Liu Mengyao walked into the ring wearing a mask, and she came to Li Jiu and glanced at each other meaningfully.

Liu Mengyao pretended not to know Li Jiu and said, "Is this the number 1 handsome guy?"

Ling Wanjian nodded, "I almost forgot, the sponsor also said that he would give the first place reward."

Liu Mengyao instead hid her laughter, her snow-white plump chest couldn't help but tremble lightly in a seductive wave, and then she took out a small box from the space ring.

"Hee-hee, this is my reward, a top-grade Holy Spirit Seal!"

"Little handsome guy, you take it well~" Liu Mengyao very ambiguously took Li Jiu's hand and squeezed it tightly.

"Bye bye!" Liu Mengyao was very smart, and she did not deliberately cause trouble for Li Jiu.

Ye Fei Chi, who was standing on the side, was like being struck by lightning, but I didn't expect to take a closer look at this legendary enchanting cheap product to be so sexy and beautiful.

The countless non-chi of the imperial maid dared to assert with the second brother that the appearance under that mask was absolutely worldly.

Even if it is a long general, turning off the lights on this figure is definitely the best of the best.

I must get her!

"Boss Liu, please stay." Ye Feichi said quickly.

"Oh? Is there something going on with you? Is it to invest in [Tingrou]? Liu Mengyao smiled in a non-smiling tone.

"I can invest!"

"I'm so sorry, Ye Gongzi, people just found a new owner yesterday."

"No... The master's order is just that. Liu Mengyao covered her mouth and chuckled.

Everyone present was dumbfounded when she said this, and even Wang Lao, who was not far away, shook his head after hearing it.

Shui Ruoxi's face turned red after listening to it, no wonder Boss Liu cried so miserably yesterday, could it be that he was asked for all kinds of perverted requirements?

Li Jiuxin: What the hell? What did I order? What exactly had she been through before?

Ye Feichi couldn't help but feel lost after hearing this: Who is MD? Locked the bus?

The illusions that the young men of the other sect forces left in their hearts after hearing this were also shattered.

They also used to fantasize that Liu Mengyao was not a lustful slut who was a good husband, and fantasized that they would have a wonderful encounter with her.

I didn't expect her to say such a thing in front of the public... This woman is no longer faceless, so let's break off her thoughts as soon as possible.

The purple eyes under the mask will see the performance of all the men present.

Sure enough, as she expected, men were just such superficial creatures.

Anyway, I don't care about gossip, just let them go.

When those purple eyes and red eyes looked at each other again, she saw a little regret in his eyes.

Really.... You too.

Liu Mengyao turned around and quickly left the venue, and there was no shadow in sight.

Elder Wang clapped his hands and walked over, "Hello everyone!" You guys are playing well, and now I will officially distribute rewards to everyone.

Elder Wang walked up to Li Jiu and took out a delicate small porcelain bottle, "This is the Mixed Yuan Pill that Dan Demon personally refined.

"Li Jiu, you think about it, the Spirit Master Association needs you." Elder Wang patted Li Jiu's shoulder and said.

"Thank you Elder Wang, I will consider it."

Li Jiu took the pill bottle and opened it to check Kaixi's eyebrows, and a mesmerizing danxiang floated out.

[Mixed Yuan Pill]: A pill made of legendary Warcraft essence blood and heavenly herbs, with nine color quality, which can increase the lifespan of 150 years.

Sure enough, it's a real thing!

It's almost the same, and Tianding Xinyu will return to me.

Master..... You okay?

Is Tianji Peak cold?

"The reward is distributed, everyone come with me!" Ling Wantian, who was dressed in a white robe, walked over.

Elder Wang nodded, "Sect Master Ling, the ranking battle has ended smoothly, I will go back with Lao Liu first, something happened in the north."

"Elder Wang, please, there is something to do with you every day, and you can't send it off."


deep in the Shenlong Mountain Range there is a complete and wide flat land, and the air here is full of peace.

Ordinary people can't enter the depths of the mountain range without a permit, plus there are Lingyun Sect disciples guarding the key points around here, and the defense is quite tight.

Because this is the rumored dragon vein of Hualong Country.

At noon, a group of the ten great sects arrived here.

Everyone, including Li Jiu, had different levels of excitement and joy on their faces, and the young girls were rubbing their fists to win the treasure of chance in the secret realm.

Ling Wantian, who was leading the way in front, suddenly stopped, "Here, this is it."

He turned and stood at the front of the group to look at everyone and said solemnly, "In a few moments, the secret gate will be completely opened, and I have some important things to tell you."

"This is different from ordinary secret realms, there is no need to return to the dragon stone, and the location where you enter and be teleported is different."

"After entering the Divine Dragon Secret Realm, the time you have to explore inside is only 24 hours, and when the time comes, you will naturally be forcibly teleported out by the Divine Dragon Spirit."

Ling Wantian said loudly: "And the dead will not be teleported out, I hope you don't fight inside, this is a serious loss for Hualong Kingdom."

"There are countless treasures and resources in it, but there are fierce things in it that no one can predict, don't throw your little life here because of greed."

"I repeat, the secret realm is a place of exploration and experience, not a place for you to fight and fight, if you have any personal grievances, do not settle them here."

Then Ling Wantian continued to talk about Balabala, a lot of chattering nonsense.

It probably means what is the use of you fighting here?

After coming out, he was not blocked by people and missed this once-in-a-decade opportunity.

Just as Ling Wantian spat and continued to say those nonsense, there was a loud bang!

An arch with a mysterious golden luster suddenly appeared under the wide flat ground, and the surrounding space was constantly rippling like water waves.

"Here it is."

As the storm-like turmoil stabilized, the golden arch opened completely.

Inside the arch is a dazzling golden light that cannot be seen clearly.

"I don't want you guys to have an accident, no more nonsense. Now enter the secret realm in order, the first place is Li Jiu of the Spiritual Heart Academy.

Li Jiu generously stepped into the archway, and a more familiar sense of spatial distortion came again.

Dragon Trial, I'm coming!

After the space around him gradually stabilized, everything in front of him surprised Li Jiu.

The dark wind gusts, and a darkness that could not be seen spread throughout the field of vision.

Nothing can be seen in the black smear.

How could the Divine Dragon Trial, a high-sounding secret realm, look like this ghost?

Fortunately, Li Jiu brought a human-type light bulb, "Come out, Yuguang!" The

Holy Winged Blazing Angel appeared, and the strong and dazzling holy light clearly illuminated everything in Li Jiu's ten zhang.

Holy Ride: It's not me blowing, the Holy Light is still useful, right?

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