(Last night, there were a few hundred words missing, so you can simply go back and look at the end of the previous chapter.)

Li Jiu looked at the butcher who turned on the third state in a daze, but he didn't expect that the true body of this monster was so perverted.

The brute strength of the ox, the agility of the ape, the momentum of the lion, and the wings of the eagle, this is equivalent to combining the advantages of various Warcraft into one, which is quite tricky.

Those blood holes and scars appeared on the butcher's body, and in a short period of time, the insect fluid that quickly secreted vitality restored vitality, filled these wounds, and attached to his body surface.

In just a few seconds, the butcher's physical injuries were all healed, and the violent muscles were angular.

"This guy has the power of some kind of bug fused in his body, otherwise it is impossible to have such a perverted resilience."


The butcher's combat effectiveness recovered, and those blood-colored eyes stared at Li Jiu tightly.

He held the meat cutting knife high hard, and his body spun at high speed like a black whirlwind towards Li Jiufang.

"You little guys who haven't even turned on the third state can't defeat me!"

The surrounding air was slashed by the flesh cutting knife, and his all-out blow slammed into the aurora blade of the feather light, and the spiritual power from the blades of the two immediately exploded the stone pillars around the secret room.


Only Yuguang and Li Jiu have the ability to heal quickly, and now that the time for soaring flames is over, in this unknown area, Ying Ruoxue and Yan Yu on her back cannot be injured.

"Let's go on, Yuguang."

Li Jiu couldn't let Yuguang single out the fifty-level butcher alone, he quickly retreated a few steps to pull the curved bow to the full moon shape, and the swift light feather arrow broke through the air and took the butcher's head.

Today's Li Jiu is no longer the jerky rookie he was at the beginning, he can already do it without arrows and walk through Yang in a hundred steps.

The butcher who was entangled with Yuguang was obviously unable to defend against this arrow, but the eagle wing behind him took the initiative to protect in front of him and beat the light feather arrow that Li Jiu sneaked up on.

The light attribute damage generated by the explosion did not cripple this butcher, and the spirit master's attack power was still limited.

The butcher found that it was not very comfortable to be beaten by the enemy on his back, he quickly ran to a corner of the secret room to face Hako, the iron hook in his left hand was ready, as long as Sakura Ruoxue charged the skill, he fought to pull the stinky fox in as a cushion even if he was injured.

Facing this cunning butcher, Li Jiu resolutely stepped into the death demon qi.

As soon as he stepped into this thick black fog, Li Jiu felt that the coat on his body began to gradually disintegrate, and the armor on the spirit master's body was different from the battle armor condensed by the spiritual power of the spirit pet.

Ordinary armor is unable to resist the corrosive effect of high-level dark spiritual power, and in just a few seconds, Li Jiu's body only has that water-dividing treasure armor to cover his body.

Every inch of Li Jiu's skin on the surface of his body seemed to be eaten by poisonous insects, and the pain was unbearable, the itch was unbearable, and his vision was greatly weakened.

Ordinary people who trespassed into the death demon qi like this had long turned into a pool of blood, but the power of gluttony and the wind of recovery in advent mode continued to heal Li Jiu's body.

"I see what trick do you want?"

Li Jiu sensitively dodged the slap of the iron hook in the butcher's hand, and then jumped nimbly around the butcher's side in two consecutive jumps.


The double-bladed lightning in his hand thundered, and Li Jiu suddenly attacked the butcher's left waist!

Pure hand-to-hand combat, butchers are not strong.

Facing the attack of one left and one right, angels and demons, although the butcher fought desperately to resist, he was finally injured again by the incomparably tacit combo technique of Li Yu and the two.

After the butcher's body once again withstood the bombardment of the light wings, the tall body smashed into the surrounding walls.

Sakura Ruoxue of the OB on the edge of the battlefield took the opportunity to throw a burning star and slapped it fiercely on the butcher's butt, and his skin and flesh bloomed with the flame of nothingness.

"Nice job!"


Strands of crimson spiritual power burst out from the butcher's body.

Bloodthirsty instinct, when the enemy or himself receives great damage and begins to bleed, the butcher will gain a strong increase in strength, but today it is triggered by the butcher's own blood spillage.

Li Jiu felt that his state of pity was about to end, "Rageous? Quick! "

In this dangerous tower, Li Jiu must maintain the spiritual health of himself and his spiritual pets.

Xiaoying, who was hovering above the Chamber of Secrets, saw that the battle had reached a stalemate, and in just a second, she made a decision, that is, to help her master fight together despite the large amount of damage caused by the death demon qi.

After learning of Xiaoying's decision, Li Jiu chose to respect her opinion, and he always treated Xiaoying as a girl, and he couldn't bear to let her suffer that heart-wrenching pain.

Yuguang dares to go deep into the enemy formation because the holy light attribute has a mutual effect on this death demon qi, plus its own healing skills, and Yan Yu's recovery wind can only support two people at present.

"Yan Yu, give Xiaoying a recovery, I'll be fine in a few minutes." After judging the situation, Li Jiu immediately withdrew the Death Demon Qi.

"Good." Yan Yu nodded.

Although Xiaoying's own recovery ability is also very strong, it is obviously not as good as the 'external plug-in' in Li Jiu's body, and the cyan wings on her outer surface are corroded and immediately fall off several layers!

Yuguang took advantage of the butcher's lack of attention, and the golden light in his hand hit a dazzling ball of light into Xiaoying's body, and the soft holy light wrapped around Xiaoying's body like a water hose to temporarily heal her injuries.

The butcher with poor skills was full of doubts: Did this group of people step on the fire pit and fight me? tnnd! Why hasn't it been poisoned yet!

The butcher flapped his wings behind his back and jumped into the air, trying to kill the abominable red-haired fox by killing the encirclement.

Ying Ruoxue quickly dodged the wind on the soles of her feet, and Yan Yu quickly summoned the green thorns to block the meat cutting knife in the butcher's hand in front of her, and then a wooden dragon binding accurately hit the butcher in the sky.

"Fixed! Fixed! "

Feather light and Xiaoying will also fly, and the two quickly flutter their wings to keep up, the green light flowes, and the dazzling holy light bombards the butcher's back fiercely.

Xiaoying's claws bombarded the butcher's limbs that could not resist, and Yuguang had a lot of combat experience, and with a backhand light wing slash that cut off the eagle wing behind the butcher, and kicked him from high in the air to the ground with both feet.

The nine tails of Sakuraruoxue, who had been waiting for a long time below, opened up at the same time, and the blossoming pure flame was like a ghost fire, and it was automatically sent towards the butcher who was beaten stiff!

The dazzling red lotus continued to explode, and the battle command coupled with the vulnerable effect of the divine order, there was no need for Sakura Ruoxue to waste her few spiritual power by casting the second stage effect of detonation.

"Ugly beasts dare to hurt Xiaoying'er? Go to hell! "

Bang bang ...

Nine deafening bombardments filled the sixth floor of the ancient tower, and the poor butcher was originally a stitching monster, and he had been blown up all over the ground, and the dead could no longer die.

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