Old Chu on the side spoke: "Chief Lin, Li Jiu and Patriarch Liu seem to be a little excessive, I'm afraid this kind of child's play is a little inappropriate."

Li Jiu said coldly: "It is indeed a throwing head, and after a while, this octopus trampled this temporary command post with a quick kick, and we all died."

"You actually dare to question my decision? When I Lin Jiang fought with Warcraft, you still didn't know where to wear open pants! Lin Jiang listened to the breath, but he could only secretly clench his fist in his hand.

Although Lin Jiang is nominally a commander..... But only temporary!

Lin Jiang didn't dare to point fingers at Lao Chu after knowing that he was the captain of the dragon hunting team....... That's the legendary elite army with a dragon spirit pet!

What's more, he Lin Jiang had more important things to do at this time.

"I didn't join the Spirit Master Association again..... Now that he is still a student of the Spirit Master Academy, when did the Spirit Master Association have a rule to force students to fight with Warcraft of this level? Li Jiu summoned Yuguang to protect himself and strode out of the command post intending to leave.

Li Jiu looked up at the Heavenly Demon Beast not far away, not forgetting to mend the knife: "In my opinion..... This is how you send the death stream, you don't see anything shrewd at all.... Do you want all the people here to accompany you to death? "

Nonsense!" Lin Jiang was so frightened that he sweated coldly behind his back.

This kid....

At this time, the level of the Heavenly Demon Beast has been raised to more than 60 levels, and it is invincible to absorb a large amount of Spirit Devouring Beast power, and every ten seconds there will be spirit masters and spirit pets to become its sword revenants.

But..... The sky is falling down on the top of the tall, this level of Warcraft is difficult to take by Li Jiu alone, what he needs most now is to improve his level and strength!

At the entrance of the temporary command post, Li Jiu met the four women of Ruoshui, who had just landed on the ground by the dust servant.

"Li Jiu?" A cry of surprise came.

"Huh? You are.... Shui Ruoxi? Li Jiu scratched his head when he saw the comer.

"Are you all right? But that's wonderful. "

Hmm.... If you're okay, I'm going to get out of here." Li Jiu nodded and signaled, there was Liu Zhenhan who did not want to go through this muddy water.

"You can come with us..... We will protect you. Shui Ruoxi nodded.

"Taking me one is also a burden, so forget it." Li Jiu waved his hand to refuse.

"Li Jiu, you can work with Ruoxi to clean up the little demon beasts in the surrounding area as a companion, it is impossible for our three holy lands to stand idly by and watch this kind of thing." Shui Qingxin suddenly spoke.

"Still.... Forget it. "

Li Jiu now just wants to leave this land of right and wrong to make plans, as long as he is out of Liu Zhenhan's sight, even if he exposes the truth that he has the Supreme Xuan Spirit Technique, it doesn't matter.

Li Jiu can choose to return to the Tianji Sect for decades and then come out to find Hua Tianding.

It's just that this is the next policy, and Li Jiu doesn't want to do it as a last resort.

"Okay then, we won't force you to stay." Shui Ruoxi said.

"Well, everyone, stay safe."

Li Jiu sighed in his heart, it was good to be alone outside, and joining these Spirit Master Sect forces was bound by rules.

Annoying individuals.

The silent Shui Qingyu paused when he passed by Li Jiu, took his hand and whispered: "Yefei Chi is dead, and the heaven-grabbing gourd on his body has not been recovered. After

hearing this, Li Jiu's heart set off earth-shattering waves!

Could it be.... Ye Fei Chi was killed by the four women in front of him?

Sky Grabbing Gourd... Did they not take it away for fear of setting themselves on fire?

I heard that this gourd can accelerate the speed of spiritual power cultivation, which is suitable for Li Jiu, who needs development time.

It's a bit of a heartwarming.... Still, it's a bit dangerous.

"Ruoxi's spiritual power is a little low in front of this demon beast.... It is too dangerous to let her return to the Holy Land alone, and it is also quite dangerous to fight this octopus with us, Li Jiu, if you can help us protect Ruoxi's safety... That broken gourd .... And this, all for you. "The palm of Shui Qinglu is weak and boneless, which makes people love it.

Li Jiu fixed her eyes and saw that there was a shining unknown object in her palm.

[Ultimate Holy Spirit Seal]: You can randomly strengthen the skills of the spirit pet, and the meaning of the phrase "Demand Sync Value 40

Water Qinglust" is quite explicit: we slaughtered Yefei Chi, but because of an accident and did not return the heaven-grabbing gourd, we were also afraid that Shui Ruoxi would encounter an accident on the way home alone, so we wanted to ask Li Jiu to be a bodyguard to protect Shui Ruoxi when fighting the octopus.

The reward is the ultimate Holy Spirit Seal plus the Heaven-Conquering Gourd.

It's just that the heaven-grabbing gourd is like a hot potato, if the water holy land is not willing to touch it, their original intention is not to kill people and seize treasures... Instead, I want to tell Dingtiangong: The power of the Holy Land is inviolable.

After a while, when he learned that his son had been killed, the lord of Dingtian Palace, who was protecting the short, would definitely come to the door to seek revenge, and there was no human evidence or material evidence, and there was no proof that the lord of Dingtian Palace was dead.

Li Jiu you like it..... Go get it yourself!

After hunting the octopus Wakasui Holy Land, people can go home with peace of mind.

Although Li Jiu has the feeling of being used as a gun by Ruoshui Holy Land, I have to say that this ownerless high-grade treasure is like a peerless beauty on the street, waiting for you to pick it up.... Somewhat tempting.

It is estimated that if you shout now, Liu Zhenhan's old dog will rush to pick it up!

Li Jiu glanced at the [Ultimate Holy Spirit Seal] in the center of the jade hand, and thought about the life-saving talisman in his pocket, in case of a real accident, he would run away directly, anyway, Shui Ruoxi as a saint of the holy land must have a lot of treasures herself, there is no need to die for her birth.

Wouldn't it be beautiful to go through the motions and get a reward?

Don't give away the treasures you send to your door!

Li Jiuyi walked to Shui Ruoxi's side with words, "It is simply my honor to be able to level up with Water Fairy, presumably there is no man in the world who can refuse, right?" "

Actually, I wanted to refuse, but they gave too much!

The more such things as the Ultimate Holy Spirit Seal, the better!

Shui Ruoxi looked at Li Jiu with a look of disgust, and said in her heart: Come less! Just now, you still refused to come, obviously you were fascinated by the treasure!


nine imperial pets next door seem to have entered, everyone is the same type and a little afraid, checking their own text overnight, only one is sorry today.

I'm afraid that tomorrow this one will be gone.


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