The onlookers boasted, "This Li Jiu is actually so arrogant? "

How much do you drink?"

"You actually dare to argue with the people of the Holy Court of Light, don't you know how to write dead characters?"

A man with glasses pushed his glasses: "You know a √ (8), people Li Jiu has a flying spirit pet, if you want to leave, who can stop it?" "


When the white-robed old man saw Li Jiu attacking him, he couldn't help but be furious: "You actually dare to attack the people of our Holy Court of Light? Do you know what you're doing?

"Young people, don't bully people too much!"

The spiraling light feather arrow directly approached Ye Wuyao, who fell to the ground, and the light beast behind Bishop Bai transformed into a blond man holding a giant sword.

The giant sword stuck in front of Ye Wuyao, easily resisting the effect of the light feather arrow.

In the middle of the ring, a spiraling manic golden spiritual power swung again, and Li Jiu looked at the golden color under the giant sword and laughed: "I don't know what it means to deceive people too much, I only know that there is revenge!" "

I must remove Ye Wuyao's arms and legs today!!

Li Jiujian pointed at Bishop Bai, and the chill in his eyes was pressing: "When Ye Wuyao sneaked up on my family's spiritual pet, where were you old miscellaneous hair?" The

old man knew the loss and did not dare to scold: "Is there a comparison between the life of the spiritual pet and the life of a person?" I said that I have compensated you, don't you want the compensation of the Holy Court of Light? "

I will slaughter your spirit and then compensate you for the spiritual core, do you agree?"

Bishop Bai was silent

: "....," Li Jiu snorted coldly: "Since you said that the life of the spirit pet does not matter... Then I will slaughter this dying angel now! The

shadow in the sky understood Li Jiu's intention, and it stretched out its claws towards the unconscious tough angel on the ground.

Since Ye Wuyao and the Tough Angel lost consciousness at the same time, the Tough Angel did not return to the Spirit Pet Space in time...

And Bishop Bai was very hesitant in his heart, if he rescued the endangered resilient angel on the spot, it would mean that he was a faceless double-standard dog, and the face of the Holy Court of Light would be dealt an unprecedented blow.

This is also the result that Lingyun Sect and Ruoshui Holy Land want to see.... If you don't come to the rescue, you can't explain it when you see the Holy Son's spiritual pet die.

Bishop Bai could only pin his hopes on the angel of judgment who was fighting with the feather.

The angel of judgment found that the master and companion had knelt, and the power of the unknown angel in front of him far exceeded his own, and there was no point in continuing to fight.

The giant shield in his hand and the aurora blade in Yuguang's hand collided again, and with the help of the powerful impact, he jumped to the tough angel and wanted to take him down.

As long as you get off the ring..... Li Jiu had no legitimate reason to hunt down and kill the Tough Angel.

The Angel of Judgment held a shield to his unconscious teammate to block the sneak attack of the shadow, and then he raised his head to look at the black-haired youth on the opposite side, thinking in his mind about which angel Yuguang was.... He suddenly found that Li Jiu in front of him had a sneer on his lips.

This smile is familiar to him, it is Ye Wuyao's smile when he sees a woman, and it is the smile of a hunter when he sees his prey!

What the hell is going on?

"Yuguang, go, give me Ye Wuyao to waste!"


Bishop Bai's green tendons were furious, and his face was very ugly: "Repeatedly insulting my Holy Son, today I want to give you some color to see and let you know the power of high-level spiritual masters, the Ice Thorn Realm!" With

a sky-soaring brilliant ice light, the powerful domain technique instantly shrouded the entire ring.

A bone-chilling chill enveloped Li Jiu's body, and the strong cold wind made it difficult for him to move an inch.

"This Li Jiu is also too crazy, right? Even the powerhouses of the domain skills dared to provoke. "

This is... Domain Skills! "

Bishop Bai didn't want to attack Li Jiu, who was lower than his own level, he just wanted to deter him by creating the Ice Thorn Realm.

But he didn't know that Li Jiu was quite protective of his own people, not to mention the spiritual pets who depended on each other, and if he didn't cripple Ye Wuyao today, he wouldn't be surnamed Li!

The shadows in the sky circled a few times, chirped a few times, danced their wings, and with endless battle intent in their eyes, they slammed down from the sky and attacked Ye Wuyao behind Bishop Bai.

The Angel of Judgment secretly screamed badly, he wanted to sneak up on the master?

The light beast holding the giant sword and the angel of judgment returned at the same time for fear of accidents, and at this moment, the mutation suddenly appeared!

Originally, on the other side of the ring, Yuguang stomped his foot slightly, and the whole person seemed to turn into a phantom and disappear in front of everyone's eyes, which was very similar to Ye Wuyao's displacement move to attack Xiaoying!

The old man never expected that the other party's fantasy angel could actually flash to her face through an unknown skill, and the double blade in her hand went straight to Ye Wuyao on the ground!

Sure enough, this kid wanted to attack Lord Saint Son back and forth!

The feathers in the sky all disappeared behind the feather light in the next moment, and two dazzling blades collided with the God King armor on Ye Wuyao's body, and the blades were gradually shattered.

The old man smiled contemptuously: "Hmph, I don't know the height of the sky, how can the God King armor of the Holy Court be so easy to destroy?" Lord Holy Son is standing here and it's okay for you to chop. Before

Bishop Bai could finish pretending, he was completely petrified by the scene in front of him, and the smile on his face turned into horror.... Because the light on the feather light double blade is more and more dazzling!

Absorbing the power of righteous angels, strengthening the newborn aurora double blade, plus the power of surpassing angels, finally broke the 'indestructible' God King armor!

With a pop, a blood splash sprayed onto Bishop Bai's face!

This conscientious old bishop's three views had already been violently impacted, it was not that he did not protect Ye Wuyao, the defensive power of the God King Armor could not even be broken by the level 50 spirit pet.

How could it be cut off by the angel in front of him like this?

Bishop Bai also wanted Li Jiu's attack to fail and bite him back, but he didn't expect that this bite was a little excessive!

Ye Wuyao, who was in a coma, frowned, and then sprayed blood from his mouth, and his right forearm was cut off on the spot by Yuguang's all-out blow!

The broken hand was also kicked by Yuguang to Li Jiu's feet.

Elder Wang, who was seated in the main seat, looked at everything in the ring, touched his chin, and said to himself: "Isn't the legend incomparably strong? That's why I didn't shoot.... Why was it still cut off by a low-level spirit pet? Boss

Liu smiled hehe: "Maybe it's all blown by the Holy Court of Light, and what God King Armor sounds a little." Ling

Wantian frowned, he remembered that the family legend recorded that the God King armor of the Holy Court of Light was extremely strong, how could it be cut off like ordinary cloth?

Could it be that the twelve-winged angel's slash hit the forearm joint?

An Keer heard her subordinates say that Ye Wuyao's arm had been cut off, her face was originally strategic, and the gentle posture disappeared, she anxiously spit out a mouthful of blood, and quickly cast the secret technique of the Holy Court of Light and began to forcibly summon Ye Wuyao.


The sound of the blade struck, and it turned out that Li Jiu took advantage of the fact that the feather light was moving by the light feather, and his hand rose to kill the unsuspecting tough angel.

He held a spearhead stained with golden blood in his left hand, and quickly picked up Ye Wuyao's right forearm with his right hand, but the system space prompt could not be loaded.

Li Jiu put it in the space ring as fast as he could, and then waved his hand, seemingly letting go of the opposite horse: "Since that's the case, forget it, you guys go back." "

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