However, Xu Yanran sneered with disdain and retorted, "President Cheng thinks he knows me very well?"

"What do you want? The conditions for the acquisition of Yunmeng are good. You can negotiate after reading the contract if you are not satisfied." Cheng Zichu just thought Xu Yanran was dissatisfied with the acquisition conditions. He casually said that he completely angered Xu Yanran standing aside.

"Hiss -"

Xu Yanran took the contract and tore it in half without looking at it. She kneaded it into a paper ball. A perfect parabola passed and put it into the trash can accurately.

"What are you doing?"

Cheng Zichu looked at Xu Yanran's puzzling actions, then realized that she was wrong and wanted to stop, but it was too late.

Xu Yanran clapped her hands and was very stubborn. "President Cheng should not have this unrealistic idea! Yunmeng will not be acquired by you, but will continue to develop. I have decided to compete with Bai's cooperation. President Cheng will wait and see!"

When Cheng Zichu heard Bai Shi, he immediately realized what project Xu Yanran was talking about. The first reaction in his heart was fear. He was afraid that she was competing because of Bai Chengyun.

"Yunmeng is under Cheng's banner now. I don't agree. Yunmeng can't win it." Cheng Zichu's face was black and his tone was obviously angry.

Xu Yanran didn't want to talk to him any more and turned to leave. Cheng Zichu looked at her determined back and seemed to feel that she was not the same as Xu Yanran four years ago.

"Bang -"

Cheng Zichu threw the documents at hand to the ground and rubbed his temples very irritably. He felt an inexplicable anger in his heart. It happened that the telephone rang. Cheng Zichu answered the phone without looking at it.

"Zichu, are you finished?"

Lin Baoer's voice came from the receiver. Cheng Zichu was even more upset when he heard it. "Go eat by yourself today. I have something to do. Another day." with that, Cheng Zichu hung up the phone.

"Zichu, is there something wrong with the company? Hello, hello..."

Lin Baoer is downstairs of Cheng. Listening to Cheng Zichu, he is very angry and hangs up the phone. He blames Xu Yanran for all these crimes. She didn't trust Xu Yanran to be with Cheng Zichu. She wanted to call to test. Unexpectedly, Cheng Zichu hung up her phone.

Thinking of being distracted, Lin bao'er turned and caught a glimpse of Xu Yanran coming out of the door. As soon as he ran forward, he grabbed Xu Yanran's wrist.

Xu Yanran was startled by Lin bao'er who rushed out suddenly. She took back her wrist and stepped back two steps before she said sarcastically, "Oh, it's just that she told President Cheng about some business. What are you so nervous about? It's not noon yet. Is it early to eat French food now?"

Ignoring her sarcasm, Lin bao'er pulled Xu Yanran up and went out. She knew that Cheng Zichu would be even colder to herself if she knew.

Xu Yanran got rid of Lin bao'er, and her face was disgusted. "What's to say here? Where do you want to take me? What's to say secretly?"

Lin bao'er looked at Xu Yanran, who threw off her wrist, and her face was full of amazement. Four years ago, she would only cry for her own people. Is this strong action really what Xu Yanran can do?

Looking at Lin bao'er's expression, Xu Yanran guessed what she was thinking. She smiled, rubbed Lin bao'er's shoulder and stopped beside her. In Lin bao'er's ear, she said contemptuously: "Lin bao'er, four years ago, as long as you become more disgusting, can't I change? When I was Xu Yanran who only cried and ran away four years ago, is it stupid?"

With that, Xu Yanran straightened her waist and walked past Lin bao'er. The expression on Lin bao'er's face gradually twisted from amazement, clenched his fist, and his eyes were full of hate.

Back to Yunmeng, Xu Yanran called everyone to a meeting and finished all the projects on her head as soon as possible. The company made every effort to strive for the cooperation project with Bai.

Yunmeng's action soon aroused the ideas of people in the industry. Although Yunmeng is under Cheng's banner, it is still a small company after all. Such open competition soon caused a commotion. Many companies are guessing whether Yunmeng, a small start-up company, has such courage and is backed by Cheng.

Lin Baoer was naturally worried when she knew about this matter. She was afraid that it had something to do with Cheng Zichu, but she didn't dare to mention Xu Yanran in front of Cheng Zichu. She could only inquire about the information through the internal information of Lin's group.

"What, mom, you mean Yunmeng is making his own decisions?"

In Lin's house, Lin bao'er suddenly sat up from the sofa and looked unbelievable. "She's not a courageous person. How can she be good at making ideas and win this big project!"

Lin's mother sat Lin bao'er down, sighed and said, "listen to your father, Yunmeng has a strong momentum and has suppressed Lin's family in several projects. I'm afraid it will be worse in the future. You should marry Cheng Zichu early so as to seize Cheng's group!"

Lin bao'er wanted to refute something, but she suddenly remembered what Xu Yanran said in her ear some time ago, and a terrible look flashed in her eyes.

Yunmeng was pushed to the cusp of the storm. Cheng Zichu really couldn't sit still. That day, he ran to Yunmeng to find Xu Yanran.

"I won't buy Yunmeng, but Yunmeng will quit this project!"

Cheng Zichu opened the door of the office, and a loud bang made Xu Yanran pull out her mind from her work. She looked at Cheng Zichu with an angry face at the door.

"President Cheng came here to talk about it?"

"Otherwise?" Cheng Zichu raised his eyebrows, his eyes full of seriousness, as if it would explode in the next second.

Xu Yan puffed a smile and got up to pour a cup of coffee for Cheng Zichu. "In this case, I'm afraid it will disappoint president Cheng. I remember what I said that day. Yunmeng will not be acquired, but will cooperate with Bai."

Cheng Zichu looked at Xu Yanran's confident appearance and seemed to have guessed something. He pulled Xu Yanran's arm and tried to suppress his anger. "Don't forget that Yunmeng is just a small company with such a big information you brought. I said, Yunmeng quit, don't let me say it again!"

"What if I don't? What can Cheng always do for me?" Xu Yanran just smiled at Cheng Zichu and didn't resist. She let Cheng Zichu pull herself.

Cheng Zichu suddenly thought of something. He sneered and threw away Xu Yanran. "Oh! I forgot Bai, but there is another man named Bai Chengyun. No wonder you are so bold to find Bai's cooperation. I'm afraid you're not going to hook up with President Bai again?! you're really stubborn!"

Xu Yanran was thrown away by Cheng Zichu. Her hair scattered just blocked the desolate self mocking smile on her face. It turned out that she had always been such an unbearable person in Cheng Zichu's heart.

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