"Hey? What kind of power is this Spirit Heart Academy? How have I not heard.

"It should be a mortal school going through the motions, right?"

"Who is this kid?"

"This Lijiu..... I had the impression that I was a genius in the world. "

Cut! It's just rubbish.

"No, he should still have some skills, right?"

Because Li Jiu was next to Ling Wuya, the eyes and focus of the audience had not yet dissipated, and he jumped into the ring with countless doubts and disgust.

Ling Wanjian glanced at the way Li Jiu landed, the lower plate was very stable, walking in the wind, and his physical strength was quite full, and he couldn't help but look at it twice.

After all, there were not many disciples with this physical quality in the Lingyun Sect.

In addition to Ling Wanjian, Liu Lao on the main seat and Boss Liu beside him, Qin Wujie of the Qin family, Tenglong Lin Tiannan, and several eyes outside the field constantly looked at Li Jiu.

On the audience stage in the direction of Red Fire Academy.

Shen Weiwei looked at Li Jiu's back a little out of her mind, and muttered, "Li Jiu..... I didn't expect him to be able to participate in this level of competition. "

There was also Kui Tian, who was defeated by Li Jiu in the original Spirit Master Assessment Competition, and Shen Weiwei's best friend Hua Wuyao was also on the scene.

The arrogant young lady who knocked Li Jiu into the air in the first place also lowered her head in shame and had to admit: "He is really powerful." "

The golden scale is a thing in the pool, and it turns into a dragon when it encounters a storm.

They and Li Jiu are no longer the same kind of people, and they are completely unqualified to advance side by side.

They can only silently watch the birth of a legend. (In the future, passers-by will not appear again, an explanation of the character's ending.)

Li Jiu walked indifferently to the spirit stone and injected his own spiritual power into it, he deliberately controlled a little bit of power and did not maintain full output.

Ling Wanjian looked at the spirit stone that emitted dazzling white light, and nodded approvingly: "Li Jiu, age 19 years old, spiritual power level 30, light!"

Li Jiu was a little shocked, but he didn't expect to be really hidden by himself level 6.

He doesn't like to play pigs and eat tigers like the god of war, but there is no need to show the limelight in this kind of big competition, because the Liu family is also here.

Li Jiu didn't want to hold Old Liu's thigh and shout for help.

A fan girl shouted: "Wow, this Li Jiu is really awesome!"

A passerby said disdainfully: "What? It's only level 30.

"Big brother, I think you're crazy, right? He is a genius of ordinary forces, without much background to reach this level, not awesome?

"In the eyes of my Holy Court of Light, they are just ants."


the passers-by around had mixed evaluations of Li Jiu, and in their opinion, scattered spiritual masters who were not in a powerful force could not have high-quality spirit pets.

Therefore, no matter how high the spiritual power level of ordinary spirit masters is, it is for nothing.

Boss Liu, who was sitting in the main seat, cocked a beautiful leg and said to himself: "Oh? It's actually this kid?

Liu Lao's hearing was very good, and he quickly turned his head and asked, "Could it be that Boss Liu has something to do with this kid?" Elder

Liu knew that the identity background of the Boss Liu in front of him was different from ordinary people, and he was worried that Li Jiu would be deceived by the woman, and wanted to ask if the two were related.

If there is a connection, it is better to break it as soon as possible.

The origin of Boss Liu is very mysterious, even the Spirit Master Association can't find out her true details, and the people sent out will mysteriously disappear...

She does have contact with a lot of men.

The result, of course, was the mysterious death of those men, and the mysterious transfer of property.

Boss Liu raised his jade hand to look at the nail art in disbelief, and said to himself: "No~ I don't know him, but Elder Liu cares about this kid very much?"

Liu Lao stroked his beard and didn't ask more: "After all, he is a person who once broke a big secret, and it is normal for me to have a preference for him."

"I hope Boss Liu looks at my face and doesn't move him."

Boss Liu said coldly: "Don't worry, Elder Liu, I only like men's money, and I don't like stinky men." "

Liu Lao said in his heart: Li Jiu, Li Jiu, first broke the blue sky secret realm, then broke the secret realm of [mirror], the shattering of the secret realm of [fire] seems to be related to you, the fierce place where the neon disappears also has your figure, I am curious how many places you will achieve in this conference?

"Hee-hee..." the peach blossom eyes under Boss Liu's mask flashed with curiosity.

Ling Wantian on the side sat in the middle of the main seat and stared at Li Jiu's back.

After he separated from Li Jiu, he immediately inquired about Li Jiu's personal information... When he learned that the woman suspected of being Chu Xinyu personally came to the rescue, the two even stayed in a hotel, and now passed on the important sect master token to him.

Ling Wantian didn't want to admit that he had lost to this young man.


the rest deck of the Liu family.

A Liu patriarch bent down and said to Liu Zhenhan: "Sir, this person is Li Jiu, who fought with a mysterious person outside the neon area that day and was saved by the suspected Chu fairy." "

Is it really Chu Fairy?" Liu Zhenhan's eyes drifted.

"I'm not sure, I didn't see the appearance clearly, there is too little information circulating in the rivers and lakes, I heard Qin Shuang's guy say that she is a Chu fairy."

As the Liu family is a Xuanling Master family, they obtain key information very quickly....... Many other forces also knew that Li Jiu seemed to have something to do with Chu Xinyu of the Tianji Sect.

Through the mysterious disappearance of Liu Ba and others in the neon area, Mr. Liu, who has an online IQ, always thinks that Chu Xinyu killed his subordinates.

But he has no conclusive evidence to prove that Li Jiu was the real murderer of his son.

Forced by the suppressive power of the Tianji Sect, just because Chu Xinyu saved his life in the first place, Liu Zhenhan did not dare to act rashly.

"Keep an eye on all his subsequent matches, and if there is a vision, report it immediately."


Liu Jiu was speechless, just looking at Li Jiu's back a little out of his mind.


direction of the Holy Court of Light.

Ye Wuyao opened one eye and looked at Li Jiu on the stage, and a sinister smile appeared at the corner of his mouth: "Oh? Is this man the legendary guy with a God-given angel?

"Report Holy Son, after you took office, your subordinates have immediately investigated the spiritual masters of the whole country, and he is the only one who has the angelic spiritual favor and is famous."

"Hmph, that's interesting, I hope his angel will be more interesting."

An Keer, who was sitting next to Ye Wuyao, didn't say anything, just drank tea quietly.


After Li Jiu stepped down, he shook his head, and no one talked about him or even laughed at him as much as when he came on stage.

"Hey, I still used too much force, I already knew that I would transmit less spiritual power, so that they wouldn't pay so much attention to me."

Li Jiu would not know at all.

The moment he and Chu Xinyu met, the dream of a peaceful life he pursued had completely ended.

Holding the feather light every day to watch TV and play games, nothing to stroke the fox fur, feel tired of going out in the wild to tease the birds, and the happy time of thinking about going out to watch movies on weekends is gone.

Li Jiu is already in the core of an invisible storm, living a false peaceful life, but his surroundings are actually full of murderous intentions.

And the fuse that detonated all this is already about to ignite.

This storm called 'Destiny' is getting closer and closer to him.

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