[Saint Flower Fairy] Grade: Epic

Level: Level 32

Sync Value: 80

"Ding ~ Saint Flower Fairy

Successfully advanced to break through, comprehended a new skill [Thorn Flower Poison]!"

[Thorn Flower Poison]: The damage caused by the Holy Flower Fairy and the Cold Thorn Sitting Lotus are accompanied by the Thorn Flower Poison, and the target of the Thorn Flower Poison in the body is reduced by 30% by the healing skill effect, while reducing the enemy's movement speed. (Ineffective for passive recovery)

Li Jiu couldn't help but feel happy in his heart after reading it.

Restricted skills that reduce the healing effect of enemy auxiliary spiritual pets, and in the future, if you encounter a combination of spirit masters with a nanny, even if you put the opposite nanny spirit pet, you can deal effective damage!

Yan Yu is a proper auxiliary spiritual pet!

Forever dripping God!

Yan Yu covered Yufeng with a nervous expression, trying to cover up more of the leaked spring light as much as possible.

At this time, she was not inch, her white and smooth and slightly transparent skin was all exposed, and the roses inscribed with the Holy Spirit seal on her pink neck were delicate, with her trembling round and full, delicate and delicate waist....

She turned her head and said like a mosquito: "Don't look at it..."

Li Jiu's gaze slid to the pair of flawless jade legs, if this moved...


Just as Li Jiu was about to make the next move, Yuguang walked into the house with hot chicken soup.

"Master, black chicken and goji berry soup, make up for it."

Taking advantage of Li Jiu's stunned moments, Yan Yu, who was too shy, ran back to the spirit pet space with a swoop, and her whole body was seen by the angel sister.

So shy...⁄(⁄ ⁄•⁄ω⁄•⁄ ⁄)⁄Li

Jiu shook his head: Yan Yu is good at everything, but his skin is too thin.

After drinking the chicken soup, Li Jiu felt a little bored and planned to go out.

The Lingyun Sect, the number one force in the Hualong Kingdom, is far more than the Tianji Sect and the Spirit Heart Academy, but in terms of the position of the sect, the Lingyun Sect is definitely not as good as the Tianji Sect that covers the entire Tianji Peak.

The starry sky at night is beautiful, and a shooting star crosses the sky...

After refusing the invitations of several beautiful female spiritual masters, Li Jiu began to wander aimlessly along the mountain road.

Where is Hua Tianding, who can save the master?

Unconsciously, Li Jiu came to a garden in a daze, and the crowd in front of him gathered strangely, with fanaticism in men's eyes and obsession in women's eyes.

Li Jiu frowned slightly to express doubt.

According to the map provided by Lingyun Sect, this should belong to a park with an inaccessible and quiet atmosphere.

There should only be some couples here to enjoy the flowers and look at the moon, and should not gather in groups?

Li Jiu leaned over with some curiosity, what were they looking at?

Suddenly, a slightly anxious male voice came from the depths of the crowd.

"In the Holy Court of Lower Light Ye Wuyao, can Boss Liu give a face to let him see the true face in the next one?"


Ye Wuyao?

Boss Willow?

Li Jiu once again squeezed into the crowd with a faceless spirit.

I saw Ye Wuyao, who was dressed in a white robe, standing in front of the charming Boss Liu holding a bouquet of roses that he didn't know where to get.

I have to say that Ye Wuyao does look a little handsome, a handsome that is not a human, but more like the kind of handsome in the form of some kind of spirit beast.

Beautiful blonde hair, golden eyes, handsome and dashing, temperament is like Prince Charming in fairy tales.

And the boss of Na Liu is enchanting, the back mountain is bigger than the shoulders, a tight black gauze wrapped around Miaoman's moving body, revealing a touch of condensed skin, a hair with a purple ribbon simply fixed on the head, a few strands hanging down slightly.

The delicate snow-white abundant mountains are exaggerated, which makes people can't help but feel playful.

When the onlookers saw the two people in front of them, a thought arose in their hearts: they seemed to be born as a couple.

Ye Wuyao said with affection: "I fell deeply in love with you the moment I saw you, can I tell me your name?" After he finished speaking, he actually half-knelt down towards Boss Liu.

The surrounding female spirit masters spoke one after another: "Wow, worthy of being Lord Holy Son, so handsome, I will definitely agree to him."

Some people were jealous of Boss Liu's figure and whispered: "A tattered shoe, what is tall?"

"I don't know how many people have played it to become so big, right?"

"It's really shameless, and I dare to seduce Lord Saint Son here."

"It is."

When Ye Wuyao heard this, he immediately got up and angrily rebuked the women around him, and his voice seemed to have endless magic power: "Fabricate insults and insult people out of thin air, let me go!"

"Well... Lord Son!

"Yes..." Those

women really looked like idiots, little stars appeared in their eyes and left with a smile, not even caring about the boyfriend next to them....

Li Jiu felt a very strange feeling, these women seemed to be controlled by him.

Boss Liu looked up at the sky without speaking, and immediately turned away after hearing Ye Wuyao's words, seemingly unable to look at this Ye Wuyao, and his tone was extremely cold: "Go away, don't get in the way."

Ye Wuyao didn't seem to expect that a woman would refuse her handsome self, and her face showed surprise, "I.... No offense, just attracted by Boss Liu's beauty and wanted to see your true face.

Although it was only for a moment, Li Jiu seemed to see an unknown golden light in Ye Wuyao's eyes!

Boss Liu had already turned around and wanted to leave and didn't see it, and when she passed by Li Jiu's side, her footsteps suddenly stopped.

The two silently looked at each other, these eyes... This taste.

Not good!

Li Jiu Ran felt a sense of foreboding, turned around and fled!

Ye Wuyao, who had lost his soul, saw Boss Liu stop, thinking that she agreed, and followed ecstatically: "Did you agree?" "

I don't mind your rumors at all, I just appreciate it..." Boss

Liu hugged his arm and his chest couldn't help trembling, and his head moved slightly to signal Li Jiu who fled: "I agree that you are a big-headed ghost, you want to know what I look like?" Then you can find out if you ask him... Hee-hee.

Ye Wuyao was stunned: "Huh? As

for why Li Jiu wanted to escape, because when the two had just passed by, Li Jiu saw a pair of mysterious and deep purple eyes under the silver mask.

The habit of snapping fingers, eye color, slightly familiar voices and body fragrance prove that she is the mysterious woman she met in the happy bar!

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