Suddenly, a sense of integration and self-satisfaction spread throughout the body!

A series of prompts kept appearing in my mind....

Unfortunately, at this moment, the snooze system prompts that the audio is like a robot, and there is no emotion.

"Ding~ congratulations on obtaining [Soldier]!"

"Ding~ due to unknown effect.... Your skills are strengthened! "

Ding~ Congratulations on obtaining the [Divine Order - Realm]!" It's a pity that the system's prompt sounds like a robot.

This time, Li Jiu finally saw the true appearance of this picture scroll in his body.

On the white rice paper is half of the chess board, and the son of [Bing] in the middle has returned to his place.

Other locations are empty.


This pawn of soldiers seems to be loaded with a lot of information, and they entered Li Jiu's spiritual world like an empowerment along those white chains.

It turned out that these chess pieces were refined from seven of the strongest rocks in the world, and the whole was divided into 7 [Horse Artillery Commanders].

The chess pieces contain some information in detail: Reaching level 100 is not the end of everything, and level 100 and above seem to have a more powerful realm.

God-level, only existences that break through the hundred levels can become gods!

But this method of becoming a god was also explored by the chess piece casters themselves.

The chess piece caster believes that the power of a single person or the power of the beast cannot break through the hundred levels when it reaches the limit, and it is necessary to integrate the three ultimate spiritual forces of heaven, earth, spirit (man and beast)....... Only then is it possible to transcend the saint and break through the god level.

Only a very small number of people can absorb the true power in these 7 chess pieces.

Chess masters can use pieces to strengthen one of their contracted pets.

Strengthened Spirit Pets will receive a permanent Spiritual Power bonus and the powerful attributes of the corresponding pieces.

Li Jiuxin: And this kind of good thing?

His gaze swept to the son of the soldier in the center of the chessboard.

[Divine Chess - Soldier]: Gives the power of the designated spirit pet [Soldier], the full attribute is permanently increased by 30%, and when the [Soldier] survives and fights, the full attribute of all chess pieces is increased without upper limit. (Minimum synchronization value required: 60)

Li Jiu couldn't help but gasp.

As long as you fight, you will improve your combat effectiveness?

Oh my god.... What kind of perverted skill is this?

But ordinary spirit masters can only fight six spirit pets at the same time?

Even if you make up seven sons, you can't form ..... Wait, what about Sky Shadow?

Is there still a spirit pet in this world that can ignore the conditions to fight?

As he continued to look, a basin of cool water was poured down....

Host: Li Jiu

Physical Strength: Level 30

Spiritual Power: Level 36

Heavenly Gift Imperial Art: [Renewal] [Divine Order] [Divine Command] [Divine Command] [Son of a Soldier] [Locked].......

[Son of the Soldier]: The price of strength, exchange the power of man for the power of the beast.

Exclusive skills: [Shenyan] [Divine Mercy] [Divine Anger]

The original skill vacancy behind the Heavenly Gift Imperial Art is [??? This means that you have not yet comprehended it.

But at this moment, the original fourth-order Heaven-given Imperial Art became [Son of Soldier] in advance, and Li Jiu probably understood according to the skill description.

7 pawns in exchange for his own 7 unknown imperial arts..... I don't know if it's good or bad.

As far as the current [Soldier] Son is concerned, just permanently strengthening 30% of the total attributes of a spirit pet is blood earning.

If it comes, it is safe, the chess pieces have been forcibly absorbed by the scroll, and there is no way to return them.

Li Jiu continued to read.

Each number of pieces will open an exclusive skill.

[Divine Order - Realm]: The fifty-level realm skill must be a chessboard enchantment, and you and the pawn spirit pet in the enchantment will not be affected by any realm enchantment

[Divine Order—Seizure]: ???

[Divine Decree]: ???

[Divine Decree - Forbidden]: ???

Li Jiu looked at the effect of [Divine Order-Realm] a little stunned, and he must have ignored the realm enchantment of others...

In other words, my specialty is to make you uncharacteristic!

Strong and invincible!

Domain skills are one of the core skills of spiritual masters.

Chu Xinyu also relied on the extremely cold field to maintain a slowdown, weakening Migallo's speed, barely reaching the level of five or five kai.

Blood earned!

With the rank of the spirit pet in Li Jiu's current hands, ordinary enemies did not pose the slightest threat to him.

[Divine Order - Realm] is the best hole card to specifically sanction those bells and whistles of enemies.


The corner of Li Jiu's mouth couldn't help but draw a sneer.

At this moment, the old ghost kneeling on the ground tentatively asked, "That............. Big guy, I said everything I can say, can you let me live?

Li Jiu turned around and said, "Who did you sell this chess set to?"

The old ghost was dumbfounded: "Chess? What is that?

Li Jiu remembered that the Holy Spirit Star was not the earth, there was no Chu River Han Realm, no Xiang Yu, Liu Bang, and no Han Xin.

Naturally, there will be no 'chess'.

"Where's the other toys?" Do you remember what words were engraved on it?

"Big guy, I don't know the words on it?" That person called himself 'Dream', I really don't know the rest....

"Li Jiu looked at the old ghost whose body was constantly trembling and said, "Doesn't there exist a book on the Holy Spirit Star?"

Li Jiu snorted coldly, "Sorry, you saw something you shouldn't have seen..." After

Xiaoying heard it, his claws quickly brought up a string of blood flowers and a scream.

Seeing that the old ghost was dead, Ying Ruoxue turned into a human form and leaned on Li Jiu's side and gently hummed a little song: "Honey, do you know these words?"

"Well, let's go, this place shouldn't be long."

"Things are getting more and more interesting."

Li Jiu gently rubbed the big fox's ears, and one person and one fox quickly returned to Anlong City according to the same road.


I don't know how long it took, a black figure rushed to the interior of the Donghuang Forest, and the words 'Wenqu' were engraved on his back.

Soon, he found Chen Huan's body, as well as the low mound next to it.

And the things in the pit have long disappeared without a trace...

Wen Qu Xingjun muttered in a low voice: "Oops, that thing is gone, I finally found a prop with the power of God..." "

I was the first Xingjun to see this thing... Who stole these strange toys?

Another cold snort sounded from behind Wen Qu Xingjun.

Broken Army Xingjun dressed in the same black robe slowly appeared from the shadows behind Wen Qu Xingjun, "Wen Qu, what are you doing?"

"What about money? Where is the money the organization needs?

Wen Qu Xingjun didn't seem to expect that he was actually followed, and his voice changed a little, pointing to the back behind him: "You are following me?" Broken

Army Xingjun reminded: "You..... Tinkering with these messy things all day, like a loser, paying attention to your identity and the task of a new soul.

Wen Qu Xingjun didn't seem to admit his fish-touching behavior, and retorted: "Money... I'll give it to you, I don't know who cut off the artwork I ordered. The

broken army leaned against the tree trunk and spoke: "You know, Wuqu's side has been completely messed up, the righteous angel is missing, and his already low rank has been abolished by half... I once warned him to be careful, I don't want you..."

Seeing this, the broken army continued: "The organization may have to screen new Xingjun, I hope you must do your own things well, otherwise your investment will be in vain."

Wen Qu hurriedly left the place, "Well, thanks for the reminder, I'll go back first." The

broken army looked at his back as he left, and then at the underground pit, shook his head tiredly and disappeared into the darkness.

The silence of the past was restored in the East Emperor Forest.



Tired heart.

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