The brief stun effect attached to the hole card of Baikaku, Roar, is also offset on the spot by the firmness effect of the enhanced feather light after the advanced level.

A hint of teasing flashed in the eyes of the shadow in the sky, and her body suddenly seemed to become a phantom very blurry, and her speed increased to a critical value at the same time, like shuttling to another dimensional dimension, straight through the giant axe and claw that should have hit her body.

Xiaoying cast a galaxy shuttle, quickly rushed to the back of the war lion at a speed that could not be detected by the naked eye, and several consecutive sharp claw strikes brought up patches of red blood!

The 50 damage boost attached to the defiance effect combined with the solo soldier 10 damage boost effect turns the flat A of the shadow into an extremely terrifying damage output.

This lion that was less than level 30 could not withstand the powerful killing combo of level 37 Xiaoying, and several green marks appeared on its body surface and flew out uncontrollably!

The murderous shadow turned to attack, and its wings continuously flapped in the center of the ring, forming a green wind that constantly spiraled to absorb everything around!

Bai Ge, who suffered a heavy blow on the back, could not control the flight trajectory of his body at all, and by this blow to the Winged Tunan, many cracks appeared on the silver spiritual power armor of the protective body.


As Baige was swept off the field by a powerful tornado, the referee shouted, "Spirit Heart Academy, win!"

The surrounding masses boiled again: "Lying groove, who is this Li Jiu?"

"What kind of skill does that flying spirit pet of his use?" How can you dodge such a powerful blow?

"This Li Jiu doesn't seem to have used imperial arts!"

A man with glasses analyzed: "Two consecutive games are seconds to kill the opponent, so that the opponent can not summon the second favor.

"This Baige shocks and pulls vegetables."

Li Jiu put away Xiaoying and stepped down to look at him, "Brother, are you okay?" "Fortunately, that strong damage reduction skill allowed Baige not to suffer much damage.

"I obeyed, you are amazing." Baige lay on the ground in a large shape, helplessly.


It's not that Li Jiu is soft-hearted, this kind of regular game is, the enemy is not the kind of fool who deliberately mocks, and he doesn't have to fight to the death.

Serving people with virtue (.jpg holding a knife)

Since each of their own spiritual pets has a lot of origin and can't hide if they want to, then kill the opponent cleanly and cleanly, and try not to expose more skills.

In the following morning's group stage, Li Jiu defeated all opponents with the momentum of sweeping through the thousand armies, and no one could last a minute in the joint attack of him and Xiaoying.

At this moment, Li Jiu found the pleasure of the krypton gold player in his previous life!


Liu family orientation.

Liu Crazy looked at the back of Liu Jiu on the stage, "Dad, did you see it?"

Liu Zhenhan nodded: "Hmm."

"The elder brother is already very powerful, he will not lose to the third brother."

"I see."

Liu Mad knew that Liu Jiu's status had improved in his father's heart, and his relationship with his second brother would also rise, and he couldn't help but be excited: "By the way, dad, Li Jiu's kid's battle I've been staring at, and the battles he shot are all seconds to kill."

Liu Zhenhan's eyes flashed, and he asked in a low voice, "Oh? And that angel is so strong?

Liu Mad said truthfully: "Dad, except for the first battle with a blue-haired female spirit pet, the subsequent battles are all a cyan war eagle. "

What?" Liu Zhenhan was taken aback in his heart.

According to reliable information, Li Jiu's spiritual pet at the door of the neon fierce land should be angels, foxes and female elves of the first battle.

That is to say, his first four favorites are the war eagles in front of him?

There is a flying spirit pet at level 30?

Liu Zhenhan thought that without the support of the big guy forces, he would definitely not be able to do this, and at least he couldn't do it with that Spirit Heart Academy!

That is to say, the woman who saved him must be Chu Xinyu.

Then the purpose is clear .... The woman who killed her subordinates was also Chu Xinyu....

Through various intelligence analysis, Liu Zhenhan is 70% sure that Li Jiu in front of him is the real murderer who killed his son.

Liu Zhenhan's eyes were bloody and tearful, and he gritted his teeth and said: "Mad Er, give the order to pass it on, let the forces related to us in the three groups be ruthless against him, and we must force out all the information of his other spirit pets, and there will be heavy thanks after the matter is completed."

"Remember, don't kill on the spot, just be crippled and hospitalized."

This is not Liu Zhenhan loves his son much, his son can have another one when he dies, and now there is a perfect substitute - Liu Jiu.

If Liu Cheng was really killed by Li Jiu, then he must have the supreme Xuan Spirit Art of [Blood Battle] on him.

Liu Zhenhan decided to take back the Supreme Xuan Spirit Art at all costs!

There is also the Black Devil Old Ancestor who has been enshrined for many years!

But if he really can't take it back, Liu Zhenhan can only use the Jade Burning Dafa!

As long as it is announced that this junior who is less than level 50 has the Supreme Technique, those old guys will definitely not be able to sit still, hehe.

Liu Fan bowed his head and said, "Yes." "


During the lunch break, Li Jiu finished eating the lunch prepared by Lingyunzong and lay down in his contestant seat and played with his mobile phone.

At this moment, an indescribable woman's aroma faintly entered his nose.

In front of everyone, Li Jiu couldn't summon the spirit pets out to show other men, so this aroma was definitely not his own spirit pet.

A light fragrance... If it's not Xiao Qin, who else can it be?

Li Jiu put down his phone and turned to look at the person.

This is a blue-haired woman dressed in white and a silver veil, which turned out to be Shui Ruoxi of the Ruoshui Holy Land.

Li Jiu was speechless for a while, not knowing what to say: "May I ask why the water fairy came to my school?" Shui

Ruoxi paced to Li Jiu, and her blue eyes flashed a little apologetically: "Hello Li Jiu, I came to apologize to you." Li

Jiu was a black question mark inside.


She bowed her head slightly, "Due to my personal reasons, I haven't seen the contact information of the female emperor master..... The female emperor has ordered me to take you into the Ranked Battle Hall.

"Female Emperor? I don't know? Li Jiu sat up and spread his hands, looking innocent.

"According to what the female emperor said, she was entrusted by an old man surnamed Lu, and should be the principal of your academy."

After Li Jiu listened, he suddenly became cheerful, it turned out that Lu Biehe did not come with him to find help from the people of the Ruoshui Holy Land.

At that time, due to the emergency, the normal process review of the ranking battle took 24 hours, and Lu Biehe chose to find someone to solve this matter.

It's just that he didn't expect that Li Jiu actually met Ling Wantian, and Ling Wantian also let him in.

No wonder Principal Lu sent a yellow-faced sweaty expression after sending a message to himself to ask for details before, it turned out to be like this.

In other words, Lu Biehe's background is so good, and the people who know the Spirit Master Association also know the female emperor of the Ruoshui Holy Land?

Li Jiu instantly made up a bloody drama in his brain.

Is that kind of relationship between the two?

Could this person in front of them be their daughter?

Shui Ruoxi looked at the black-haired young man in front of him, his eyes were first confused, and then suddenly realized... So far, the gaze that looks at himself is actually .... A kind of gossip-watching look?

Shui Ruoxi nodded slightly, did not dare to look at each other again, and fled in a panic.

"I'm sorry..."

Li Jiu shouted: "Water fairy, go slowly." "

Although this lady should be good-looking, it is not her own dish.

Lao Lu is very good to himself, and he must not harm his daughter!

No way, I'm too handsome.

Li Jiu seems to have decided on the bloody script in his mind.

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