It was all around and there was no finger to reach.

If he hadn't seen the women in the spirit pet space, Li Jiu would even have some doubts about whether he was hanging?

"The host... Are you okay?

"It should be fine, reasoning may be in teleportation." Li Jiu analyzed his situation.

He looked at the stone in his palm.

[Broken ninth-order Warcraft Spirit Core]: The withered Warcraft Spirit Core is almost of little use.

It seems that the self-explosion of the Heavenly Demon Beast has released all its own power.

That is to say, the Heavenly Demon Beast was originally a level 80+ Warcraft, and it fell to level 50 after being suppressed by the enchantment.

If the people from the Spirit Master Association came too slowly, with the number and characteristics of Spirit Devouring Beasts, I am afraid that Kanglong City would be completely removed.

Li Jiu shook his head and wanted to throw it into the system space.

But for some reason, here Li Jiu can't summon the system space.... The system seems to be away from him at this moment?

All other functions are temporarily blocked and nothing happens.

To hell with it.... What the hell is this place?


I don't know how long it took, Li Jiu's eyes finally lit up, and the long darkness made him subconsciously close his eyes.

Li Jiu opened his eyes again and found that he was already in a strange place.

There is a tree in front of him..... Old crooked neck tree.

Blooming peach blossoms, a faint fragrance on the face, under the feet is a wooden boardwalk, a thin layer of blue water does not exceed a few centimeters of the boardwalk... Floating flowers fall on a waterhole that looks like a mirror at a glance.

Several light boats are moored at random on the edge of the boardwalk, and young green snakes, crabs, frogs and other amphibian spiritual pets are constantly wandering around.

It's as beautiful as a fairyland on earth, and it's not real at all.

Li Jiu patrolled around and found the old crooked neck tree... There are four passages around the peach blossom tree, one of which ends in an exquisite ancient pavilion.

A woman in a white robe sat with her back caressing the piano, and a faint white mist surrounded her body, making people feel that this woman's temperament was extraordinary.

A six-tailed fox that looked similar to the cold jade fox with an extraordinary temperament lay quietly at the woman's feet, and it climbed up very alert after seeing Li Jiu.

"What's wrong?" A soft and pleasant female voice came.

Li Jiu thought about it: People who can survive in this kind of place look very good, so it's better to be polite.

Li Jiu summoned Yuguang to protect himself and then walked forward, hugging his fists and saying, "Hello... The... Fairy? The

white-robed woman slowly turned around, she looked more than 30 years old, her face was beautiful, her figure was bumpy and exuding the taste that a mature woman should have, and her gentle and beautiful temperament was very rare.

The woman glanced at Li Jiu, and then at the feather light beside Li Jiu, "I didn't expect anyone to come to this place." The

little surprise on her face became... Doubt?

"It's a pity..... This is not where you should be, it looks like the seal has failed. The woman slowly turned around and said gently.

Li Jiu said sincerely: "I didn't mean to offend the tranquility here, I came here for some reason after using the random teleportation stone. "

Random teleportation stone?" The woman's voice changed slightly.


After learning that Li Jiu did not deliberately break into this place, she turned to face Li Jiu again and said, "This is an ominous place. "


When Li Jiu heard the foreboding, he quickly took out his weapon, took a few steps back on guard, and looked around.

Unexpectedly, the woman in white saw the weapon in Li Jiu's hand but exclaimed: "Snow Moon Double Blade? How could it be with you?

Li Jiu was also startled by the woman's shout: "Fairy..... Know this weapon? The

woman in white picked up the snow fox that had transformed into a simulated form and skillfully ruffled its hair.

"Well, I saw it born with my own eyes, and when I saw it again, I understood what providence is."

Before Li Jiu could speak, the woman continued, "Have you ever been to a black tower?" There is still a half-dead white dragon imprisoned inside?

"How do you know?" Li Jiu wiped the cold sweat that did not exist on his head.

Could it be that this woman would search for her soul in the air?

I didn't say it myself?

"So that's what she meant by Providence? Hey...," the woman looked up at the old crooked neck tree with some dismay.

"What do fairies call?" Li Jiu felt a little awe at this woman who seemed to know everything.

"My surname is Yun." She muttered.

"Yun Fairy, I actually just want to leave here and look for the legendary Hua Tianding by the way." Li Jiu said tentatively.

"Hua Tianding? Haven't heard of it.

Li Jiu frowned slightly, and said in his heart: She has not heard of Hua Tianding?

No, no reason?

Li Jiu hugged his fists and said, "How do I get out of here?" It doesn't seem to be the Holy Spirit Star I know. "

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