The fried Ying Ruoxue grabbed the corner of Liu Mengyao's clothes a little angrily, trying to pull her back.

But Ying Ruoxue never expected that her pulling would help Liu Mengyao.

A sting.

The white shirt that was about to burst completely burst, and the pinching made people imagine amazingly soft.

Li Jiu suddenly had a strange thought flash in his mind.

Do you say I let go or don't let go?

Let go, right? It seems that he is too willowy.

Don't let go, right? Ruoxue is still watching.


Liu Mengyao's smile became more and more ambiguous, and suddenly Li Jiu hit her unpreventably.

In her somewhat panicked eyes, she was pinched by her opponent.

Due to the red-eyed demon's exertion too much, the tight snow grease constantly transforms into a stunning and wonderful silhouette.

Li Jiu's heart moved, thinking about it, he still came to a move to adapt to all changes, what did she think?

Li Jiu had already rushed in front of Liu Mengyao and slapped his palm forward.

The turbulence like a terrifying wave with a huge fluctuation shook Li Jiu's scalp numb, the tea leaves outside the small courtyard flew all over the sky, and the fragrance filled the air.

Liu Mengyao's body was very MG, and she was attacked by a stormy attack by the enemy, and her whole body strength gradually lost.

She bit the tip of her tongue to endure the numbness and a little pain, and the jade lips couldn't help but snort softly.

How could it be this feeling? Doesn't feel the same as when you play by yourself??

She forced a smile and said, "Hee-hee, little master, is my sincerity enough....... Yes! A

strange aroma emanated from her delicate body, and Li Jiu had already felt that his fighting intent seemed to awaken.

She raised her snow-white slender jade neck, trembling all over her body, and completely lay on Li Jiu's body.

"It hurts..... Lighter! Li

Jiu looked down at the beautiful woman in his arms, the red and slightly drunk jade, the bent eyelashes trembled violently, and the legs unconsciously gently grinded.... Doesn't seem to have experienced it?

I really want to force her!

At this moment, a thought suddenly flashed in Li Jiu's mind.

Isn't that right?

How did I become a lower body thinking?

Li Jiu quickly let go of Liu Mengyao, her weak body took several steps back and gasped heavily.

Because her heavy gasp made bloody waves.... She quickly took out the same clothes from the space ring to cover the delicate body that was charming in the world.

"Although it was because of unexpected force majeure .... I've only been playing for that long, but as long as you give me that piece, I'll agree to your conditions. Li Jiu said cheekily.

Anyway, when the chess pieces are in hand, they will not lose money.

"The little master is really bad-hearted, bullying people for so long..." Liu Mengyao bit the corner of her clothes aggrievedly, and seemed to be about to cry.

"Obviously, you took the initiative first, but it was an accident just now." Li Jiu once again exerted the spirit of shamelessness.

Sakura Ruoxue on the side did not dare to make any more moves, for fear that if she dragged her directly naked again, wouldn't it be in the arms of the fox spirit?

How can this hateful woman be tea in tea!

The old lady hasn't eaten meat yet, how can she let you get there first?

After adjusting her mood for a while, Liu Mengyao smiled and said, "For the sake of the little master's conscience, this chess piece will be given to you, right?" I can't use it now anyway.

"I used to play men, but today I was taken advantage of by the little master, woo-woo..."

"Okay, okay, isn't it just collecting seven chess pieces?" It would have been my goal. Li Jiu quietly took the divine chess from her hand.

"So? You agreed? A hint of cunning flashed in Liu Mengyao's eyes.

"It should... Sort of, huh?

"Yay! Big win! Liu Mengyao happily pounced and pressed Li Jiu to the bed.

Her voice is enchanting and soft, but she looks like an innocent girl who likes to be coquettish.

Li Jiu patted his full moon-like buttocks very unceremoniously, "You want to be my spirit pet so much?"

"Hee-hee, it doesn't hurt to tell you a little secret." Liu Mengyao didn't seem to mind at all, and even twisted a few times in cooperation.

The feather light on the side finally couldn't hold back, and she quickly pulled Liu Mengyao away: "You can't get close to the master before you become the master's spiritual pet, keep my distance!" Yu

Guang naturally knew that Li Jiu did not believe very much in his heart, so Liu Mengyao chose to do this.

"Are you the lord of the harem? Hmph, sooner or later, I'll get you! Liu Mengyao thought about it and smiled slightly, and did not resist.

"Okay, then I'll not post it before the little master agrees."

Liu Mengyao sat with her legs hugged and spoke, "On the Holy Spirit Star, reaching a hundred levels is the upper limit of spiritual power.

"I once reached the upper limit of spiritual power... There is no way to break through upwards, and I don't understand until I see you. Then Liu Mengyao raised her beautiful eyes and looked at Ying Ruoxue.

"Hmph, what do you do with me?" Sakura Ruoxue hugged her arm and said angrily.

"You've already surpassed the mythical level, right?"

"I didn't!"

"That's it." Liu Mengyao smiled slightly, and then she looked at Li Jiu affectionately, "My memory has naturally lost a lot with the reincarnation of the spirit body, but I clearly know that I once found a way to break through the upper limit."

"What way?" Li Jiu asked subconsciously.

"The spiritual power of the beast, the divine soul of man, maybe this is the purpose of my reincarnation."

"When the power of a hundred-level spirit pet and the power of a hundred-level spirit master are combined, there may be a miracle?"

At this time, Liu Mengyao and the black-haired demon Ji before did not seem to be alone, and she smiled very beautiful and innocent.

"So I lost my strength.... I can only rely on the help of the little master!

Li Jiu said coldly, "That's the reason?" I heard that your private life is special.... There are so many spiritual masters who are stronger than me, why don't you look for them?

Liu Mengyao turned her words, and a smile flashed in her eyes: "The level of the little master should only have four spirit pets, but you have the power of five spirit pets."

"Where's that black-haired beauty?" Liu Mengyao looked around and found no trace of the Yan Yu sisters.

"She's resting."

"But I remember that the pet's hair in the previous competition was blue, but the last time we met her hair was black."

Liu Mengyao continued to take care of herself and said: "Although people want to know this secret, you may not tell me.... Right?

"Before I became a spiritual pet of a complete little master, I also had some secrets that I didn't want you to know, right?"

Suddenly, her tone became very ambiguous: "As for the matter of men and women............. In fact, people are still chicks! If the little master does not believe it..... Can you try it?

She licked her sexy lips, her eyes filled with curiosity.

"I'm in a good mood today, and I will agree to everything the little master asks." Liu Mengyao kept hinting.

Looking at the charming beauty in front of him, Li Jiu shook his head, "Forget it, there are too many problems in you."

He didn't fully believe Liu Mengyao's words.

Facing Li Jiu's cold face, Liu Mengyao's jade lips pursed slightly: "Hmph!" Men are big pig's trotters, and the little master is still so bad, he knows to bully me a weak woman! She seemed to be protesting why Li Jiu didn't believe her.

"The sincerity of the people has been shown to the little master, and the divine chess has also been given to you, the little master, please continue to work hard to practice, I will send someone to send you some small gifts in a while." After Liu Mengyao finished speaking, she left ruthlessly.

It is worthy of being a woman, and it is said that if you change your face, you will change your face, and there is no logic at all.

It's still your own spirit pet!

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