The Iron-Blooded King and Dai Mei, who were doing business, did not notice anything unusual in the sky, they were too engaged.

An iron-blooded soldier hurriedly broke into the palace: "Great King, it's not good!" Outside... Something big happened outside! The

Iron Blood King roared in annoyance: "Bastard, what is the fuss? Don't you see that everyone is doing things?

"The Great King.... A lot of pitch-black monsters appeared outside, and our people have been 'eaten' by them. After

hearing this, the Iron Blood King hurriedly lifted his pants and looked outside, only to find that the black moon had descended, as if the end of the world...

"Stop playing, hurry up and go out and see." He hurriedly urged his soldiers, and the men took up arms and left the palace.


Dai Meng knelt in the prison dumbfounded.

An unfamiliar voice appeared from her mind, unable to distinguish between men and women: "How is it?" Anyway, you want to seek death wholeheartedly, and I will give you the strength to take revenge, and the price is your life.

Dai Meng, who looked sluggish, shook her head, she suspected that she was hallucinated by mental torture, the sky was bloody, and the moon turned black.

Dai Meng said, "I'm tired, let me die like this." An

unknown voice said, "Is it really over?" You just watch your enemies enjoy themselves before your eyes? Don't you want revenge?

Dai Meng shook his head in despair: "Even if you succeed in revenge, there is no point, they are already dead.... Can't be resurrected.

"Who says you can't be resurrected? As long as you agree, they can be resurrected and receive new flesh. The voice inside said.

"I don't believe it.... And this power.

"How can a lowly mortal understand the power of God?"

The demon voice continued to bewitch: "Actually, you don't want to die, you just don't dare to face the cruel reality......... You want to kill all these men, kill all the betrayers to complete the revenge, as long as you accept it, accept this power, you will have everything.

Dai Meng looked at the black energy body in his body that was like a heart and seemed to be thinking about something: "....." "

Accept it, and the door of divine power will open to you."

"Don't give up on your heart's true desire."

"Can you forgive this world of dirty desires?"

"Can you forgive the traitors who have driven you into hell and carved sins into your soul?"

"It is not you who are guilty, it is them."

"It's not you who are wrong, but this world, this world where disputes never end, as long as you gather the power of the 7 world origins, you can reach a 'paradise' without pain and sorrow."

"And my power, the power of demons, is one of them."

The words of unknown existence deeply pierced the heart of Dai Meng, who was bent on death.

After hearing this, Dai Meng's purple eyes regained a little sanity: "Forgiveness? Unforgivable!! That, it's all because of her, everything I and I have disappeared. "

Parents, country, friends, and subordinates were all completely destroyed by Daimei.

The demonic power continued: "No, it's not her fault, she just committed the two sins of lust and greed.

"The source of evil is human nature, so no one can avoid committing the seven deadly sins."

"Arrogance, jealousy, rage, laziness, greed, gluttony and lust, all these things will become the source of my strength and the source of your strength, which will never be exhausted!"

Dai Meng muttered weakly: "So as long as I give my life to you, can I obtain this power?"


"Isn't it a great goal to gather the power of the Source and reach that painless paradise, a new world? Isn't this more challenging than the goal of [becoming the wisest female emperor in the history of Dai Li Kingdom] in your heart?

"Humans have limits.... Anyway, you have lost everything and are not even afraid of death, then there is nothing to be afraid of.

Dai Meng said dumbly: "Then there is nothing to be afraid of."

"Yes, just take it."

Dai Meng felt the black 'heart' in her body suddenly explode, and strange black energy was constantly running throughout her body like blood, flowing to her limbs.

The demon power laughed maniacally, "Welcome to the realm of God!"

Subsequently, Dai Meng's body gradually underwent earth-shaking changes, and black spiritual power began to penetrate out of her body, wanting to completely devour the entire body as a vessel.

Dai Meng asked in a panic, "What is the situation?"

She felt as if her body had been torn into countless pieces, and the monster in her body was being reborn with the help of her own flesh.

"Gaga ~ stupid human being, simply flickering and flickering and agreeing to become the host, who cares about your sadness?"

"I just need your body, I need a puppet."

An eerie voice came out of Dai Meng's mouth: "Gaga, it is simply too easy to conquer this continent with my strength, these dirty humans are the best hotbed of demonic power!" "

Huh? How can the human will be so tenacious? Your spirit has clearly collapsed, how is it possible? The

sudden pain made Dai Meng fall to hell in an instant, this mental pain, as if there were countless needles, countless sharp knives piercing and cutting her soul, the pain was ten thousand times crueler than Ling Chi and Wuma divided the corpse.

Dai Meng clutched his head and roared in pain for the final struggle, "Give me hope... It brings me despair again, and I will never agree that you monster occupies my body!

"I obviously believe in the existence of 'paradise' in your mouth, but in the end you are still deceiving me!"

"Give me back your body!"


If I am completely devoured by it .... They will become ugly puppets and forget all this painful thing!

At this time, Dai Meng's painful memory became her raison d'être, as the demon force said that she didn't want to die, she wanted revenge!

I don't accept this ending!

In the face of Dai Meng's extraordinary spiritual power, the power of demons was also dumbfounded, and a violent tremor occurred in the depths of its soul.

As a primordial divine power, after many years of precipitation, it is not easy to generate a trace of will to sacrifice the body of others, and it is the first time that I have encountered a human with such strong spiritual power?

Its spiritual power could not completely defeat and encroach on the remaining spirit of Dai Meng, this human spirit not only struggled and resisted its own power, but now it was actually trying to defeat its spiritual power in reverse?

Impossible, how could this happen!?

How can it be!

She doesn't have any spiritual power in her body at all?

My power obviously can't even completely destroy this universe, why would I lose to a human being?

Or a woman?

"Aaaaaa My will!


"How is it possible for humans..." The

newborn consciousness of the demon power was completely devoured by Dai Meng.

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