to leave Tianji Peak.

It's still snowing outside the window....

"Little apprentice, get up!" A slightly familiar voice came from the doorway.

Li Jiu dressed and opened the door, and in front of him was a white robe with long blond hair on the front and back.

But she is not Xin Yu after all...

Li Jiu smiled politely: "It's you.." Light snow.

"Well, you've read the master's message, right? What are your plans for the future?

Li Jiu said truthfully: "Go down the mountain and look for a way to ripen the flowers of this life... Come back within three years.

Xiao Xue nodded with satisfaction: "Actually, I came to you to urge you to go down the mountain, because the mountain protection enchantment was broken, the master's cultivation fell, several of our spirit pets plan to join forces to seal the mountain to protect her safety, the jade pendant left by the master is the only key to Tianji Peak, and it is also the token of the sect master of Tianji Peak."

Li Jiu nodded and said, "So that's the case, in fact, I also plan to leave today."

"So let's go?"

A trace of hope flashed in Li Jiu's eyes, and his tone changed a little: "That.... Xiaoxue, can I see Xin Yu? I miss her.

Xiao Xue concealed it well, and said with his face as usual: "The master has entered the secret room of the Tianji Pavilion to retreat and cultivate, and calling her now is tantamount to harming her."

Li Jiu naturally understood the drawbacks of having two spiritual powers in his body, and completely believed Xiao Xue's words.

This is indeed the case, if Chu Xinyu at this moment is interfered by external forces... The consequences are unimaginable.

"Okay then... Let's go. Following

Xiaoxue to Tianji Square, Li Jiu looked at everything familiar around him.

Li Jiu has been living here for nearly 20 days, and the Tianji Sect has become Li Jiu's heart.

In order to preserve the tranquility here, I have to leave here.

Li Jiu looked at the Tianji Pavilion and bowed again, and said in his heart: Xinyu, wait for me, I will come back soon... You have a good rest here.

They were passing the thrilling mountain road in front of the door.

Li Jiu looked sideways and saw a tall ice hill....... This is Big Blue's grave.

"Da Lan, thank you for fighting to the death to protect the Tianji Sect and protect the master..... Bye.

Li Jiu briefly mourned Da Lan, and then resolutely left the Tianji Sect along the broken enchantment.

The flower fairy looked at Li Jiu's back reluctantly, and muttered: "Sister Xue'er, he's gone..."

The white cat licked its paws easily: "Will he come back?"

"Probably so? Let's close the mountain together. "

Hmm..." A

blue ice and snow enchantment mixed with a violent spiritual power completely covered the entrance of Tianji Peak, at the cost of no living being able to enter and exit the entire Tianji Peak within a year.

Unless the enchantment is dissolved internally, or the jade pei in Li Jiu's hand breaks this enchantment.


After Li Jiu walked out of the Tianji Peak Enchantment, he couldn't help but look back, and suddenly found that the original enchantment here had disappeared out of thin air, and his eyes were full of endless snow...

If it weren't for the slight heat of the jade pei worn on his chest, Li Jiu suspected that everything in the past half a month was Nanke's dream.

The lively Yan Yu rubbed a small snowball to wake up Li Jiu, and said with an excited face: "Master, where are we going next?" "

Her mind is like a child's, innocent.

Li Jiu already had the answer in his heart, picked up Yan Yu and helped her tie her neck, and said lovingly: "First go to the dwarf tribe to get weapons, and then go back to the school to find Teacher Xiaoguang." "

The contents of that fragment of the Book of the World obtained by Neon District have not been answered.

And the new soul organization that forced the master to be injured... Wash my neck and wait!

In the past, Li Jiu had a neutral attitude towards the new soul, but now it has completely become a hostile relationship, at least to kill the Wuqu Xingjun whose whereabouts are unknown.


Inside the dwarf tribe.

"Mr. Li Jiu, this is what you want, fortunately it is not insulting!" Patriarch Jialan arrived with a few dwarves with strong figures.

Don't say, it really smells like a molten fire core!

They were holding a red plate, the newborn Xueyue double blade lay quietly on it, the two short knives were crystal clear throughout, one black and one blue, the blade body seemed to be carved from flawless white jade, and the blade constantly emitted a special purple glow, which was incomparably handsome!

[Snow Moon Double Blade]: Shangpin Lingwu, the attack comes with a large amount of ice attribute spiritual power, dark attribute spiritual power and a small amount of thunder attribute spiritual power.

The reforged Snow Moon Double Blade wins two grades in a row to become a top-grade spirit martial artist, and using its attacks can reduce the enemy's speed, while the dark spirit power combined with Yan Wan's magic forging effect can cause some armor-breaking effects.

The thunder attribute spiritual power characteristic is lightning strike, and the attack has an exclusive multiplier effect, so the thunder attribute spiritual pet is extremely expensive and extremely difficult to cultivate.

The powerful attributes of the Snow Moon Double Blade blessed by the three attributes can only be described as perverted, if it were not for some special sword soul spirit pet, ninety percent of the weapons would be hung by the newborn Snow Moon Double Blade.

"Very good, thank you really." Li Jiu nodded.

Jiaba laughed: "Li Jiu, you are too polite to say this, you are the savior of our dwarf race, as long as you have the materials, we will unconditionally create equipment for you."

Patriarch Jialan gave the others a look and said in a low voice: "By the way, Li Jiu, we can only barely repair this treasure armor like this, because there are not enough reforging materials."

Li Jiu glanced at the treasure armor that the dwarves had taken out.

The originally broken water dividing armor has been repaired by their skillful hands.

It's just that the grade has become a lower-grade spirit weapon, and the defense power is not as good as before, but the special effect that can be stacked has not changed.

Not bad either.

Li Jiu still likes this close-fitting defensive outfit, and he doesn't have to wear that bulky armor to fight, and he can block most attacks with a pain belt.

"It far exceeded my expectations, thank you."

Li Jiu accepted his weapons and equipment and spoke, "Patriarch Jialan, it's dangerous here, so hurry up and leave." Jia

Ba and Jia Lan nodded in unison: "Hey, although we also want to leave here in our hearts, but we have no combat effectiveness... Everywhere you go is an enslaved existence.

A trace of seriousness and determination flashed in Jialan's eyes: "How much our ancestors suffered, there was no rest, overtime 007 all day, not enough to eat, clothing and warmth... Those nasty guys make us the tools that provide the best equipment.

"Fortunately, with the help of noble people, we finally escaped from the outside of the realm, and the matter of Jiasan's telling us that if we want to capture the outside, we must first settle inside."

"Although there is only bark, ice water, at least we don't die of hunger, and there is a certain freedom, and these pains... You humans will not understand. "

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