Ye Wuyao didn't think that he was pretending, the position of bishop of the Holy Court of Light could be described as hard to find, and a spiritual pet was exchanged for a lifetime meal ticket.... Some of this trade is a human exchange.

"So there's no need to talk about it?"

Li Jiu took out his weapon and said, "I just want to burst your holy son who has no one in his eyes today."

Ye Wuyao shook his head: "I don't understand the good intentions of this Holy Son, hey, it's a pity that you have this spiritual cultivation talent." "

Li Jiu has seen Ye Wuyao's previous match, and the spirit pet he is currently fighting in is a fourth-order monarch winged angel, and his combat power is quite strong.

And Ye Wuyao's own combat power is also very strong, far from being comparable to ordinary spirit masters, and that light gun killed an unknown number of rookies in seconds.

"Xiaoying, you come first." Li Jiu said inwardly.

Li Jiu does not think that the arrogant holy son in front of him is an empty shelf, he definitely has arrogant capital, and this battle may be a little 'difficult'.

Of course, it must be yourself who wins, and this is self-confidence.

Ye Wuyao looked up at the shadow hovering in the air: "Are you looking down on me?" A monarch-level or so spirit pet wants to defeat me?

His voice changed a little: "It's okay to send that high-grade nine-tailed fox?" Do you think I'm inferior to that willow?

As soon as the words fell, his eyes were suddenly filled with an imperceptible, fleeting killing intent.

Suddenly, Ye Wuyao's body surface flashed with an incomparably dazzling golden light, and a set of blue-gold armor covered his body, setting off the whole person's temperament more majestic, and the armor seemed to have a faint divine power.

"What handsome armor!"

Some careful spiritual masters asked, "How do I feel that the spiritual power cultivation of the Holy Son seems to have improved a lot, and it is a little stronger than a few days ago. The

spirit master of the Holy Court of Light patted his chest: "Normal, because the Holy Son is a genius like a demon.

"I lean on, this holy son is full of spirit weapons, and it's too bad, right?"

The person next to him explained: "Weapons and armor are also part of the strength, and there is no advantage. Ye

Wuyao's armor lit up, and the people of Lingyunzong and Ruoshui Holy Land quickly stood up.

Elder Wang, who had always been unfazed, was shocked: "This... The Holy Court of Light has already gathered the God King Armor?

Ling Wantian couldn't believe it: "This top-grade spirit suit was actually put together by the Holy Court of Light, and there was no opponent in Wuya." Boss

Liu looked at the shocked looks of the people around him, and asked, "The little woman doesn't understand what the use of this divine armor is, can you trouble everyone to explain?"

Liu Lao stared at Ye Wuyao and said, "Boss Liu doesn't know something, this God King Armor is said to be a set of top-grade spirit armor left by the creator of the Holy Court of Light, with extraordinary defensive power, it is said to be protected by the God of Light, and it is impossible to break its defense without divine power." Wang

Lao, who said very little, spoke: "The Pope of the Holy Court of Light tried his best not to gather this armor, but I didn't expect that today's old man was fortunate enough to see the whole set of armor, I don't know if it is really as perverted as the legend?" On

the seat of the Holy Court of Light, Anker sat at the back of the line with a relaxed expression, and she was a blind saint girl who did not need to show her face.

A white-robed old man slowly approached An Keer, obviously the old man's spiritual power cultivation was higher than An Keer, but he seemed to be very afraid of her and said respectfully: "Lord Saint, Lord Holy Son summoned the God King Armor in the group stage. The

corners of Ankeer's mouth drew a beautiful arc, "He seems to be provoked by the other party, and the other side will lose in terms of results."

The old man hesitated a little: "Lord Pope once told you not to use the God King Armor, so isn't it exposed to other forces?"

An Keer shook her head: "It's okay, the pace of God's awakening can't be stopped, and this is the time to prove the strength of my Holy Court to the world."

"Then what will the Pope's side explain?"

"Don't worry, all the responsibility is on my head, Bishop Bai, you will be responsible for helping me explain the situation in the arena."

Bishop Bai shook his head regretfully: "The Holy Lady has done her best for the Holy Court, and in order to retrieve the lost divine armor, she forcibly opened the advent and caused blindness in both eyes, is it really worth it?"

After hearing this, An Keer smiled and said, "My life was saved by the Holy Court, just a pair of eyes, it doesn't matter." "

Hey..." Bishop Bai sighed and began to continue the explanation.


Li Jiu looked at Ye Wuyao, who was full of golden light in front of him, and said in his heart: It is worthy of being a krypton gold player!

Li Jiu did not know the legend of the God King Armor, and he was a little far away and could not check the spiritual clothing attributes on the enemy.

Ye Wuyao shouted loudly, and raised his spear to the sky, "Come out!" Resilient Angel!

With his shout, a tall four-winged angel escaped from his spiritual space.

He was wearing a glorious silver armor without revealing a trace of skin, and he couldn't distinguish between men and women, holding a silver spear, which matched the spear in Ye Wuyao's hand.

Li Jiu frowned, and said in his heart: This product can also summon angels? And I didn't see the restraints on his body, could it be that this set of conjoined armor is the so-called Kami bondage?

It seems that Cammy has a close connection with the Holy Court of Light.

The appearance of the angel was thrown into the audience like a bomb, setting off a wave: "Oh my God, is this the legendary angel?"

"I'm seeing it for the first time too!"

"One thing to say, this angel spirit pet is a little handsome!"

"I heard that angel spirit pets are very strong, worthy of being the holy son of the Holy Court of Light, and can really summon angels!"

Li Jiu glanced at the angel's panel.

[Tough Angel]

Grade: Monarch

Level: Level 38

Introduction: One of the 7 Virtue Angels of Tenacity Angel, light attribute, not fully restored, many defensive skills in hand, suitable for fighting attrition

battle skills

: Rift Cloud: Continuous piercing spear attack, if hit with a high probability of causing a knockback effect

Block: Offset an attack below the mythical level, with a short cooldown

Penetrating Gun: Ignores 30% of the enemy's

damage reduction effect: Obtains a permanent 40% damage reduction effect when the individual fights, continues to obtain a small amount of spiritual power, and the vitality effect

is perseverance: 35% probability of receiving damage immunity The damage

synchronization value: 60


This resilient angel should have the same status in heaven as the faithful angel, but the name of virtue does not have the real name of the angel.

These perverted damage reduction skills represent that he is a pure melee meat shield-type spirit pet, which is suitable for the battle time of the Sky Shadow Stack.

Ye Wuyao stood behind the Tough Angel and pointed at Li Jiu, "Since you choose to provoke me, I will slap you in the face and let you know the gap between us."

"Your so-called mortal genius is a mortal after all, and you can't fight against me, who is about to become a god!"

Under Li Jiu's signal, Xiaoying slowly landed and turned into a human form to fight, because the attack frequency of the eagle form was somewhat low, and the flight advantage was useless against the winged angel.

A cyan spirit sword transformed from spiritual power appeared in the young girl's hand, and Xiaoying stood proudly holding the sword, and there was no fear in the green pool-like eyes.

"Oh my God, another beautiful girl's pet! prpr!

"Ah, it's my XP!"

"I have to say that this Lijiu is an LSP, and the spiritual pets are all beautiful women!"

A strong man looked at the golden retriever at his feet, "Change me!"

Ye Wuyao glanced at the human figure of Xiaoying, and his eyes showed a feverish color: "I didn't expect your spirit pet to be so beautiful, it's really a pity to give it to you."

"Little sister, do you want to hang out with me?" I am much stronger than your master.

"As long as you agree, I will pour you a pit immediately."

Xiaoying just replied lightly: "Abandon the garbage people who fight side by side, and the dogs can't look at you."

Li Jiu looked at the shadow in front of him with some shock.

First, Xiaoying actually said so many things in one breath, and second, she actually had such a poisonous tongue towards the enemy?

The referee of the Edge OB has already learned, "The game begins!" After that, he immediately approached the edge of the ring, and if there was a special situation, he immediately jumped off the stage to save his life.

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