The spiritual power condensed in the sky was flying densely, and the sword intent and sword radiance were constantly colliding, and the two crushed each other.

The Snow Moon Twin Blade and the Cyan Sword also clashed wildly like a storm.

Ling Wuya, who was in the state of human and sword unity, seemed to have eyes all over his body, and he easily predicted the point of Li Jiu's thunderous flashes and left several sword wounds on Li Jiu's body.

Li Jiu was not a fool to take several swords in vain, he predicted the direction of Ling Wuya's attack in advance through his injury experience and used Thunder Flash again.

"It's useless! In my human and sword state, I can easily predict all your melee attacks. "Ling Wuya flattened Li Jiu's thunderbolt." Heaven and earth are swords.... Can you take this blow?

"Is that really the case? Prisoner Dragon. With a wave of Li Jiu's left hand, several dark chains quickly struck in the direction of Ling Wuya.

"Too slow!"

"Then I will also hit the second time ..... Take it. Li Jiu's eyes flashed with a cold light.

Under the feint attack of the cage, Li Jiu used the light wing style to instantly come to Ling Wuya's body, accompanied by the flying knife qi of the black blade, and the black wind left a deep and bottomless ravine on the already broken ring.

Ling Wuya didn't have seen this trick, he calmly dodged it, "I said it all... Useless! Only

one word and two knives behind him answered him: "Teng."

In Ling Wuya's somewhat stunned eyes, Li Jiu disappeared from his field of vision.

With a sense of void tearing, Li Jiu's true body suddenly appeared behind Ling Wuya.

Two black lights staggered past, Ling Wuya only felt that the qi and blood in his body instantly surged, as if he had been hit twice by a giant hammer, and just wanted to turn around and defend the enemy and disappear again...

What exactly is this skill?

Why haven't I seen him use it before?

While Ling Wuya was thinking about life, two dazzling black rays flashed behind him again, and Li Jiu's body was constantly shuttling through the space like a black phantom, which was unpreventable.

One trick is fresh, eat all over the sky.

The Lightwing Slash is essentially a space raid skill that belongs to the target, and the evolved teng naturally has this characteristic, and as Li Jiu's strength increases, the new skills created by the rejuvenation technique are becoming more and more perfect.

However, this move is also obviously flawed, and it is not lethal enough in the hands of the spirit master.

Li Jiu had been paving the way for so long in order to defeat this legendary human sword unity head-on.

One blow hit the subsequent second combo Ling Wuya, and he was dizzy with the thunderous strike.

In the end, Li Jiu reflexively drew a knife and cut off the water, and the knife body slapped his waist and abdomen without hurting his life, and Ling Wuya, who could not resist, shot out of the ring like a tennis ball.

I can make mistakes many times, but as long as you eat my easy killing move, you will be seriously injured or even killed.

This is the resilience of gluttony, which can be called perverted.

Ling Wanjian in the audience was the first to react, and he quickly flew to catch Ling Wuya's body.... Take a closer look at his human sword unity mode has been completely defeated.

The Evil Sword also fell beside Ling Wuya, and the luster on it became more and more dim, and it seemed to be about to be extinguished.

This is not an evil sword dish, the same legendary spirit pet Yan Wan and two additional demons are naturally a little stronger than it.

Half a spirit pet defeated Ling Wuya!

The audience in the audience widened their eyes and expressed their incomprehension of everything in front of them, "What's going on?" How did Ling Wuya fly out?

"Wasn't he still gaining the upper hand just now?"

"Drop the ring.... Lingyunzong lost?

"Impossible, right?"

"Brother Wuya~ Are you all right?"

All this happened so quickly that everyone around them looked stupid.

In the eyes of ordinary people, the perspective is like this: Ling Wuya transformed into countless doppelgangers chasing Li Jiucho, and then he had a fierce collision between the two of them, and what they saw after everyone regained their eyesight was... Ling Wuya was slapped out by Li Jiu's two knives.

This TM is a bit fantastical, huh?

Is it a fake match?

The masters in the field all thought of it: How did this level of battle happen to two little fart children?

Qin Wujie's eyes were slightly dull, and she couldn't believe what she saw in front of her.

Ling Wuya's existence is like 'someone else's child'......... Li Jiu, he actually won?

Won over this legendary genius?

He... That's awesome.

Lu Biehe, who was far away in front of the computer, put down the crushed teacup handle, and he couldn't help sighing when he recalled when he was twenty years old: "Times have changed, a new freak, I hope he can survive safely." Everyone

in the main seat also gasped one after another, these two people will be the hope of Hualong Kingdom in the future... Especially Li Jiu, it's really too dazzling.

In his first appearance, he defeated Ling Wuya, who was added to his aura.

Debut is the pinnacle.

At this moment, Ling Wantian, who had always been as stable as an old dog, couldn't sit still, and he hurriedly went down to see his son's injury.

Liu Lao was also a little sluggish, as if recalling a few months ago: "Who is he?" How could it be so strong? "

You must know that Li Jiu should rely on angels, but this time he used the mysterious possessed spirit pet to defeat Ling Wuye with a weak victory over the strong, how can people not exclaim: Awesome?

Boss Liu covered his mouth and chuckled: "I'll just say it, right?" Ling Wuye may not be able to win. Elder

Wang's eyes flashed a little incredulously: "How did you guess this girl?"

"It's very simple, Ling Wuya's sword unity should have reached a certain height in sync with the sword spirit pet, right?"

"But don't forget that the source of the spirit master's power is the spirit pet, because Ling Wuya's spirit pet is not as strong as Li Jiu's spirit pet, so he lost."

Wang Lao nodded helplessly: "It's the old man who looks away, and his eyes are not as good as your little girl." Boss

Liu smiled: "Wang Lao praised, the little woman actually doesn't understand anything." Then she looked at Li Jiu's eyes filled with a feverish light.

"The old man was slapped in the face for the first time in his life, and there may be an accident in this Shenlong trial." Elder Wang looked at Liu Laodao.

"Hopefully there won't be any surprises... Hope the secret realm is okay.

The gambling monster jumped up happily: "Li Jiu! From today you are my hero and I am a big fan of yours! "

My tender model ~ hey hey ~ tender model, I often say a word, back then Chen Daozi he could win 37 million with 20 yuan, I..... Ay? By the way, who is coming to eat the stool just now?

"yes? Where are the people? The audience booed.

The one who wanted to eat a stool carried the hearse home overnight to plant potatoes.

And tonight's rooftop may be in line.


Lijiu stood in the ring and looked at Ling Wuye under the stage, he lifted the advent mode and smiled and left calmly.

"Referee, what for?"

"Yes! Announcing the results of the competition? Ling

Wanjian's old face didn't know where to put it, and he said hard, "Spirit Heart Academy Li Jiusheng!" Since the ring was destroyed, the final battle of the Shenlong Ranking Battle will be held tomorrow! "

Spirit Heart Academy Li Jiu vs. Ruoshui Holy Land Shui Ruoxi."

"The guy who doesn't talk about martial virtue, didn't he say that the results would be produced today?" Some viewers scolded angrily.

"You're dead? This is the territory of the Lingyun Sect, and a few words of BB will not die. "

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