Li Jiu walked off the ring with Xiaoying and quickly walked towards Teacher Xiaoguang.

"He came to see me, right?" A flower idiot said.

"Coming, coming, the boss is coming!"

"Shall we go celebrate?"

Wang Chen found that something was not quite right, and he knew that Li Jiu's personality did not like to gather in groups, so he quickly grabbed the little brothers around him who wanted to hold Li Jiu's thighs and quickly left the scene with them.

In any case, Li Jiu had become the representative of the Spirit Heart Academy to participate in the Divine Dragon Ranking Battle, which would be of great benefit to the development of the organization in the future.

Free advertising, my vision is really not bad!


And the other students present who were unhappy with Li Jiu had no way, because their spiritual power cultivation was not as good as Li Shi, who was killed in seconds.

If you go up to provoke now, you will be humiliated, and you will be held up with the hat of blocking the ranking battle of the Divine Dragon, which no one can withstand!

The surrounding students unconsciously made way for Li Jiu, and no one dared to step forward to block it.

Li Jiu smiled and walked up to Little Loli and spoke, "Long time no see, Teacher Xiaoguang." Teacher

Xiaoguang raised his head, his big watery eyes were extremely cute, "Now is not the time to say this, you go to the competition quickly, right?"

"No hurry, I still have some personal things I want to ask you."

Li Jiu and Teacher Xiaoguang quickly broke through the crowd and returned to the familiar librarian's room.

The silver-haired little loli's cheeks became a little hot, she remembered what happened here last time, and said a little twistedly: "Last time was an accident, don't think crookedly."

Li Jiu smiled and casually took out the fragments of the Book of the World obtained in the fierce land and the snack gift package prepared in advance.

"Old rule, these two things are for you, you quickly help me see what is written on it."


After seeing these two very important things, the silver-haired little loli pounced excitedly.

At this moment, the mutation was abrupt!

A red light came out from Li Jiu's spirit pet space!

Sakura Ruoxue, who was dressed in red, quickly hugged Xiaoguang-sensei, and her slightly plump chest almost suffocated Xiaoguang-sensei...

Ying Ruoxue's expression twisted, and said with some indignation: "You..... Don't be so close to my dear one! "

It's not at all like the majestic, decisive Chiyan evil fox.

Teacher Xiaoguang seemed shocked when she saw Ying Ruoxue's true face, and her voice changed a little: "Hey? Aren't you Sakura Wakayuki? How did it come to this look? "

Sakura Wakayuki & Riku: ???

Since Sakura Ruoxue completely digested the forbidden fruit of reincarnation, her traces as a human being were almost completely erased by the rules of the world.

Except for Inoue Hong, who is deeply obsessed with her, everyone including Old Chulu Bezuru has forgotten her existence.

[As for why Li Jiu can remember her, it will be a spoiler. ] Li

Jiuxin said: The little loli in front of her can actually see through Ying Ruoxue's soul essence?

Teacher Xiaoguang pouted aggrievedly, that look seemed to make the most evil demon in the world put down the butcher knife!

"If you don't give a relative, you don't give a relative, why is the murderer's family?"

Ying Ruoxue shook her head a little ashamed: "I'm sorry ha." Li

Jiu was completely dumbfounded when he saw this, Ying Ruoxue would actually apologize to anyone other than herself?

What secrets is hidden in Teacher Xiaoguang?

Ying Ruoxue didn't know why, after she saw Xiaoguang Sensei, the violent aura in her heart dissipated invisibly.

No reason?

Ying Ruoxue said in her heart: This little loli is so cute, it is so rare.

Obviously, she also stole my dear family before.

Why don't I hate her?

Li Jiu on the side looked solemn but didn't say anything, and he immediately used the system panel to scan the cute loli in front of him.

No surprises, no hints.

Teacher Xiaoguang took off his wizard hat curiously and said to himself, "It's really weird... How do I know that?

"Lord Xiaoguang forgive you, I know why you became so violent, because your soul is imbued with that very ominous force, and it is normal that you cannot control your temperament."

Li Jiu said straight to the point: "Teacher Xiaoguang, let's talk about it next time, let's talk about the topic first, what is written on this fragment?" Teacher

Xiaoguang smiled slightly, and began to restore the operation of the Book of the World, she knew that every second counted now, and quickly used her spiritual power to find the location of the fragment page, and excitedly flipped through it.

“emmm..... The content of this article is a bit weird.

Li Jiu nodded, "Hmm." Teacher

Xiaoguang skillfully put on his glasses and showed the teacher's demeanor: "The highest level of spiritual pets in this world is mythical level, and the highest level is 100..." "

The forbidden fruit of reincarnation is a fruit rumored to be born on the world tree, and it is said that it has the function of reincarnation and transcendence after taking it, and there have been no successful cases so far."

"The World Tree is the first tree born in the place where the world was opened, and a large number of forbidden fruits of reincarnation grow on the tree....... The back is gone.

Li Jiu frowned after hearing this.

Sure enough, the real purpose of the mastermind behind the neon area was to use the Saint Yan Divine Fox as an experiment for the forbidden fruit of reincarnation!

Li Jiu hurriedly asked, "Teacher Xiaoguang, do you know the rank beyond mythology?" "

Shinra level."

After listening to this, Teacher Xiaoguang's face changed, as if he had seen a devil, curled up and hid under the table, and said in a hushed voice: "How do you know?" I didn't leak a secret!

"Woo hoo.... I'm going to be killed by Lord Camille!

Li Jiu quickly squatted down and grabbed Teacher Xiaoguang's hand, dragged her out from under the table, and quickly calmed her heart: "Don't worry, what shit Kami, if he really comes, I will kill him!"

At this time, a voice that was neither male nor female came.

It seems that in a far away place, it seems to be a long time, and the direction of the sound can be distinguished at all.

"Who dares to speak wildly and insult the gods?"

Li Jiu hugged Teacher Xiaoguang and looked around vigilantly, is there anything different?

The little light teacher in his arms emitted a dazzling golden light from his body, and a golden light broke out, as if the switch of some kind of sealing technique was turned on?

Her wizarding hat fell heavily to the ground, her hair was scattered, and a golden lock appeared on her chest....... The golden glow in the sky turned into a phantom of a blond man, and slowly walked towards Li Jiu.

"Intend to invade the realm of God, die!"

Li Jiu held Xiaoguang and took a few steps back, looked up and took a closer look, this person's phantom was indeed a little similar to the original Cami doppelganger!

Another flash of golden light flashed, and a majestic feather light appeared.

She stood alone in front of Li Jiu, holding two incomparably brilliant golden double knives to face this Cami phantom, her face was indifferent and fearless.

The feathered angel spirit suit evolved again after completely absorbing the Sword of Justice, and the luster of the two swords in his hand became more and more mysterious, and the sword radiance that emitted faintly overwhelmed the original Sword of Justice.

Cami's doppelganger felt the breath of Yuguang, and said with some surprise: "This breath..... What is it? "

The power of the first gods? That's impossible!

At this time, Teacher Xiaoguang, who was curled up in Li Jiu's arms, said a word with a pale face, and the original azure pupils had completely turned silver-white, and it seemed that he had changed someone.

"Quick... Attack him with the Supreme Xuan Spirit Technique.... And run away .... Or we will all die! "

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