"You abominable human being! Dare to deceive me? "

It's a pity that Willard at this moment is not in human form, or his facial expression must be interesting.

"It can't be..... That's impossible! Verard stared at the aurora blade that penetrated the bloodstained abdomen, "This is the Imperial Demon Space, how could you angel break into it?"

"There's no reason....."

It's not that Willard released the water, Li Jiu had tried to summon other spirit pets, and other spirit pets except Yuguang and Yan Wan really couldn't be summoned by Li Jiu.

"Not so much impossible! Are you a head show funny? Locked up stupid? Knowing the sins in the hearts of mankind, dare to believe me like this? Li Jiu sneered, and then the strength in his hand became even heavier.

Verade paused: "You're right..... Believing in humans is my biggest mistake, and I will never trust anyone from now on!

"There are two more and more than four!"

Although Willard's ontology is the evil of chaos, it is only a newborn 'consciousness'.

Who says that the consciousness of the evil of chaos must be bad?

Who dares to say that the consciousness of the Light of Chaos must be a good person?


Lightwing chop!

Li Jiu and Yuguang's bodies staggered back and forth to form a series of virtual shadows, purple thunder, brilliant holy light constantly bombarded Verade's cow at a speed that was invisible to the naked eye!

"You forced me! Yes!! The

fist of fury was as fast as lightning, and the left and right slammed into Li Jiuyuguang respectively, and the shock waves generated by the collision of blades and fists scattered and exploded.

If these two punches of Willard in their heyday were to fall down, Li Jiu and Yuguang would definitely be beaten into meat mud, and it would be difficult to resist this monstrous demon qi with their current level.

It is a pity that the current Willard is not much better, the whole body strength has been taken away by Dai Meng, and there is currently only about half of the power of rage.

Willard saw with his own eyes that he didn't have the upper hand in his strength, and he couldn't help but be a little annoyed.

The Demon King, who was teased twice by humans, turned on the Incompetent Fury mode.

"Endless rage!"

Willard's roar and roar can be described as a loss of heaven and earth.

The cyan giant bull was covered in hot flames, and a pair of round bull's eyes seemed to be the pupils of the demon gods in hell.

The ferocious wolf-like Willard's physical functions seemed to have been strengthened several times, and at a distance of just more than ten meters, a continuous rain of fists blasted towards Li Jiu, and at this moment it seemed that the entire gladiatorial arena was trembling.

"So fast!" Li Jiu secretly said something bad, and subconsciously used his weapon to block in front of him.

Bang bang bang!

The sound of continuous punches hitting hard objects continued to sound.

The holy brilliance blocked Li Jiu's body, and Yuguang turned on his defensive skills in time to block these deadly combos for Li Jiu.

Yuguang snorted: "Master, I'm fine..." Now

is not the moment for the love of children, Li Jiu quickly dodged to not add a defensive burden to Yuguang.

"This trick can't actually kill you?"

Willard was furious, his eyes only had Li Jiu, and he continued to chase after Yuguang, who was slightly injured in front of him.

The cyan giant bull locked onto the black-haired youth not far away, it arched its body, and with an angry blue flame above its head, it savagely rushed with an unshakable momentum, and crashed madly!

There was a hint of sadness on the corner of Verard's mouth.

Through the two encounters just now, it has already figured out Li Jiu's approximate movement speed, and his speed under the blessing of endless anger can definitely kill this bastard in front of him who does not know whether he is dead or alive.

Just pity this intact flesh..... The plan to leave here has to be delayed for a long time.

Only spilled blood and broken internal organs can restore the angry bull to normal.

Li Jiu had just escaped a few steps when he heard a strong wind whistling behind his ears, and he then turned on the Divine Mercy and True Body mode, and the ominous black flame wrapped his tall body.

The two-stage transformation coupled with the strengthening effect of divine mercy made Li Jiu's five senses and reaction speed several times stronger than before.

It's a pity that the time of God's mercy is too short, and it can only be used as a hole card skill.


Li Jiu only left a black afterimage in place, quickly moved dozens of feet away, and smoothly dodged Willard's angry angle.


The floor where the afterimage was located shattered at this moment, and Verard's powerful and savage charge could only hit the iron pillar next to the gladiatorial arena because it lost its target, and the entire gladiatorial arena shook.

"Stop messing around with you!"

Li Jiu caught the gap that Willard could not defend, this is a good stake!

It's a pity not to fight.

"Prisoner Dragon."

Li Jiu's left fist turned into several black dragons and roared, and a cloud of red demon flames suddenly burst out in his right hand, a familiar combination of prisoner dragon + flame breaking technique!

With the blessing of the state of divine mercy, Li Jiu did not need to worry about his spiritual power consumption, one minute of unlimited fire time!

Verard, who had just gotten up, sneered, he saw that Li Jiu's move was extraordinary, but at the moment he was still in the demon space, as long as he was still in this space, Verad was the absolute master!

"Endless demonic power, how are you killing me?"

"Then you'll see."

Verad shouted, his fists slammed to the ground and he got up, and the scorching waves of fire forced Li Jiu and Yuguang to take off again.

The spirit pet without the ability to fly will surely die in the face of the fury of the sinful demon.

The roaring black dragon suddenly accelerated and suddenly bit Verard's body, and one after another pitch-black lock links followed, tying Verad to a five-flower tie!

But Villard was not afraid but laughed at Li Jiu: "It's useless! Lord Verad is immortal and invincible!

"Not dead? I don't believe it. Li Jiu smiled coldly.

Dazzling holy light rippled in the space, and Yuguang had already used the Good Saint Healing Technique to recover the injuries caused by the Serial Fury Fist.

She quickly rushed with elegant and luxurious steps in her hand, and the killing move in her hand was indeed extremely powerful, and the move was stabbed to the key point of Willard, and the brilliant blade shuttled back and forth on the green bull.

The feather light under the blessing of the divine order effect can definitely severely damage Warcraft above level 50, but Verad in front of him only snorted a few times but did not suffer fatal injuries.

Is it so meaty?

Shouldn't it?

"I said it all, it's useless!" Verard laughed wildly, "No one can destroy me!"

"You dead cow is really enough meat, Xiao Ye can't do it without making a big move!" Li Jiu gritted his teeth.

Willard half-knelt on the ground and raised his head and laughed, as if he heard the funniest joke in the world, and then a pair of bull's eyes stared at Li Jiu: "Stupid human, I just stand here and you can't kill me by 100 knives, 1000 knives or even 10000 knives!"

"The power of chaos is simply not something you can understand! Just wait for the time to end and be killed by me!"

"The price of a betrayer... Only death! "

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