After hearing Li Jiu's dangerous speech, Qin Wujue quickly clamped her legs in the bed, and she nodded like a panicked little rabbit: "Yes, master, I will send someone to deal with this matter immediately..... Please don't do this to me.

Li Jiu continued, "Is it supposed that a maid should serve her master? Moreover, I also bring benefits to the Qin family that you have in mind.

Qin Wujue nodded approvingly: "Hmm.

"Xiao Qin, the reward has been distributed, now is the time to check the homework."

Qin Wujue didn't understand what it was to check homework, and a little puzzled appeared on his beautiful jade face: "Homework? What is that?

Li Jiufu was speechless: "You little maid is too unprofessional, have you completed the task I left you?" "

Shangpin Holy Spirit Seal."

Qin Wujue suddenly remembered the news that Li Jiu said that day that he should pay attention to the Holy Spirit Seal and Xuan Yu's tears.

Finished... Completely forgot.

Qin Wujue thought of Li Jiu's so-called punishment method, and said with a snort: "I'm sorry master... The seal of the Holy Spirit is so rare that I forgot about it. "

Oh? Forgot? "


Li Jiu leaned into her ear and said, "Are you sure?"

Qin Wujie closed his eyes and whispered, "I'm sorry..."

Forget the task I gave you, you must be punished and punished....... But in the face of your truth, I will fall lightly.

"I haven't showered in a day, and I'm feeling bad, you know how to do it, right?"


Qin Wujie was dumbfounded.


Qin Wujie's private bathroom is inside.

A spiritual power enchantment was laid within a radius of ten meters, and no one could hear it even if he shouted through his throat.

The warm light shone on Qin Wujie's delicate face became more and more charming, and Li Jiuzhong, who watched it, lit the buff.

Qin Wujue seemed to hear his irregular breathing, and closed his eyes in fear to help wipe his body.

At this moment, she was wearing a white bath towel at Li Jiu's request, and her buoyant and proud delicate body was bent into an elegant and incomparable soul curve.

Qin Wujue looked at Li Jiu, who was almost glued together, and couldn't help but exclaim: "Oh~" Li Jiu

held Qin Wujue, who was in a daze with his eyes closed, in his arms, and gently pulled it....

"This is a small punishment, next time it will not be so simple."


no longer pity Xiang Xiangyu.

The Divine Spirit Seal was like a violent storm raging on the sea, up and down...

The powerful and matchless snake demon called the wind and rain at the core of the storm, wantonly exerting spiritual power to play with the wind and control all this.

Qin Wujie, who had no experience, hurriedly begged for mercy: "Spare me... Master.

"I was wrong and will never dare again."

Li Jiu was afraid that he would wipe his gun and go off, "Set a small goal first, chase the wind flower, I believe you can complete this homework." "

Qin Wujue, this kind of little fat sheep, let's fatten it and slaughter it.

The fat lamb must be hitched with matchless dipping...

Qin Wujue frowned: "Yes, master.... Can you let me go? It's a little uncomfortable..."

"Oh? Don't you like it?

Li Jiu whispered close to her ear, and said slightly domineeringly: "Very soft and big, ripe peaches are the most delicious."

Qin Wujue's face turned red when he heard this, and a pair of smooth and crystalline jade arms were already wrapped around his neck, and he was weakly collapsed in Li Jiu's arms.

"Remember that sentence, your life belongs to me, there is no need to completely obey Qin Shuang's orders and arrangements in the future."

"And.... You are just a slave and have no right to resist. In

the end,

Li Jiu put away the small handful of Y fire in his heart.

"Xiao Qin, how much do you know about the new (demon) soul organization?"

The Qin family, as a Xuanling Master family, should have come into contact with these guys, right?

If you want to find the new soul of the Star Lord, you must first understand this organization.

Qin Wujue said, "We don't have much intersection with the Demon Soul Organization, and the condition for joining the Demon Soul Organization is to sacrifice our own heaven-given favor to provide them with experiments.

"The Heavenly Grace is his initial talent and future for the spiritual master... Only some small families and ordinary people who are not in the flow will join the Demon Soul Organization.

Li Jiu smiled and said, "Oh? So they still serve the bottom people?

"Not really. . Their origin is very mysterious, and there are definitely inner ghosts in the upper echelons of the Spirit Master Association.

Li Jiu said casually, "That Lin Tianhua is dead." "

Uh-huh. Well?

Li Jiu held a sponge that seemed to be able to pinch out the full water, and said, "The Lin family branch he belongs to has joined the New Soul Organization, you help me carefully investigate the suspects that this branch family has contacted."


Since the little maid didn't understand the new soul, Li Jiu changed a question: "Xiao Qin, this elixir or heavenly material treasure that increases Shouyuan..."

Qin Wujie said: "This really doesn't have..... Spiritual cultivators pay attention to their own lifespan, and basically no one will choose to sell such heaven-defying things.... Which one do you want for? "

As far as I know, there are very few alchemists in Hualong Kingdom who can refine life-increasing elixirs, and the most famous of them is the Dan Demon senior."

Li Jiu naturally knew that Dan Demon, one of the high-level of the Spirit Master Association, Yan Yu's original breakthrough materials and the first prize of the newcomer competition were all from the hands of this senior.

Qin Wujue also seemed to give up resistance in his heart, and shouted to the master more and more smoothly: "Master, the audition of the Divine Dragon Ranking Battle is about to begin, and the reward for the first place this year is the [Mixed Yuan Pill] personally refined by the Dan Demon senior, do you want to come to participate?" "

A pair of huge peaches wriggled uneasily...

The Mixed Yuan Pill is refined with legendary level Warcraft essence blood, heavenly herbs and other precious materials, and other Li Jiu has not remembered.... Taking this for the first time can increase your lifespan by 100 years!

It is the life-sustaining holy relic that Chu Xinyu needs the most right now!

To be honest, Li Jiu didn't think that he would completely ripen the flowers in three years.

Qin Wujue saw the sparkle in Li Jiu's eyes, and knew that he had an idea about this object, and quickly spoke, "Only... Only by achieving excellent results in the Shenlong Ranking Tournament can we carry out the once-in-a-century Spirit Master Ranking Battle..."Spirit Master Ranking Battle

, this is a concept that Li Jiu heard from Chu Xinyu's mouth, this is a Spirit Master Feast held once in a hundred years in the entire Shenlong Continent.

The contestants in the Spirit Master Ranking Battle are not only Hualong countrymen, but also other countries in the Shenlong Continent, where there are many heroes and masters, and it is the place where countless Tianjiao became famous in one battle!

Li Jiu gently kissed her alluring and crystalline earlobe: "I'm not interested in Spirit Master Ranking Battle... I just want to get that Mixed Yuan Pill. "

Uh-huh..." Qin Wujie couldn't help but snort softly.

"Xiao Qin, do you know what fruit I like to eat the most?"



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