Li Jiu frowned and said a little suspiciously: "Yun Fan.... Are you okay? I remember that your wife seems to be calling Xiaorong here? It was saved by me at the hands of dog traffickers..... Have you forgotten?

"Xiaorong is an Alaska, the hair is very beautiful, don't tell me you slagged it."

Yun Fan covered his head very humanely and rolled all over the ground, and there seemed to be a little problem with his memory.

"Alaska? Xiao Rong? I don't remember...... I don't remember anything.

"I don't know, I don't know !!"

Then Yun Fan ran away from under Li Jiu's feet like crazy, and disappeared from everyone's field of vision with a puff of smoke.

Yuguang on the left side tilted his head slightly, and asked very cutely: "Master, what's wrong with it?"

Li Jiu's face was frosty, "Yun Fan has a big secret in him, if my guess is correct.... Xiaorong may have died.

Yan Yu covered her mouth with a look of disbelief, she vaguely remembered the Alaska who was talking.

"Yun Fan once told me that he was very sure that he was a dog, a dog that did not know how many years he had lived and could speak human language."

"The dogs around Yun Fan were affected by it and gradually could speak... But those dogs all died in the end, Xiao Rongyou may be Yun Fan's only wife, Yun Fan can't stand this mental blow and gradually forgets this fact of 'making dogs painful'.

Ying Ruoxue was a little sad and threw herself into Li Jiu's arms: "Honey, won't this be too cruel for Xiaorong?" The dog who loves her ends up forgetting her?

Li Jiu shook his head: "I don't know, the existence of being alone and living will always carry the memories of the people around it, maybe for it, forgetting everything is a good thing."

Yan Yu pointed in the direction where Yun Fan left, "Master Se, shall we catch up and take a look at it?"

Li Jiu's original good mood suddenly disappeared: "Forget it, maybe because of Xiaorong's memory, even my existence has been erased from its mind, see you again in the future." "

The high-grade spiritual pets around them are okay, their life expectancy is not much different from their own, and they don't have to care about the hurdle of life and death, they can stay by their side until the end of their lives.

But what should the master do?

I don't know how she is practicing in the Tianji Sect?

Yan Yu next to him saw Li Jiu's thoughts and said gently: "Master, are you thinking about life?" "

The dominance of her body has changed.

"Well, I really can't hide anything from you." Li Jiu sighed and nodded.

Yan Wan's jade hand gently held Li Jiu's face, and a pair of tender eyes like water waved Qiu Bo: "Master you think too much, you are not yet 20 years old, and you still have a lot of youth."

Li Jiu smiled helplessly: "I'm sorry, I made your brain full of negative energy."

Yuguang reminded softly, "Master, if you know that you are sullen because of her.... Presumably quite self-blamed, right?

"Honey, don't be too stressed by your psychology, let's go play together?" Sakura Wakayuki echoed.

Li Jiu thought about it and canceled his plan to go home for penance.

I haven't taken them to play with me for a long time, and the last time I took the spirit pets to relax was when I just arrived in Anlong City.

So Li Jiu shouted down the shadows that were wandering in the sky and flying freely.

At Li Jiu's strong request, Xiaoying did not wear the military uniform that she usually wears, but changed into a girl-style white princess dress, her green hair and a single ponytail were tied up high, and a special feather hairpin was very dazzling.

Xiaoying opened the mobile phone and looked in the mirror, and her pretty face couldn't help but ease a little.

The jade arm exposed by the girl is crystal white and tender, and it seems to be transparent, and the slender and slender thighs exposed outside the face are simply a killer!

Yan Yu happily hugged Xiaoying: "Xiaoying'er is so cute!" Definitely a beauty when you grow up.

Ying Ruoxue glanced at the cyan color behind Xiaoying: "Well, the peng bird pattern is quite handsome, and it is very suitable for the temperament of Xiaoying."

"Honey, are you..... Licked a cool? "

Uh-huh. Well? Li Jiu nodded, and suddenly found that he was deceived. I don't blame me for that! Holy Spirit seal enhancement does require the help of saliva. "

Hmm..." Xiaoying lowered his head very rarely after hearing this.

In addition to the fox tattoo on Ying Ruoxue's chest, Li Jiu looked at Yuguang, Yan Yu, and the Holy Spirit Seal on Xiaoying's body extremely satisfied.

"Let's go, beautiful ladies!" Gentleman Li Jiu bent down and took Xiaoying's little hand.


The largest entertainment center in Shenlong City, Kuaiyou City.

This should have been an extremely lively place, but because of the Divine Dragon Ranking Battle, it was extremely deserted at the moment.

The staff saw a black-haired young man in a white shirt walking into the venue with four beautiful women with different styles, and couldn't help but wipe his eyes.

"You are Li Jiu!!" The service sister jumped up happily.

"Little." Li Jiu gestured for her to be quiet.

The service sister knew that she had gaffed, and quickly bent down to apologize: "Okay, okay." "

Get a play card to experience all our entertainment.... VIP year..."

Li Jiu said without thinking: "Give me the most expensive VIP!"

"Okay sir, 5W Spirit Coin."

"5W is 5W." Li Jiu looked at the shadow of hope in his eyes beside him and nodded.

Anyway, I am not bad at money.

"I'll add another 5W to you, don't go out loudly, I hate many people." Li Jiu added.

The service sister just wanted to send a circle of friends to show off with the sisters, turned around and thought that this is 5W spirit coins, I shouldn't have seen it!

"Yes sir."

5W spirit coins are savings that ordinary people can't save in a year.

Li Jiu took the spirit pets to step into the gate of Kuaiyou City.

There are three floors.

The last underground floor is a casino, minors are forbidden to enter, and Li Jiu has no hobby of gambling.

The second floor is a large playground, and even has most of the favorite facilities of the spirit pet, such as the power type spirit pet likes to vent violence, and the facilities here are made of the most advanced special cloth——— using brute force can not beat the puppet.

"Brother, is it all here?" Xiaoying's eyes were full of curiosity and kept looking around.

"Those that are not for you, come, there is fun there." Li Jiudao.

Ying Ruoxue saw some familiar arcade game tables, and she couldn't help but swipe her card to play a few handfuls, recalling her human childhood.

Li Jiu took the other three women to the two pink doll machines, and next to the other doll machine, a couple of men and women were grabbing dolls.

The transparent glass display case in front of you is filled with various two-dimensional dolls, Hello Kitty, Tom Cat, Ribaun, SpongeBob SquarePants, etc....

Yan Yu immediately became excited when she saw the cute doll: "I like dolls the most, and that fire dragon doll was played with by me."

Li Jiu shook his head helplessly: "That's a bargain I bought to raid the succubus at that time, if it's broken, throw it away, and change it to a new one this time."

Yan Yu said with a happy face: "I won't lose it, this is the first gift given to me by the master, I will always keep it."

"Master, who are we catching more dolls?" This one seems to have two remote control sticks. Yan Yu pointed to the doll machine.

Li Jiu tilted his head to look at Xiaoying: "You can compare with Xiaoying, you see... Her eyes straightened. "

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