Bai Chengyun rushed to the hospital and saw Xu Yanran lying on the hospital bed dying. Her clothes were already ragged, and there was blood on her forehead. Before Bai Chengyun had time to look at her carefully, the nurse came forward and said, "who are you from this lady?"

Tears were left in the corners of his eyes. Bai Chengyun hurriedly wiped them dry. "I'm her friend. What's the matter with her?"

"The doctor has made a preliminary examination. The young lady was drugged with ecstasy, and her injury was probably caused by falling from a height. You should hurry to pay for it now, and then we will arrange the operation as soon as possible."

As he spoke, the nurse handed him the bill, "by the way, the uncle over there is the person who sent her."

Looking down the nurse's hand, Bai Chengyun sure enough saw a man lying across the bench in front. Thinking he was the one who made Xu Yanran look like this, Bai Chengyun came forward and grabbed his collar.

"Say! What's going on!" Bai Chengyun was startled. The man shrunk his shoulders and didn't know what to say for a moment. At the critical moment, Bai Chengfeng came forward in time to hold him.

"Bai Chengyun, calm down. This man saved Xu Yanran!"

Bit by bit, he broke Bai Chengyun's hand, and Bai Chengfeng trapped him by his side.

"I'm sorry, because that woman is very important to my brother. He just apologized again because he was afraid of offending you." Bai Chengyun forced Bai Chengyun to bow with himself. Bai Chengfeng heard the man speak.

"Don't worry, I understand. I'm afraid I'll go crazy if I see my wife like this. But it really has nothing to do with me."

"Could you tell me more about it?"

"Well, I'm the cleaner of HaoChen hotel. In the afternoon, when I came to change my colleague's shift and cleaned the safety passage, I found this young lady. At that time, her clothes were untidy and her body was full of scars. When I saved her, she seemed to be talking about something, but I didn't hear it clearly."

After listening to him tell the story in detail, Bai Chengfeng turned his head and saw that Bai Chengyun had stabilized, so he released his hand. He took out a pile of money from his bag and put it into his hand. Bai Chengfeng bowed slightly. "Thank you very much for this today. These will be regarded as the reward for your hard work. But I hope you don't mention it to others. I'm afraid the person who killed her will know it will be bad for you."

The man politely said a few words. Then he took the money and left. As soon as he left, Bai Chengyun slipped down from his chair.

Squatting on the ground, his hands clutching his hair, "it's all my fault, I didn't protect me, Xu Yanran, it's all my fault..."

Reading it over and over again, the light in Bai Chengyun's eyes gradually darkened.

He really couldn't imagine what had happened in these short hours. Even as long as Xu Yanran lay on the hospital bed in his mind, he felt that his heart was about to be torn apart.

"Bai Chengyun!" knowing Xu Yanran's experiences, Bai Chengfeng was also very distressed. Looking at Bai Chengyun's decadent appearance, he hated to speak.

"Yes, it's your fault. Because of your incompetence, the person you like will lie in the hospital bed at the moment. Because of your incompetence, you can only go crazy here alone at the moment. The person you like is obviously injured and in urgent need of surgery, but there is no one to pay for her!"

Bai Chengfeng's words hit Bai Chengyun's heart like a slap. The tears in the corners of his eyes haven't been wiped clean. Bai Chengyun quickly got up, "go and look at Xu Yanran. I'll pay the money."

Before Bai Chengyun could move, Bai Chengfeng grabbed him and sighed. Bai Chengfeng confessed, "I'll pay the money."

The heart moved, Bai Chengyun slowly came to Xu Yanran's side.

Firmly holding her hand, Bai Chengyun almost knelt in front of her bed, "Yan Ran, I'm sorry to make you suffer so much. Don't worry, no matter who is behind the scenes, I will avenge you!"

The long finger swept Xu Yanran's forehead. Bai Chengyun gently helped her tidy up her broken hair. The people on the bed trembled like frightened, "no, no, please let me go!"

Her voice was so low that Cheng Yun had to lean to her ear in order to hear her innocence.

The next second, others have frozen in place.

Xu Yanran said, "Cheng Zichu, come and save me, Cheng Zichu..."

The three words burst like thunder in Bai Chengyun's ear. He had just calmed his mood, and the storm rolled up again at this moment.

If she knew Cheng Zichu's indifferent attitude towards her, would she still shout these three words so persistently?

Bai Chengfeng came back after paying the money and saw such a picture. After helping the nurse push Xu Yanran into the operating room, Bai Chengfeng asked, "what happened just now?"

He obviously felt that Bai Chengyun's state was different from that just now. Maybe Yan Ran was lying in the hospital bed and couldn't do anything. What could hit Bai Chengyun?

But no matter what he asked, Bai Chengyun was deep and refused to speak this time. What did he say? Did he tell his brother that they had spent so much effort, but all they got was Cheng Zichu?

Or tell him that the woman he loves deeply really depends on other men?

"Brother, I'm afraid I have to stay in the hospital often these days, but don't worry, I won't leave the company's affairs behind. I must deal with them all, because my energy is limited. I still need your help on two things."

I can guess what Bai Chengyun is going to say. Bai Chengfeng nods to signal him to continue.

"First, I don't want to see Cheng Zichu, so it's hard for you to let out the news that Xu Yanran's disappearance was just because she had a serious fever and fainted, so she didn't receive everyone's call. Second, help me find out who shot Xu Yanran, and then give him to me."

Bai Chengyun's logic is clear and rigorous at the moment, which is different from the silly boy who just went crazy. Bai Chengfeng was surprised and nodded quickly.

For Bai Chengfeng, the most important person in the world is his brother. If you can exchange Xu Yanran's injury for Bai Chengyun's growth, then in his opinion, everything is worth it.

No longer struggling to break up the two people, Bai Chengfeng got up, "I'll have people send documents and meals every day. Remember to call me whenever you have anything. Also, don't be impulsive. Remember, there are people waiting for you to protect behind you."

With that, Bai Chengfeng left slowly.

Blindfolded with both hands, Bai Chengyun's tears have dried up before they fall. For his beloved woman, he should become a man who can be alone!

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