"Where did Li Jiu run? Won't be prodded... And surrendered. The audience looked at it curiously.

"In other words, I will vote, anyway, I have already pretended to be successful, and I may lose if I fight with Ling Wuya."

"That is, although Li Jiu is very powerful, he can't win Ling Wuya."

"If I don't believe it, I'll press Li Jiu to win! Won the clubhouse tender model, lost the sea to work, Li Jiu, rush me! A certain gambling dog shouted.


Due to Li Jiu's late 'cultivation' all night last night, he hurriedly stepped onto the ring.

Ling Wuya, who was standing in a white robe holding a sword, suddenly opened his eyes: "You are finally here, I am looking forward to this battle."

Li Jiu smiled and said, "I'm sorry, I slept a little late last night."

"It's okay, just catch up."


Ling Wanjian glanced at the two players, and then shouted, "Now the competition has officially begun. Everyone

in the venue unanimously closed their broken mouths, because this was the most watched battle of this year's Shenlong Ranking Battle.

Most people don't expect much from Li Jiu's victory, which is a predetermined result.

Because Ling Wuya's strength was really too strong, it was originally as high as a Spirit Master level of more than 40 levels, and he even had one more Heaven-given Imperial Technique than Li Jiu.

However, looking at the lively and not too big melon-eating crowds, the masses still want to see, will these two players who have never tried their best break out into a protracted battle?

As we all know, Ling Wuya has never summoned a second sword, and Black Horse Lijiu has never summoned 3 spirit pets in a row.

Ling Wuya quickly pulled out his Changhong Sword and said politely, "Please enlighten!"

Li Jiu quickly took out his Snow Moon Double Blade from the system space, "Come on, see if your sword is fast or mine?"

Then Li Jiu did not hesitate to summon Yan Wan's power.

For a while, the heavens and the earth changed drastically, and the dark spiritual power in the air continued to tumble and surging and entered Li Jiu's body, forming a sky-rushing black cloud.

It's just that this time Li Jiu didn't rush to open the real body mode, because in this game, Li Jiu didn't plan to summon Yan Yu and expose the hole card of a pet duo.

Although probably someone already knows.

The long pitch-black hair and demonic power born from the first stage of advent made Li Jiu fierce and murderous.

Including Elder Wang, the audience was shocked!

This feeling..... It should be the possessed spirit pet of the demon line!

The possessed spirit pet is extremely rare, and the demon race has almost disappeared, and the possessed spirit pet of this demon line is too rare!

Everyone has seen Li Jiu's angelic nine-tailed fox, as well as the cyan war eagle.

Fourth-order spirit masters can only have a maximum of four spirit pets, this is common sense.

And that mysterious blue-haired girl only appeared once, but she didn't expect that she was actually a possessed spirit pet of the dark attribute?

What about the attack skill of the wood attribute?

Before everyone could think of the answer to their question, they were shaken into stone by the interlaced light of swords and shadows in the middle of the ring.

Because Li Jiu's body technique and melee combat ability are actually comparable to Ling Wuya?

Isn't he a spiritual master of mortal forces?

Although everyone knew that Li Jiu's angelic spirit pet might be very powerful, they never expected that Li Jiu's melee combat ability would also be so perverted.

Why can he fight with a special sword cultivator like Lingyun Sect for 55 times?

This guy's spirit pets can fight one by one, so forget it.

But the body is still so powerful...

This tm 19 years old?

The onlookers couldn't help but sigh and began to doubt life: people are more popular than people!


Ling Wuya was not too shocked by Li Jiu's possessed spirit pet, and in an instant he regained his consciousness, only to see that the long rainbow sword emitted a dazzling light, and the white flame like a fighting spirit set Ling Wuya's whole body on fire.

Ling Wuya's left hand and back stepped on the void, and without displaying a strange skill, the Changhong Sword Traveling Dragon went straight to Li Jiumian's door!

"Good to go!"

Li Jiu was preoccupied, and those bells and whistles of sword shadows were all seen through by him.


In the blink of an eye, the long red sword and the snow moon double blade collided for an unknown number of times, and a three-color spiritual power storm rolled up in the center of the ring.

In fact, ordinary weapons could not clash with Ling Wuya's spirit sword at all, and they had already been reduced to pieces.

The sword moves of both sides are fierce and imposing.

However, to outsiders, the two seem to be... Dancing?

After the two briefly tested the speed of the opposite side, Ling Wuya took a step back and looked at the double blade in Li Jiu's hand: "One sword—rush." Li

Jiu's brows frowned slightly, in the sword spirit possession mode, Ling Wuya's speed could actually be consistent with himself, he was really strong!

Li Jiu sensed the oncoming chill in advance and quickly dodged his position, [One Sword Rush] This move he had seen was a very powerful long-range attack.

I saw the long sword in Ling Wuya's hand raised high above his head, and a sky-piercing sword radiance once again penetrated the ring, it was that 40-meter big sword!

So far, no spirit pet has been able to carry this trick.


The originally extremely solid ring was split into a huge crack!

Ling Wuya nodded thoughtfully, "Your speed is really fast, this trick is useless."

Elder Wang looked at the scars on the ring, "Sect Master Ling, is this Ling Wuye a freak?"

Ling Wantian nodded modestly, "On the cultivation talent and sword art attainment, and even the affinity of the sword spirit.... He's a freak, far ahead of me. "

Only his own children in this world completely surpass themselves, and he Ling Wentian will not be jealous.

Ling Wantian was worried about his loss to Chu Xinyu, "It seems that Wuye can easily help my useless father Xue Shame."

Elder Wang said, "It seems that the rumors are true... Did Ling Wuya really comprehend the realm of human and sword unity?

Ling Wantian nodded confidently.

"Then this Li Jiu will lose." Elder Wang sighed helplessly.


in the tiny gap when Ling Wuya was closing his sword, Li Jiu did not choose to take the initiative to attack, but instead quickly retreated a few steps and shot two duets in the direction of Ling Wuya.

Through Lei Hao's lessons, Li Jiu did not dare to rashly attack in the face of these sword masters.

The devil knows if he has any perverted melee counterattack skills?

Ling Wuya took two steps back and stood with his sword in his hand: "Sure enough, this is not attacked."

"All kinds of special spiritual pets, extraordinary melee abilities... You are really strong. If it weren't for the single-control battle, maybe I would have lost to you.

"Li Jiu.... How offended! As

soon as Ling Wuya finished speaking, an unstoppable sword radiance burst out from his whole body, and then quickly rushed to Li Jiu's eyes.

The speed of the whole person soared to the extreme, leaving only phantoms in the air that were almost invisible... Even Li Jiu in Advent Mode couldn't see where his true body was.

"Two Swords—Phantom!"

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